Doesn't anyone notice how the reason Rome fell was due to them allowing in millions of barbarian refugees and pandering to their needs, yet we do the same today?
Doesn't anyone notice how the reason Rome fell was due to them allowing in millions of barbarian refugees and pandering...
>Doesn't anyone notice how the reason Rome fell was due to them allowing in millions of barbarian refugees
That's like saying the Soviet Union fell because journalistic freedom.
>Rome allows in muh poor refugees
>Rome grants them land and a good life
>Alaric and his nigger friends proceed to sack Rome and rape and pillage throughout the empire
>they continue to allow in rapefugees who continue to attack the empire despite their generosity
You must be doing some serious mental gymnastics if you think the immigrants weren't responsible for the eventual death of Rome
I think sandniggers and all the rest should fuck out of Europe as much as the next guy but this is a stupid argument
The Visigothic "refugees" were treated by shit like the Romans. They were pushed to the brink of starvation, and then they were forced to sell themselves or their children into slavery in exchange for food. Not really comparable to how Europe treats refugees today.
Either out of ignorance or intellectual dishonesty you are outright ignoring all of the political instability, economic turmoil, internal discord & ruinous military adventures that lead up the point and reducing your conclusion to a single factor.
>Xenophobic reinterpretation of Roman history fails to take into account multiple things.
Including, but not limited to:
A) The Romans were conquerors who took over "barbarian" lands and attempted to civilize. When your borders stretch to encompass foreigners, it's a bit childish to complain about foreigners inside your borders.
B) You got Christianity from one of these so called barbarian cultures. A lot of people on this board like Christianity and are Christian, and will argue this being a benefit of late Rome's foreign population. I'm not one of them, but I'm point this out.
C) Modern states like the USA have social programs technologies, economies and social structures so far flung from that ancient Roman empire, which depended so heavily on slavery (slavery that was much more prolific and different from USA negro slavery). To try and compare the situations here is a bit of a stretch. As a percentage of the population, we had way more immigrants in the 1800s and early 1900s and people back then thought it would be the end, and we turned out alright because our relatively egalitarian lifestyle ends up being more appealing than the culture the "invaders" came from, and the melting pot factor prevents anyone from being too dogmatic about their culture. American immigrants hang their culture on their walls at home more than they wear it on their sleeves out and about. There are vocal types, I am sure, but they are the loud, noticeable exception rather than the quiet, ubiquitous rule.
I could go on. Pic related. It's what people thought about immigrants "back then."
I don't know much about Irish Americans but keep in mind that the assimilation of German Americans was not an entirely peaceful process but also came on the back of anti-German violence and fear that forced the German language in the USA to die down and Germans to change their names to ones which sounded more English for fear of discrimination and persecution.
Funny, ain't it?
All these undercurrents.
You mean barbarian mercenaries hired to fight in the almost constant civil strife that were paid in land because it was easier to give that than gold?
Yes, totally the exact same situation as today, oniifam.
What really destroyed Rome was Christianity.
All of the abrahamic religions are cancer.
Go to bed Gibbon
>allowing in
more like conquering them
I don't think Jews control the media.
I don't think Jews poisoned the wells.
But I do think Jews invented Christianity to destabilize Roman culture and politics, and that the roman government decided to go ahead and sanction that process under constantine centuries later.
You're retarded, kys.
There's your (You)
actually constantine made christanity a roman thing, mixing it with pagan beliefs
Well this country has a long standing tradition of the newly accepted immigrant groups getting assblasted when the next crop of impoverished souls show up.
>jews invented christianity to destabilize rome
how the fuck was that supposed to work?
That's not what he said
They fell because the costs of upkeep increased while the profits stayed the same.
>people think Rome would have accepted migrants if they had a choice
>people don't realize that the population of Europe declined continuously from the second century AD to the seventh
>people don't realize that there literally weren't enough Romans left to keep control of the empire with native born legions
The image came down to
Romans didn't have space travel and genetic engineering
That's how Rome built the empire in the first place, might as well be the cause of its downfall
So you don't think Jews control the media, even though Jews in the media admit to it? But you do believe they made up a new religion, just hedging their bets it would take off and hundreds of years later would become the de-facto religion of the empire?
They needed fighters.
Delet This
The reason Rome fell was because its entire economy was based on taking slaves and wealth from new conquests. The limits of technology (transportation, preservation, communication, logistics, bureaucracy etc) in Roman times meant that Rome simply could not expand any further past roughly what they had under Trajan/Hadrian. They maybe could have expanded a little more on their eastern border but the roughly equally powerful Persian empires had already called dibs. Barbarians or not Rome's economic model had simply reached a point where it could no longer sustain itself.