Is Shi'ism just a heavily Zoroastrian-ized version of Islam?
Is Shi'ism just a heavily Zoroastrian-ized version of Islam?
No. At least, not originally and not intentionally.
People in heavily shi'a areas tend to celebrate zoroastrian-derived stuff like norouz just due to pre-existing persian influence in those areas. I can see some people mistaking this for shi'ism itself having that influence.
Its a political divide you orientalist christian retard
Edward Said is a laughing stock
This lmao
Yes, the rawafidh claim to be Muslim, but they pray to Ali and their twelve "imams", instead of to Allah himself. When you question them, they use taqqiya to hide their heathen beliefs.
Shia are worse than Christians, they lie and kill and curse the Prophet's companions.
No. It is idiocy to read back Iranian religion to the founding of shi'ism. It's like claiming that Billy Graham invented Christianity. Read a fucking book you knuckle-dragging retard.
His position is very much overstated, but not fundamentally wrong. It's just not all that dissimilar to the way easterners view westerners, or anyone views any unfamiliar culture.
What do you think of Ali?
Was he a legit rashidun caliph?
it started as a whining about succession, and now it is the "white version" of Islam
t. Knows nothing about Islam or Zoroastrianism
Ali was a great man, Sunnis still respect him and consider him one of the rightful four caliphs.
It's just the Shias who worship him and push this "imam" heresy.
Were the Abbasids unrightful?
>Political Divide
>Twelve Imams
>Ali's Imamat
>Falsified Quran of Uthman
Pick one
t. Daesh
Why? Shia and sunni just disagree on pretty minor things, they're fundamentally the same. Also the shia split was political in nature, not religious per se
>was an entire dynasty ruling over one of the most prosperous regions of the known world unrightful?
not him but people like you need to stop interjecting religion and gud/ebil dichotomies into clearly political motivations
besides, technically everyone after the Rashidun weren't as rightly guided. Doesn't mean they were all heathens or necessarily unrighteous. Anybody who has studied classical arabic literature knows how lewd Arabs were since the before times
No, it's original Arabic-Farsi belif
Look up source of names like Israfel, Harout & Maroth or even Tabris.
Persian civilisation had Vedic, Zoroastrian and Islamic phases, Sunni then Shia.
But the Shias were present before, in the form of Ismailis. You can know the story of Shia Caliph Nizar who used servie of the Assassins to restore him to the rightful throne.
Don't search logic in it, take it you know Mithraism and Manichaeism.
The differences today are docrtinal and practical, not political
Ali = Sah Ismail I >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> allah
fuck allah
in arabia no, after the savafids force converted iranian sunnis to shia islam, they started putting some zoroastrian shit in it
No. Shiism is entirely arab, its theology is also founded by arabs. Iranians are only shia now because some turks forcefully converted them to shiism.
Fun fact, zoroaster wasn't even from modern day iran, he was from northern afghanistan, the avesta doesn't even mention persia (fars province) or really anywhere in iran aside from the eastern part.
Like what?
Yes, Iran and Hizbollah are totally about doctrine and practice, not politics.
Najaf and Qom have come closer together than ever before, and it wasn't because they suddenly discovered their theologies lined up.
To put it simply Shia Islam since the Safavids has been largely synonymous Iranian/Persian Islam. Just like European Christianity held on to A LOT from European Paganism, all forms of Iranian Islam held onto a lot of Zoroastrianism.
This "Persian Islam" (which was still Sunni) used lots of Zoroastrian symbolism in it's art, and even went so far as to display pictures of the Prophet and his family, which is unheard of in most Islamic art and probably stems from Zoroastrian artistic traditions.
Persian Islam historically has also had a more hierarchical, organized Ulema/Clerical system than traditional Arab Islam has, which some scholars believe is an echo of the powerful Zoroastrian priestly class.
Furthermore, Persian Islam has practices like venerating ancestors/"Saints", and being a litttle lose with Islam's typically extreme monotheism and having a huge hard-on for Mohamed's son-in-law Ali.