ITT Countries which could and should Balkanise
t. Catalan regionalist
Reminder that the ONLY European countries that should balkanize are Spain, the United Kingdom, and Belgium.
Why is "Balkanisation" such a negative word in European politics? Surely it just shows that jamming a bunch of different ethnic groups into one country just results in war, and Balkanisation is a good thing?
You want us to be weak, right jew/moor/spic/britbong/frenchfrog?
>Why is "Balkanisation" such a negative word in European politics?
I blame the 90's, and the Balkans
or he could just be basque french ya know
Here you go, pham
Whats wrong with bavaria?
>Not in Castille.
why is flanders not just part of the netherlands
why is wallonia not part of france
The division between westernized secular Turks - Rural Turks is greater than the Turkish-Kurdish divide. I think Turkey will be partitioned into 3 parts: Kurdistan, The conservative inner land and more western coastal area..
You're already weak
>why is flanders not just part of the netherlands
>why is wallonia not part of france
Because they don't want to be, obviously.
"I am firmly convinced that Spain is the strongest country of the world. Century after century trying to destroy herself and still no success."
It basically leads to world wars.
Wasn't it the other way around, world wars leading to balkanisation?
t. Frog or Brit
This would lead to a lot of inner turmoil. But the rest of the world be so much more stable.
I approve
Basque French know what will happen if they try to quit, so they are not stupid enough to try to do that, which leave us with the Scotts and the Catalans.
Since the OP use a pic of Spain, he is clearly Catalan.
That's not balkanisation, you fucking retard
This. I'm aware of the horrors of war, but the main cause was the forced union and the butthurt caused by it. I'm sure there's no country in ex-yugoslavia except maybe Serbia that wants to come back. The Balkanization of the Balkans was literally the only good thing that happened in that area in a long time.
The USA. It looks like shit and it's too big.
Let us call it Helvetisation. Balkanisation has a too bloody association with it.
Catalans, Galicians and Basques should be happy Spanish Catholic Monarchies are much more respectful of local peoples than Republics otherwise they would be extinct like all non french nationalities in France.
France itself wont let Catalonia be independent or join the European Union if Spain is too inept to prevent its independence.
leaving thousands of nukes in the hands of siberian nomads
most of those countries already have majority ethnic russians.
You wot m8?
Because they are separate nations.
Hell I 'm half French and if anything I would rather France get the Flemish than the Wallocucks.
In fact France should balkanize : then entire South West is what drags the country down. Fuck them. They are Greek tier of untrustworthiness. They are also the only white people still voting left and their regions have been gibsmedating liek maniac for one full century now (in spite of sever seeing combat in the world wars).
this is so shitty
they have a secessionist movement...
they still pretend to be differnt from the rest of germany...
Tbh I am Impressed at how France is one of the least Likely of all "Big" European Countries to Balkanize
Heck even Italy and Germany Federalized
Balkanization is cancer and no current countries should break apart.
>Balkanization is cancer
> world goverment would be great
>t.borders are evil XD
they've been striving to be ethnically homogenous since the revolution, longer than any other nation, gradually destroying regional identies, cultures and especially languages
no to mention they effectively invented nationalism setting the stage for both world wars and countless revolutions (germany dindu nuthin)
Actually my serious opinion everything should be balkanized as much as possible and put together in balanced regional federacies/unions/whatevers.
Nations will always follow their selfish interests, this way they would at least be very hard to follow since you got opposing nations in the union and then neigbouring unions. I honestly believe that this would be the best way for modern world to work and i would actually love to be proven wrong.
Every German I've ever met hates Bavaria.
>in this world there's still a Belgium
>Occitania and Normandy separatists group
It's the Texas of Germany with all that entails.
Yeah? No shit.