Whats the history of traps?

Whats the history of traps?

I know I can't post it somewhere else because it would turn into a porn thread.

Looking for serious answers here.

I have read that some native cultures boys would grow up as girls and would be treated as women etc.

Was any of that true, or is this an agenda?

Other urls found in this thread:



I assume you meant these natives?


never even heard of them. i was referencing native americans

Native Americans have a zillion genders is a myth. However, the Bugis do indeed have five genders where boys are raised as girls, girls as men, and some to be androgynous. Most are still heterosexual men and women, though.

The bissu in that page really is androgynous. Like Pat.

that's crazy

but what about as far as history goes...because I suspect that it was probably around the same percentage that is today.

But I also suspect that it wasn't a big deal back then?

Most trans people in the ancient western world were probably relegated to undesirable castes along with thieves, actors, and prostitutes. If it were a similar number of them most probably hid their desires or convinced themselves of the devil's influence.

Of course outliers exist. James I was a huge flaming faggot and he didn't so bad for himself. Elagabalus on the other hand was a total nonce who got himself killed pretty quick.

For as long as there have been cute boys who could pass, there have been traps.
Some girls are just born with a penis

Traps are a natural outgrowing of eunuchs, which had a place in European society for a long time. Even as singers.


What's with this site's infatuation with traps?
You can probably fuck a tranny if you really want to guys.

Hello centurion, got a golden eagle for me?

Veeky Forums has always been obsessed with the obscene, especially when it comes to fapping. We had a loli, shota, and guro board at one point. Traps are just another "thing I feel somewhat wrong about jerking it to, but I won't stop." Blacked-posting is the same deal too.

Plus a lot of traps got their start here camwhoring. It's a cycle. Trap comes here to camwhore, gets succesful, other anons decide to trap for attention, they get popular, more anons trap, and so on.

Product of anime I think.

No, you're far more a source of trap popularity than any anime.

You must know, that the longer you post here the more pics of your girlpenis will circulate.

They didn't view them as actual women though.

Which is why they were considered a separate gender.

This is Constantine

Go back to /lgbt/urd and stay there

>constantine is a trap

>Traps are a natural outgrowing of eunuchs

She's genuine girl

who is this in this picture?

In my country was recently excavated men buried in position typical for females and with typical female grave goods from Cored Ware culture (Early Bronze Age)


Casual reminder Nero had a trap wife

You're implying traps are something different from homosexuals when they aren't.

Homosexual men have been around forever. Some of them are more gay than others, which is why only some of them dress like women.

Interestingly, and related, is that there is no historical evidence of lesbians. Only in fiction, which was probably an early form of fetish pornography.


Though it really is just an extension of the bestial, lustful and disgusting nature of female sexuality rather than a legitimate orientation.

Homosexuality in males is of course also abhorrent, but that is caused by a malfunction of sorts, we don't quite know its origin.

Gay sex back in the day was the masculine (penetrator) and feminine (penetrated)

What is your question?

It may be accurate to say that women have no sexual orientation. They just get fucked and form bonds based on dominance. I am more inclined to thinking lesbians are straight and just doing it or attention (whether they realize it or not) because 100% of lesbians have sex with men.

Homosexual men have sex with women occasionally so many of them just aren't picky about what wet hole they stick their dick in.

Mental illness has always been a thing throughout history

Sappho is a famous examples of a historical woman inclined towards lesbianism. That is what I meant by the question mark.

And I do agree, female sexuality is basically omnivorous as famously detailed even by the greek dramatists.


>They only have like 5 separate genders
Gender is fluid, there's an infinite number.

How did you get those pictures of Constantine and how do you know that's her?

Same way we got the pictures of Kikebomb.

How did you get the pictures of kikebomb?

Who is Kikebomb?

Fucking horrible though, didn't know Nero was nearly so evil

>no response

She posted them herself.
Pipe bomb is an old Iranian /pol/ trip

story of why she posted them?

She's a dumb whore.
I don't have the pictures anymore, but I'd bang her.
Huge thigh gap without being anorexic

>Listening to a fat conservative neckbeard when he claims he's a little Asian girl

What the fuck you guys?

Virgin fantasies, everyone

>Virgin fantasies
Huh, I could have sworn my wife and I have had a child.

>Veeky Forums on practically any other topic whatsoever: good citations, examples aplenty, contradicting theories and logical back and forth, shitting on Constantine

>Veeky Forums on traps: random speculation, one or two wikipedia stubs supplemented with random speculation, and shitting on constantine

What is it about traps that makes people physically incapable of having a productive discussion about them?

Too busy fapping.

Sexuality is a touchy subject in the Millenial Culture Wars.

Does your bodypillow wife know that you browse Veeky Forums for a living?

Any thread on Veeky Forums seems to devolve into something involving Constantine

>omg why aren't delusions treated with the same respect as real things?

Why you gotta tripfag?
No one cares who you are, as it's never relevant. It only leads to the usual tranny cries.

I've been gone for like 2 weeks, what the fuck is happening here? First there's this Constantine deal happening, then there's a pol thread going 'muh holohoax', and then another spouting pol tier stalin memes,

There's no history behind traps. It's a recent phenomenon due to pop culture brainwashing.

There was a tradition in East Asia about having the male child be named and act as if he was a girl. I believe it was to ward off a demon or something from taking the boy.

Feminine males have always had a value in certain parts of society.

Males can't get pregnant, and most males prefer feminine features.

>Bacha Posh
>A recent result of pop culture brainwashing

Fag culture is an entirley modern phenomenon

This is the history board, please at least attempt to inform yourself before posting here.

Fag culture is an entirley modern phenomenon.

It's not about 'fag culture' it's about wanting to get your dick wet.

Fag culture is not only about getting your dick wet.
It's also about attention seeking, increasing sexual perversion, and social political power.

[Citation Required]

Regardless, I think you may be lost, this isn't pol my friend.

God damn it Phil, is that you?

Fag culture, as it is today, is an entirley modern phenomenon resultant of the deluded and perverted values espoused by the French Revolution.
Older generations of homosexual relations were based upon male domination.
I regularly fap to Poju.
Fuck odd.

Phil's too much of an inbred hick to browse Veeky Forums. He barely shows his face on /k/ anymore since people harass him about getting trapped every time he posts with his trip.

>He barely shows his face on /k/ anymore since people harass him about getting trapped every time he posts with his trip.
>mfw everytime he posts I do just that because he's awful
