Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
You're going to have to elaborate a little.
"Let's not talk about Baltic
A world not needs so much nations."
~Perfidious Anglo, Yalta 1945
>Estonia and Latvia not united under Baltic German rule
I don't get Lithuanias flag. Estonias and Latvia are cold looking, kinda serious, but Lithuanias looks like some African flag.
And then Myanmar nicked it.
My thoughts exactly, what the fucking hell was up with that? They have such cool symbols like Vytis and Columns of Gediminas, their historical flag actually has Vytis yet they apparently think that literally African flag looks better.
Because Russia is a bitch who can't even get rid of a few small nations.
But the opposite is true. Russia wants them back.
Lithuania should be with Poland, the whole Eastern Europe would be a stronger region
Eastern Europe should be with Russia, it would be a stronger region.
If Baltics are united, Russian minority will immediately become second largest (if not the largest) ethnicity, while Russian language - state language. Local nationalists don't want any of this, hence cooperation between Baltics is artificially restricted.
Moreover united Baltics will be a real nation (especially, if Baltic Russians will get a say - they've got ambitions), the nation that will start asking questions about all those secret US prisons (Lithuania had at least one), or why Baltics are basically throw-away members of NATO (there are no real plans to defend Baltics in case of war with Russia), or wtf are Swedish banks are doing with Baltic economy. Neither EU, nor US will be happy.
Finally, we have Russia. Unsurprisingly, Moscow was using Baltics as a bogeyman for their own people: "Look at those Evil European Nazis! If you won't obey Moscow they might come here and do bad things to you!" I.e. Russia is not particularly interested in losing their beloved propaganda fodder. If things go real bad, Baltics could even become "European Window" for Russia and introduce unwelcome ideas of social justice to the Russia's population, triggering political unrest in Russia iteself. On the other hand, pro-Russian Baltics are unable to provide any significant economic advantage to the Russia.
tl;dr: Neither surrounding powers, nor the governments of the Baltics are interested in uniting the region.
To me, it seems that even if russia conquered the whole world it would not become a stronger region and still eventually collapse.
"Baltics" are not one culture dude. I'm lithuanian, and to me latvian souns like some gibberish. And we are supposedly closest relatives. And Estonia would be better off with Finland if we are uniting countries here.
> Russia wants them back.
Not really. Russians might want, but Moscow couldn't care less: there is no oil nor any resources, all exports of Russia could be handled without Baltics, even industry (the only strong point of Baltics) no longer exists.
> "Baltics" are not one culture dude. I'm lithuanian, and to me latvian souns like some gibberish. And we are supposedly closest relatives.
And how does this contradict anything? I even pointed out that Baltics will be using Russian as lingua franca.
> And Estonia would be better off with Finland if we are uniting countries here.
Question was about Baltics, no?
Express your concerns in word, please.
You sound very smart and totaly not insane /s
>Using Russian as lingua franca
almost nobody under 30 even understands russian here anymore dude, ever ethnic russians speak native languages, and those who do not are irrelevant (60 yr old grannies)
Because russian provinces
Adding to that, I would believe that more people would understand english now
Bravo, Estonia!
We will probably change it sometime in the future..
T.RT reader
> almost nobody under 30 even understands russian here anymore dude
First and foremost, decision-makers are not "under 30".
Secondly, it doesn't look like you are even aware of the situation in Baltics (or are being truthful), since Riga (the largest city in Baltics) is still predominantly Russian-speaking. I.e. "almost nobody under 30 even understands russian here anymore" is obviously false, unless "here" is whatever city you are living in (which makes it irrelevant for the bigger picture).
> ever ethnic russians speak native languages, and those who do not are irrelevant (60 yr old grannies)
You just admitted yourself, native languages are no good for interaction between nations. It doesn't matter how many Russian-speaking people know Estonian/Latvian/Lithuanian. The question is - what language will be used when someone from Estonia and someone from Lithuania will try to talk to each other. Neither knows the language of other nation, but chances are both will know Russian (or English, yes).
However: > Adding to that, I would believe that more people would understand english now
I.e. in Baltics there are more people fluent in English, than in Russian? I find that doubtful.
P.s. the question of unification of Baltics was raised in the 90s, when practically everyone was Russian-speaking.
All this wall of text is useless, we will not be uniting, and even if we did you wouldnt see anyone under 30 using russian to communicate. If anything it would apeed up the process of diluting russians sice they would also have to actually use english instead of learning and forgetting it after school.
I grow tired of you. The question was "why aren't Baltics united?"
I gave the goddamn answer (and it the correct answer). Whether will Russian-speaking Latvian talk with Russian-speaking Estonian (I'm not talking ethnicity here, but knowledge of language) in English, or will they not - is irrelevant.
Do you have anything to add? No? Then go to sleep. Ar labu nakti, zirgagalvs.
Why would they be united?
Also, that wasn't me. Im lietuvens
Why is this allowed?
Got any more Russophile conspiracy theories, you goddamn retard?
The reason the Baltics are not united is because they were not united in 1940, when they were occupied by the Soviets, and the current republics are a restoration and continuation of those statehoods lost.
When those republics were established in 1918, however, there was no underlying conspiratory reason of fucking over the Russian majority. You know why?
You would if you were at least slightly versed in Baltic history. Which you are not.
Because in 1920 (which is the closest census year we have) Latvia had 10% Russians, Estonia had 8,2% Russians in 1922 and Lithuania had 2,5% Russian in 1923.
The lingua franca of the Baltics in the inter-war period, if excluding the very much majority indigenous languages, was German. Not Russian. Even fucking Yiddish was fucking more widespread.
Because, to put it shortly, there were hardly any Russians there after WWI.
To answer the question you clearly have no wish of actually having answered - English is the language a Latvian, Estonian and Lithuanian would use today. So yeah. Not Russian. Russian is not mandatory in schools, not a state language - and as such is hardly a necessity locally.
It's not.
>even industry (the only strong point of Baltics) no longer exists.
Jesus dude. At least try to hide your biases. The "Baltics were hyperdeveloped under Russian rule, then they wasted everything and are now poor and broke servants of EU" narrative is showing.
Made some flags based on the colours and cross of the Vytis Variant flag of Lithuania
Move the cross to the left so it touches the edge and maybe darken the blue and it's God Tier
Top two > middle > bottom
Even though bottom has its particular charm but it can't express it well
Lithuania itself looks like a squat, fat Africa
>eastern germany not under the rule of the aryans as was 4820 years ago
wew lad that sharp edge :^)
Reality check: historically, Baltics had a lot of industry.
Yes, lets all thank glorious USSR for focusing on heavy industry, so anything that could be produced here requires imports that are too expensive, and also a big thanks to stagnation which made any production uncompetitive with quality of western Europe and US or cheapness of Asia.
Looks retarded.
> Yes, lets all thank glorious USSR
> stagnation which made any production uncompetitive
Have you gone completely memefied?
History is not limited to USSR. Baltics were the most industrialized regions of Russian Empire (after Moscow and St.Petersrburg). Geoeconomically that was inevitable: Baltic Sea is effectively a northern equivalent of Mediterranean (hence Hansa, for example). Current situation in Baltics is clearly abnormal and will change, once region gets incorporated into any coherent economic entity (either new EU, Poland, Belarus, Sweden, Finland, or - yes, Russia). If you are trying to evaluate region's importance, incorporating this is necessary.
I don't understand why are you so vehemently denying logistical preponderance of Baltic region.
> anything that could be produced here requires imports that are too expensive
Now that was just dumb.
P.s. AFAIK Soviet Baltic industry was quite competitive. This meme is a legacy of incompetent Soviet politicians (their reason for privatization, that was supposed to reinvigorate Soviet economy without any additional reforms).
>russian-speaking latvian
this I hate those dull shades of red and yellow, this is how you do yellow right
>Soviet Baltic industry was quite competitive.
Competitive when, exactly? During the Soviet period when there was no competition, as it was a planned economy?
Or afterwards - when demand for it evaporated with the State that had sustained it?
a)The heavy industry of the Baltics was highly geared towards the military-industrial complex of the Soviet Union - and now most of the consumers of saids gear were in a separate country.
b)That country - Russia - was broke, and the arms race was, for the time being, over.
That's as far as heavy industry goes - it produced things for a either the military or a planned economy that itself had literally no economic reason behind it.
As far as consumer electronics, for example, go - see what the point earlier. It was all years behind in quality and tech.
You know who bought VEF made radios in the 80s? People who couldn't get Sony. You know what they bought when they could get Sony? Sony.
> there was no competition, as it was a planned economy?
the fuck are you talking about? planned economy doesn't mean lack of competition. it means regulated competition.
holy smokes
Leave my Baltbros they suffered enough 50 years under JudeoBolshevism
>every time chinese moot clones /int/ these menes reemerge
P-p-pure coincidence.
> Polish GDP per capita in 1990 - $1,700
internet tells me Polish GNP per capita in 1989 was $4,565
I smell /pol/
>source: literally propaganda
And pretty picture from internet
Name one factory or product that went defunct due to a competitor in the USSR.
I'll wait.
I also notice you have nothing else you wish to refute.
You realize that these are exactly the same colours as the ones used in the vytis variant flag? Seems more like both of you are retarded.
The amount of slanderous shit Russia is spilling on Baltics over the internet and beyond just reinforces my belief that Russia should be isolated from Western world. Cynical lying vindictive cunts. You can spend all your budget on guns but your soft power is slowly but inexorably approaching ZERO. There is nothing redeming about modern Russian culture. Nothing that others would want to emulate.
>Lithuania should be with Poland, the whole Eastern Europe would be a stronger region
It didnt work last time so well
Top left > Everything else
saved nx
Lets fucking hope so. Vytis gera vėliava būtų.
Because if the land touches, it's not colonialism.
>it's not colonialism
It's annexation. Your point?
>xDDD what do all those symbols and backwards letters even mean? xDDD
I actually sometimes wonder where this communist alphabet originated. Was it the russians? Or a small village in who-knows-where?
>Ywn see this come to fruition
Why live?
>Baltics nor the Balkans have fully united under a full banner yet
Just play some Kaiserreich mod and satisfy your vicked fantasies.
and they play basketball
There goes all my motivation to learn Russian.
Fucking English, ruining shit for everyone by making communication easier.
At the very least, actual Russians generally have piss-poor English, so the cause may not be lost.
This is your post.
I'm just mad that whenever I get psyched about learning a new language, reality kicks in and I realize that language will not benefit me at all (because most speakers also speak English competently, or because the country is fucked up and chances are I'm not going there, etc.)
And no, I'm not monolingual.
Cyrillic derives from Greek.
I was actually grateful for the Cyrillic reading practice.
Also, you do recognize you're on Veeky Forums, right? You should know it was made for the Bulgarians by St. Cyril based on the Greek alphabet but "tailor made" for their language's idiosyncrasies, and it's primary purpose was to make the Bible readable for them. It was created centuries before Moscow was even founded.
>Why is this allowed?
Because NATO is not letting Putin reclaim it. Soon though, soon...
The only thing that is even remotely of any value here is the brisket picture
fuck you for making me hungry, faggot
Don't argue with buttmad nationalists who only look at history to complain that X or Y foreign power ruined their modern personal life.
You will never convince that guy that it isn't Stalin's fault he can't get laid.
You need dessert?
Yes, because Russia certainly isn't still calling everyone fascist nearly a century after WWII.
Or crafting its national identity literally around Victory day.
hi /leftypol/
>literally whataboutism
Russian nationalists being fags doesn't make you not a fag. Fag.
>commieboos trying to spout the "hurr soviets give schools and civilization" meme
Every time.
Right. Except it's not whataboutism if Russian behaviour is relevant - in terms of this being a discussion of "Why are the Baltics not a part of Russia".
If someone on the other side of the border keeps rambling on about how great it was when they last invaded and you should be thankful - you respond with saying "Well, actually, this is what happened, and you're a cunt".
>X before USSR
You mean before WAR. There was WAR. Battles were fought.
Might as well replace Soviets with computer, or Veeky Forums, or tofu.
Wooo we were so good back in 1910, before soy products took over the market, look at us now, fucking soy.
Right. Except the Soviets intentionally made no effort of maintaining historical buildings - and were never hesitant to replace those with Commieblocks at a moments notice.
So don't give me the "oh, but there was war!" bullshit.
Soviets had extremely limited interest in pre-1917 history, and saw very limited value in its decadent and non-functionalist architecture.
Except all of the soviet bombing raids served almost zero military purpose.
>So don't give me the "oh, but there was war!" bullshit.
Isnt war the entire reason those buildings are destroyed
>oh, there was war, building were destroyed in war!
So edit the image to say war, instead of pushing an agenda.
Don't try to narrow it. Numerous cities were mostly spared active warfare, yet still littered with Commieblocks - for ideological reasons.
And yet again - civilian neighbourhoods and buildings != military targets.
>yet still littered with Commieblocks - for ideological reasons
Affordable housing isn't a political, ideological move. Its an economical one.
"Commieblock" has nothing to do with communism. It has to do with urbanization and poverty.
We have them in the west too, they are called "the projects" in USA, and UK has some districts, but I forgot how they called them.
Are you new to history? Do you think bombing cities is a communist exclusive thing?
USA and UK bombed the capital of Bulgaria, hitting EXCLUSIVELY civilian targets - hospital, news agency, university, library, upper class living quarter, church temple.
The crucial difference is that square concrete boxes were built everywhere, for all purposes and regardless whether anything of historical importance stood at the proposed location.
Building concrete boxes in the suburbs to house a growing city population is not ideological.
Building concrete boxes in the historical center of a city, bulldozing medieval architecture - that is an ideological continuation of building a new world.
>bulldozing medieval architecture
Bulldozing destroyed old houses from a city that had 50k homeless people, dumbass.
You can bet this was celebrated by everyone back in the day, and zero fucks were given if the now ruined and useless house was 50 or 500 years old before the war.
>b-b-but the USA and UK didn't do that
They didn't have cities utterly destroyed by bombing.
People have to live somewhere. Poor baltic peasants included. So affordable housing projects were started everywhere after the war, since half of Russia was rubble.