How distorted is their view of history? Aside from the obvious, of course.
Creation Museum
I'm just gonna come in here and wait for someone to unironically defend them.
I wouldn't put it past Veeky Forums.
Allow me to kind of "diagnose" Creationists for a sec.
Creationist are obligated to uphold a mythic story conclusion in the face of reality, and thus cultivate an antiintellectual conspiracy worldview to as to reduce mental stress.
They subconsciously recognize the convincing power of robust models, on the other hand cherish emotional conviction above reason. So they think they can mimic the terminology and concepts of science, but retreat back to appeals to authority once that fails.
>feelings over facts
Like radical feminists.
Was meant to be a question.
LMAO, just like radical feminists, dude! I hate SJW's (Social Justice Warriors) as well!
Or RepubliKKKans
Like any human being desu~
Nobody cares about your thoughts on Sargon of Akkad's latest video. Nobody mentioned feminists, stop pushing your agenda you fucking prick.
Sooner or later, all Veeky Forums threads degenerate into this. You just cant talk about medieval England without having a paranoid guy explaining you how feminists are destroying civilization.
>lets fight humanity's greatest threat: SJW. They are the reason why girls dont like me!
I just mentioned it. You're the ones who are blowing it up into problem.
*into a problem.
>evolutionary films
how prevalent are these beliefs in America?
in what sectors of society are they found?
Then there's this.
How did this happen?
i believe they are about 40% of the U.S. and mostly in the south and midwest. My grandfather used to be a YEC but became convinced that the "days" in genesis could possibly be longer periods of time, though he limits this to thousands of years, not 14 billion. he grew up fairly poor in rural Missouri but I don't get the impression he was indoctrinated. several of his siblings became atheists. His sister has told me she was openly an atheist around 9 or 10 and from my understanding she didn't face too much hostility from their mother, much less being kicked out of the home. only one of his brothers is also religious and only became so later in life
Fear is a tool to control the masses. When something is a threat to your specific denomination, you must convince them that every evil in this world is there because of the one specific thing you fear. Basically a boogeyman.
Also, which would you identify with more, an everyday family man or a refined scientist?
Also, they try to twist things around to where evolution and cretinism are on the same grounds, primarily through misinformation and academic dishonesty. McCarthyism at its finest.
To be fair, the Bible you read was written down by man and compiled into acceptable translations and various compilations and the throwing out of books agreed that were not desirably.
I mean Islam is full of shit, but at least it has the religious authority to say it was dictated straight from god itself and was not to be translated by man least he would be biased.
I mean you've read the Bible obviously but do you understand how it came to be? All the councils and various groups of men who decided what goes in and what goes out.
>ruined the image of Christianity
Nah. It just made people realize it's a primitive desert religion.
*tips fedora*
But I mean, they go to the extent of basically saying the scientific community is lying to the public, promoting marxism/communism/nazism/maoism, and wants to destroy the church.
They believe they're ripping out an evil weed, but it's really the backbone of science.
is creationism still banned from teaching in schools?
Who would defend protestants?
In most states, but not all. The UK seemes to have a good system, primarily using student debates.
why does this board hate proddies?
not all protestants are YEC
it's pretty much unknown outside america
most UK christians don't even believe in creationism
They mainly use the debate as a learning tool to teach how to discern fact from fiction, and it seems to be working.
Then we have this shit.
Answers in Genesis is satire
Its literally just SJW Right Wing Edition
Fear causes them to spout crazy bullshit
I think they actually banned it in pyblic schools. The debate thing is probably from an older source.
Who won the argument?
How absurd.
I'm a YEC.
Because I know the bible to be true, and men to be false. I know the bible to be inspired by God, and evolutionists to be inspired by both the secular fallen world and the devil himself.
The 66 books of the bible came together organically.
To be fair.
Christ Jesus Himself.
Quite to the contrary; talkorigins is satire.
You type this in on a computer designed by these "false" men. Cognitive dissonance and McCarthyism are your strength.
Is that before or after he sees the Mormons and JWs?
It's you who cannot distinguish historical science from technology, not I.
I'll see Him before they do, and in much better circumstances.
Ever notice how evolutionists are pack hunters who have bought into liberal SJW mob mentality, and YEC are usually not afraid to stand on their own?
Evolution has shown that group behaviours are typically a more successful survival strategy.
Evolution teaches men to act like animals.
There is no difference. As I said, cognitive dissonance is what you and your kin do best.
But men are animals. :^)
Those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it.
You can't tell the difference between you and any animal?
Do you believe there are animals posting on this board?
Your evolutionist masters have indoctrinated you well.
You don't know your history. But you're still doomed.
Go figure.
Ever notice how YECs have to invent shit like the hydroplate theory, baraminology, and other assortments of shit that isn't in the Bible in a desperate attempt to justify their beliefs whenever more and more evidence pops up against YEC? Or how they accuse everyone that doesn't believe it to be a "GODLESS MUTHAFUCKIN LIBRUL I TELL YA WHUT"
Yes they installed the microchip in my brain and the mark of the beast on my forehead..
All hail lord god Evolution. Destroy the holy Southern Baptist Conference and their unique and perfect interpretation of the Bible.
No. I have never noticed that.
Some of what you say will be a test for you.
By technicality, yes.
Beats being the product of incest.....twice.
Go back to your hacks and high school science teachers. Just because someone has a PhD doesn't make them an expert on everything.
It's sad you think you're an animal. I just have a question to ask you. Is it okay if I hunt and kill you, if I intend to eat the carcass and use the skin?
Twice? kek
I'll just stick with the word of God, thanks. No telling what agenda some teacher has. Or PhD.
>hydroplate theory
Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
Genesis 1
And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 6:20 Of the birds after their kind, of animals after their kind, and of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind, two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive.
Seems like it's in the bible desu
And why should I trust the bible?
Unless you wish to die at the hands of the State, then no.
Once for Adam and Eve, twice for Noah and his sons.
I mocking creation scientists, like a chemist criticizing fossils, which is a paleontologist's job. Opinions are fine, but you preach them as fact...not so much.
Why is the fifth whale labeled "pakistan?"
Right now? You shouldn't.
So you have basically two approaches. Three, if you count the null option of "do nothing".
You can study the bible in an attempt to gain enough information to understand and trust in it, or you can set out vigorously to disprove everything in it.
Whichever way your personality lies, you can learn to trust in it.
Either way, in order to trust it, you're going to have to read it. And if you're going to read it, you're going to have to start somewhere.
Most people suggest reading the gospel according to John, because John wrote his gospel to show the world that Jesus really is the Son of God, and therefore God.
Killing animals is illegal? I don't get it. Is this some kind of joke?
How many times did Adam and Eve's children inbreed?
How many times did Noah's grandchildren inbreed?
I have read it. Everyone who tells me to trust it says it is because it is the word of God, and they say that is true because the bible says so. I cannot trust circular reasoning like that I'm afraid.
Pakicetus, which means "whale of pakistan." The image itself is a strawman. It implies that pakicetus is the only known archaeocete to date. Yet, here's ambulocetus.
Kill someone and see what happens to ya.
I meant periods of mass inbreeding you dunce.
3.6 billion keks.
A. Indohyus
B. Pakicetus
C. Ambulocetus
D. Remingtonocetus
E. Georgiacetus
F. Dorudon
G. Janjucetus
H. Aetiocetus
The word of God is true because God does not lie; God is not wrong; God is not mistaken: God is not playing tricks on you; God is telling you what He wants you to know, through His prophets and through His Son and through His Son's apostles.
There's nothing circular about it. The source is 100% Truth by His very nature, which He revealed to us by telling us what was going to happen in the future. About 30% of the bible is prophetic. It is the only prophetic book on the planet that you can study and see that it knows the end from the beginning, which only God can do.
I'm still confused. You said you're just an animal. Are you saying I need some sort of permit to hunt you down, kill you, and eat your flesh?
And why involve the Adam and Eve inbreeding if you're going to go with the Noah's grandchildren inbreeding? Isn't the former cast out by the latter?
You know whales can't mate without having muscles attached to those bones, yes? You know where baby whales come from?
>The word of my god is true because the word of my god is true
Sounds like textbook circular logic
To be fair God isn't doing any of those because there is no such thing as God, it's crank cultists like you who are the ones trying to trick him with circular reasoning and rabid denigration of basic mental faculties, while either being oblivious or disingenuous.
This is circular by definition
The Bible is God's word -> It says so in the Bible -> It's true because it's God's word -> It says so in the Bible
He revealed it through visions to people like Moses, Paul, etc. I understand. But why does that make any other holy book where something was revealed to a prophet (think Islam, Mormonism, etc.) false? I can claim that God revealed to me another lost chapter in the Bible, what would make it false? I can just as easily claim that God gave me a revelation, and you have no way of disproving me.
At this point I don't know if you're baiting me, but if you are congratulations. This is how I lost my faith.
Post the entire thing my man, makes me laugh every time
You have some ass-backwards logic. You seem to take the low-road by saying people are animals means you should treat them like that. I take the high-road by saying that the animals should be seen as almost equal to us, but still different in that we have a more advanced intellect.
I would consider both equally disgusting. Even the animals know not to inbreed.
Not who you're debating/arguing with, but you sir are an idiot who knows nothing of nature. Animals will inbreed at the drop of a hat. And if I'm following correctly, please comment on the whole "sons of God and daughters of men" passage as well?
I went through this too senpai, and it's honesty just something you either need to work out or give up on. I tried both.
FWIW the way I see it is as such: the word of God, which should be infallible, was taken down by man, who is fallible. The farther back you go, the more the Bible resembles allegory and metaphor, with clear artistic license on the part of the authors. The Old Testament (aka Jew Testament) is therefore to be taken with somewhat of a grain of salt, but the core message still stands, and that is what matters.
The New Testament can be taken more literally as it was written by people who were attempting to take it down as a clear historical account. It may or may not have changed over time, but again, that doesn't matter when you keep the core lessons and message in mind. That is the important part of the Bible after all.
To be fair, you're speaking out of your ass.
Give me an example of such events in nature.
"Sons of God" could refer to either Seth's lineage or angels/demons/extraterrestrial intelligence.
There's nothing holy in Islam. allah is not another word for God; it's Ba'al. It's Hubal, the pagan god of Mohammad's father, for whom Mohammad removed all of the competing 359 pagan gods.
The Arabs have always worshiped Ba'al.
And Ba'al is not God, and Ba'al is not holy.
Your fucking equation is circular because you're fucking making it circular. Read mine again.
Everything from God is True, because God is Truth.
And that would be true whether or not the bible were ever written.
If you were over 10 years old and lived on a farm with cats and dogs (which are nearly essential on a farm) you wouldn't be posting inane things like "animals don't inbreed." You'd be chuckling to yourself at how your mother explained that it was "okay for the cats and dogs to have kittens/puppies by their own kittens/puppies, but people don't do that." I've seen it myself numerous times. I've seen dogs so inbred that with one more generation they'd be dingos. I have no citations, but ask any farm kid. Ask /out/, they'll tell you.
Don't get me wrong, I think the Bible has a lot to offer morally and philosophically, I just can't get myself back into the the holiness aspect no matter how much I try to justify it to myself. And I've spent years trying to.
People like aren't helping.
The more creationists are open here the more it shows the alt right has alienated all sense of normality from the board itself indefinitely
Ignore faggots like that.
Also try this book, it's pretty based and it's written by the guy who led the human genome project. He also BTFOs young earth creationists as well as a lot of intelligent design arguments that take credibility away from the more logical arguments for God.
What makes alt-right = creationist in your mind?
It only takes one wave of irrationality to alienate everyone to bring in loonier people. It's always how it happens. And why communities don't exist without moderation.
Are you guys really wasting your time arguing with YECs? They're probably trolls anyway.
lol do you have the original one?
Never underestimate the ability stupid people who conglomerate to accumulate more
Thanks, I'll check it out if I can
The prevalence of YEC, in the US at least, is an overreaction to the materialist-athiestic lifestyle that's being pushed here. Their hearts are in the right place, but unfortunately they see the only way to bring people back to God is to essentially shill against science and do damage control 24/7. In reality, it just hurts the cause with anybody except those that would have sided with them anyway.