Veeky Forums
Who created the "mansion" meme?
Why do people aspire to live at huge empty houses?
To an extend it's status, but that's mostly concerning stuff like decoration. Back in the day people had a lot more hobbies than sitting behind their pc. They would have an office, a study room, a wine cellar, a library, a dining room, a living room, a bedroom with a bathroom, sometimes the husband and wife slept separately, so they would each have their own bedroom. Than there would need to be bedrooms for guests and family, each with their own bathroom. Than there would be another retreat for staff like gardeners, nannies, cleaners cooks and servants. Some stables for when people travelled by horse would also be needed. Each room with its own expensive decoration of course.
The mansions of today are sort of a leftover of this. Mansions in the victorian age were probably already a lot smaller than what you would get in the middle ages. Today a mansion wouldn't need to be as big, but with all the stuff people want, having large rooms to decorate to your wishes and having some space is always nice. A library would be nice, a separate room for my pc, a large kitchen, a garage for multiple cars, if I had a large garden I would probably go outside more.
Of course we could live in small single bedroom cubicles, but you can guess what would be wrong with that.
>his ideal home is not a small red cottage deep in the swedish forest
stop using 'meme' in this way
meme: an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.
You can't stop language from doing this. Triggering for example has also well surpased its original meaning and so have many other words. You can't fight it mate.
Nouveau riche capitalists wanted to buy themselves into the material and social culture of the old aristocracy.
Look at it this way, you are seeing language change and evolve, with the invention of internet faster then ever.
You are seeing history pass, how cool is that?
This basically. It's a palace for plebeyans.
m8, it was a fucking family seat and rural ones usually had some overlap with farm houses. You'd have three or four generations of the family at times all living there plus a small army of domestics and usually guests as well.
why would you not want to live big
Pre-industrial aristocratic Manors aren't at all the same as contemporary Mansions for the wealthy other than the general premise of big land for big money.
Nobody specified "contemporary".
Would the word "modern" irk you less? Maybe post-industrial? Either way OP is referring to mansions as we use the term today.
>Either way OP is referring to mansions as we use the term today.
That wasn't specified.
Because they have the money for it
This guy knows what's up.
Seems like an utter waste and shows a lack of imagination to me.
>picture of a contemporary private residence mansion complete with new cars
>"Why do people aspire to live at huge empty houses?"
Mansion = huge empty houses is a modern notion
If I was super rich I'd build a nice house.
Not too big, not too small, just right, maybe with a little room for expansion.
Though I'd also make sure that I had a fair amount of land surrounding the house. Land's important.
nah, it's a log cabin on a lake in the north of minnesota
where the night is black pitch, and the metro people can't ever find you
I guess it's a good thing this is a Veeky Forums board, then.
I'm female.
Rich Plebs aping the Nobility.
For nobles, a big house does come in the resume since your senpai and your extended senpai lives with you. While the land is put into use and tilled by tenants.
Specially in the USA.
well in the USA you need a table that's will comfortably fit your dozens of relatives at holidays, and then you need a good sized kitchen, a space for your pool table, televisions, a room for each kid, a bathroom or two on the first floor, at least one on each level plus one in the master bedroom for ease of access, and so that you have no lines, a recreational room, a room for your books, probably a computer room as well these days, a decent sized space for you laundry machines, a good sized attic for excess storage, a deck/ patio for holding barbques, space outside for a garden or three, also, you need to have a garage that can hold a car for the parents to use for their commute, and for the oldest when they're of driving age
simply, this requires a house that gets scorn I suppose from salty loners
>I'm a girl btw
As if it'd make a difference if I were a trap instead. Wouldn't that be more of a happy surprise for you degenerates?
there's no way of knowing who's who and what we are when we're only represented as text on a computer
Great input.
that's why I'm here, I'm also not the fella at the very start of the conversation
whoever you are :)
there's no way of knowing who's who and what's said sarcastically or not when we're only represented as text on a computer
oh jeez, now I don't know whose who :S
>not "lol u mad? XD get memed"
I like this board
because having a big house in an expensive part of the land signifies you have a lot of wealth
basically just immovable bling
>The rich just went I WANT A HAUS DAS BIG LYK DOES GUYS.
Only relatively recently desu and even now rich WASPs more-or-less act like English nobility - they host social events and often house extended family and depending on the location it may well in fact have a farm attached to it. It's important to distinguish between the class of people who actually puts their oversized abode to use versus the "lmao big house big dick I have too much money for my own good" rapper mansion shit. And then you have "mansions" that are pretty much just very large and very nice houses; those tended to pop up anywhere with money around America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and were built largely by people who were rich enough to build a big goddamn house on a large lot but not rich enough to have an ivy-league accent and use "summer" as a verb.
And then there are also the haciendas and ranchos to consider, to say nothing of plantations in the American south. Many Spaniards got impressive land grants hundreds of years ago and the wealthy ones built beautiful, massive, functional houses on said holdings and the plantations don't really need explaining.
It's only empty if you're a massive fag who buys a house at the very edge of your budget and can't afford to properly fill it.
The traditional model of being rich involved having a much larger portion of your net worth in art and similar valuables, and you'd use your mansion to store and display these treasures. Each of those dozens of rooms is four walls to hang paintings and four corners to put statuary/sculpture. And traditionally, the mansion would also double as your office and conference center for all of your business ventures, and would house your staff of servants.
These are all spot-on.
In fact, the traditional mansions of the nobility themselves would have aped those of royalty. There was all sorts of protocol that had to be adhered to and a lot of those now-empty rooms had very specific functions when it came to "receiving" delegations and official guests in the case of royals and other nobles, royalty and high-status bureaucrats in the case of nobles. Of course, you had to be able to house all the various members of your immediate family (like parents, children and unmarried sisters who were past marrying age and always lived in their brother's and then their nephew's mansion), as well as visiting members of other noble families that were close to yours (noble families often formed alliances and later on networks with other noble families), resident artists and so on. But not only that, if a royal or even a noble of higher status than you was visiting (e.g. a Duke visiting an Earl) then you damn sure had to be able to provide them with at least a decent level of luxury.
This is also true. There's a whole tradition of great manors built in the UK that were literally supposed to show-case the "spoils" of the families ventures to the colonies and of their scions who had been on the Grand-Tour.