When did the left begin to embrace capitalism and materialism instead of opposing it and why? Was that part of the 1960s New Left's philosophy?
When did the left begin to embrace capitalism and materialism instead of opposing it and why...
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>opposing materialism
>Was that part of the 1960s New Left's philosophy?
It started a little earlier than that
Buy! Buy! Buy! Consume!
>believing in the Left/Right meme
Wew lad.
>When did the left
Wait... you still believe there is such a monolith as "The Left"?
The political left is about collectivism and greater good, about distributing wealth and effective use of resources.
The political right is about individualism and personal happiness, about allowing individuals to acquire tremendous amounts of wealth, or fail at it and live in poverty if they aren't skilled.
Materialism lives in the right, not the left.
If we say that collectivism and the idea that we must do whats best for the community is The Left, and individualism and the idea that each of us must do whats best for themselves and "their own" is The Right, most things still make sense.
We haven't moved away from this concept of big government for the greater good vs freedom for personal happiness.
>individualism is the right
Yeah, you're American. VOTE TRUMP!
>Materialism lives in the right, not the left.
Confirmed for ignorant
Left: big government and collectivism.
Right: small or no government and individualism.
How can you claim to have materialism in a hivemind bee-like society, where everyone has his role, there is no personality and individualism, the absolute left?
How can you claim there is no materialism in an anarchic wild wild west situation, where the body being found in your private property is justification enough for the murder, and you can own anything from cyanide, to cocaine, to nuclear waste, absolute freedom for the individual without restraint, the rightmost right?
You don't make sense to me. If you have an idea, explain it, rather than memeing.
>Left: big government and collectivism.
>Right: small or no government and individualism.
The left right dichotomy itself is a poor way of understanding political ideology which can't really be reduced to a spectrum. But if you try to put the square peg into the round whole it would be more accurate to say:
Left: radicalism and removing inequality
Right: conservatism and reinforcing hierarchy.
Now we can see how the left is more materialist as they concern themselves with issues like poverty a distribution of material resources. The right, however, places more importance on tradition, religion and the nation.
You have no idea what materialism is, do you.
>Now we can see how the left is more materialist as they concern themselves with issues like poverty a distribution of material resources
How is OP's pic representative of what you claim the left stands for?
You are rationalizing and trying to arrange things so that they point to what you already decided you want to be the result, rather than examining things and reasoning an outcome.
The "absolute control" vs" no control" axis is much more sensible when discussing the state - a means of control.
Don't add extra spooks on top of it to paint it your favorite color.
Anti-consumerism has little to do with one of the two meanings of materialism
I already said in my post that would rather not use a left/right axis, I was just correcting you on what on what the terms historically meant. It looks like your just using your own definition though because its more 'rational'.
>When did the left begin to embrace capitalism and materialism instead of opposing it and why?
When they forgot that without a collective, there is no individual. When this is forgotten, all you're left with is mindless desire
Left and right has historically, and also today, meant the axis where total government sits on the left, and anarchy sits on the right.
What you are accusing me of, making up my own definition, is what you are doing.
Thats the american definition of the dychtonomy.
In europe its traditionalism/protectionism against freetrade and progressive humanitarian values alone. Both sides dont give a fuck about individualism because this is europe.
>protectionism against freetrade
So total government vs anarchy, except forgetting the impractical far edges of both left and right.
Imperialism is NOT the word you're looking for, friendo
Only freetrade as in freetrade concerning borders which are branded evil.
The left is still for unions and taxes for the rich, also shittons of regulations.
The right wants to regulate in orser to keep tge nationstate idea going or in order to protect cultural stuff like the right to call a Grünwald cheese only if its from Grünwald for example.
Our political definitions are a mess and completely different to the collectivism vs libertarianism you are used to.
So drop them and adopt the better model, and we'll adopt the metric system.
>Opposing materialism
there is no right or left in the states tho, only centre-far-right
mate are you aware that materialism is the doctrine of matter being the source of all thought
you're on a philosophy board so you should use philosophy definitions
the materialism you're referring to is more commonly referred to by the left as commodity fetishization
t. chuck burger al amrikani
There are left and right collectivists, and left and right individualists.
No, there aren't. Stop making shit up.
I don't think you understand what materialism means when the left speaks about it.
It's not the colloquial meaning which is just being overly obsessed with material things, it just means that they believe history and human events are dictated by material (demonstrably real and physical) forces rather than ideals or the supernatural.
So is this about philosophical materialism, or economical materialism?
Because I understood it in this context to mean wanting to own property and items and collecting trinkets.
the old left consisted of masses oppressed by WASPs/Germanics
they struggled to wrestle power from the old guard, the best tool was thru "equality" rhetoric
once achieved they threw away the facade of justice and equality
the neocons are one example of the old left switching to the status quo once they succeeded replacing the old guard
The left thinks capitalism is pure ideology like their own beliefs.
There are of course meme capitalist ideologies like libertarianism, but the majority of people who start businesses and contribute to capitalist institutions do so to further their interests, they are uninvolved in politics unless their actions as an individual can affect the outcome. Most foreign businesspersons have never heard of this tiny movement in the US.
Due to this misunderstanding the left believes it is immune to capitalist influences as long as they have their spooks.
>When did the left begin to embrace capitalism and materialism instead of opposing it and why?
The moment the Fabians and Social-democrats in general realized that the Soviet model of socialism turned society into a system of direct violent domination, that was worse in it's social repression than capitalism.
Instead they theorized that they could "tame" the beast of capitalism by using the government to regulate trade and tax corporate wealth to a level that they didn't incur capital flight.
They then used these funds to create the standard welfare statist, liberal democracies that is the majority of states in Europe.
The left are just as materialist, in common parlance, as the right. If they weren't, they wouldn't covet others wealth and demand it be distributed. Don't kid yourself, /leftypol/.
communists understand that money is the most important thing in the world, they don't buy in to the liberal "money isn't everything" meme which perpetuates inequity
That doesn't negate anything I said, you fifth columnist shithead.
>muh welfare = circulation of currency ;)
Now all we have to do is get them to be internationally competetive
no need to be mean it is just opinions
who is kidding themselves though? Christians are forbidden from coveting their neighbours goods, not the left
Back to /pol/ or start with the Greeks.
>there are americans who ACTUALLY believe this
Will the day ever come when the left and right will realize they are fighting for the same enemies, only with different flags?
Capitalism was originally a leftist ideology.
Let's not forget that OP asked "when"
Probably in the mid-Cold War era, when women started entering the workforce en masse at the same time consumer goods like appliances and year-round exotic fruits became available to all. Advertisers realized that advertising specifically to women was a fantastic idea since women now had a greater say in the household economy, being breadwinners themselves, and because the New Left made feminism hot and buying what you feel like showed empowerment (plus women are women, they get off on shopping anyways).
The New Left pretty much followed the trajectory of subcultures as described by Dick Hebdige:
>Subcultures initially form through a common resistance. The dominant society often sees these groups as radical, leading to fear, skepticism, and anxiety in their response. In some ways, this gives the subculture's resistance more power but only momentarily, because eventually entrepreneurs find a way to commodify the style and music of the subculture. Before long, elements of the subculture are available to the mainstream.
Most hippies grew out of the radical woodstock and communes phase, but still wanted to feel like they were part of the movement. Advertisers knew this and pandered to them, while brushing the sick Guatemalan and Malaysian children under the rug
the capitalist machine expanded until it subsumed its own negation, i.e. resistance to capitalism was itself commodified. However, not everyone really noticed this happened
That's a spookier image than anything in the new Ghostbusters movie.
>confusing left/right with amount of government
Why must /pol/fags ruin every discussion
>When did the left begin to embrace capitalism and materialism instead of opposing it and why?
When did that happen?
>Was that part of the 1960s New Left's philosophy
all state functions exist, they're just privatised
criticised for being unrealistic because there is no prison system
Left/right is literally about government vs freedom.
>absolute despotism, with punk
Putting "anarchy" in front of something doesn't make that something free. Anarcho-capiutalism, as define by your post, doesn't have anything to do with anarchy, or freedom. Its a different way to distribute power, rather than erasing it.
Great post and comic, where can I find the full version?
No it isn't, it is mainly about equality and hierarchy
You would then put communism and anarchy on the two separate ends? Because practical anarchy is very much darwinism and hierarchy that occurs from it.
I think most people would disagree.
totalitarianism and anarchy is a separate compass apart from left/right
You didn't answer the question. On your made up left-right axis, where do anarchists sit, and where do communists sit.
Communists can be anarchists do you have no political understanding?
This is the basic political compass friendo
idk whether said anarchists is left or right. Syndicalism or lazzire faire? Communists is left
As a right-winger, I must ask:
Is this your idea of a political compass?
>this is what libertarians actually believe.png
They won't, because the flags were a loaner.
>literally lacking nuance in his worldview
>short sighted
>being this retarded
i want americans to leave
>if it's not hardcore libertarian it's not right wing poster appears
As an intelligent person, I must ask:
Did you really need to post this garbage?
If your axis of government allows for the most government and the least government to coexist on a single point, you should take that axis and put it waaaaay up inside your butthole, Morty. Put it waaaay up inside there, as far as it can fit.
I don't believe this. But Right Libertarians usually do.
Read the post again
It's called neoliberalism m8, it's how it has been since 1800s+
D&D alignments are more accurat tbqh, I like this picture tho
kill yourself
or see this
And Christian's aren't generally socialists. Either way, your comment doesn't even address the argument which is whether or not the left is as materialistic as the right: I'll give you a hint though. You are. In fact, you're even more materialistic than the right.
Leftists aren't neoliberals though.