Genetics thread?
Genetics thread?
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Do you know any calculators? GEDmatch has everything that I know.
WTF is Yamnaya?
The isogg wiki actually has most of them listed
Are these three core populations made from other populations?
One could make some kind of ethno-tree with that about how whom merged with whom in order to create people x.
Pretty much R1b, indo-europeans, Nordics, or whatever you believe in.
The proper term for this is eastern germanic/ostnordid btw
Proto Indo Europeans.
>Eastern Germanic/Ost Nordic
>Only cultures marked are either Slavic or Balkan
What are you on about?
balto slavics have nothing to do with east germanics you retard
How did so many genes spread from such a small area?
Cheap real estate
one invention: the chariot
>All those pan-slavist tears and butthurt
Literally kys retard
both balto-slavics and germanics are both indo european, but definetely different so you stop your pan-slavist clains
1. Invade foreign people
2. Kill the male population
3. Cum inside their women
4. ????
5. Muh noble warriors
But they are showing the amount of genes in modern day populations based on languages.
Are you telling me those peoples are talking Germanic/East nordic language s?
Gothic and Slavic languages seems similar imo
This is neither history nor a humanity.
The gothic languages are east german and probably has some slavic loan words due to how close they are geographically, plus the germanic and slavic languages are decended from indo-european
>Indo-European migration
>most important migratory movement in the history of mankind
>not history
How the fuck is there Oceanic DNA in Saudia Arabia? Are there Atlantean ruins beneath the sands of the Empty Quarter?
trade? slaves?
commit sudoku
Why dont you believe in the power of the genome?
The guy on the right has a very handsome husband.