I'm white, but does that mean I'm related to Kings of Europe?
Maybe, but more likely my ancestors were all a bunch of shit and lice covered peasants.
Austin Foster
>so as usual both nigs and /pol/ were retarded [spoiler]The important thin is you found a way to feel superior to both.[/spoiler]
Luke Moore
Actually you're probably distantly related to Charlemagne.
Lincoln Brown
It's not hard to be superior to both of those.
Dylan Thompson
Right but I'm not coming out and saying I was a king!
Logically, most of my ancestors were not so I don't consider myself coming from royalty.
Luke Martin
You have like thousands of ancestors who lived in 1200 ad so chances are there were some noble ones
Luis Collins
So common that half of the tards on this board deny there were any black pharaohs.
Wyatt Davis
I thought the nigs were into this new narrative to have a respectable culture to feel a part of. Think what they have in America, the narrative is one of exploitation and makes them feel as though they can play the victim. What is a better curriculum to show them that their ancestry has good civilized aspects without coopting the wrong history? Ethiopian Kingdoms?
Bentley Reyes
Mali, Songhai, Kongo. I can't understand why American blacks would reject their own ancestry and welcome a foreign one. Their ancestors and countrymen in Africa would be ashamed of them.
I understand why they would want to adopt a narrative of "we too were once akin to the Great Finnish Empire" - that's normal for a people starting to find its place in the world - but turning your back on your actual ancestry kind of defeats the whole point. Why are other people supposed to take someone's ancestry seriously if they won't do it either?
Besides, ancient Egyptians/Nubians would have totally enslaved the Sub-Saharan peoples, if given the chance. Not fucking embrace them just because they're Miseraboos.
Anthony Perez
You're wrong, fool they wuz da Israelites You Whiteys and Arabs will get payback and feel the wrath of Yahweh
We're putting you all through slavery
Lucas Green
You guys are totally stupid. All Africans share genetic links with one another, all west African civilization come from Black north africans and Sao.
Cooper Diaz
The point is they didn't come from Egypt, they came from West Africa. Yet they take credit for Egypt to make themselves feel better.
Jose Campbell
All African populations and peoples were in the Aqualithic, the basis of most West African civilization lies in Kanem based in the deserts right by Nubia and Egypt.
There are genetic ties throughout the continent, there is a shared cultural basis and later ties that show an influence.
I don't get mad when Black Americans and Jamaicans extol my culture because I'm not too stupid to grasp the history as to why it's being done.
Matthew Young
No, they don't.
Maybe people just avoid Egyptian threads altogether nowadays.
Jacob Bell
Africans have great genetic diversity between each other. There's nothing to suggest that east and west Africans are similar in culture or history. They're just black.
Elijah Long
I agree with you, but I think you've missed the point a little. The afrocentrists don't know their ancestry at all. Disenfranchised folks seek whatever positives they can look for, that's why afrocentrists and fat welfare collecting whites both try to claim amazing and talented people that have no relation to them as their own.
Claiming them gives these people an identity. It's the foundation of the entirety of identity politics, a very stupid thing which distracts from our progress as mankind.
Landon Johnson
West Africans have nilo-saharan, chadic, ethio-somali and north African genes. Just like every other population has bits and pieces of others.
While there is absolute truth that we are the most biodiverse human populations, that statement doesn't include deep intertwining.
Aaron Carter
Negate not preclude
Jeremiah Sullivan
The point is, is that for every king the average person is related to, they are also related to a thousand odd peasants, just like everyone else. If you cling onto some genetic connection that thin, then you're already pretty much WE WUZing.
Zachary James
You are a racist and an offensive human being in general.
Julian Nelson
lmao Tyrone, son of Dekendrix and Lakeisha Muhdickinn if Nubians saw you they would commit suicide.
Asher Bell
We wuz Barca not sheets
Alexander Miller
why do americans make such a big deal out of this
Charles Ortiz
The "Nubians" also had their own civilisation and Kingdom from about 3000BC to 500AD, with their own pyramids and shit.
if you're western european theres an extremely high chance some of your ancestors were kings or queens.
Joshua Young
>le blacks developed nothing meme
Robert Nguyen
Not thousands actually, at some point you end up having the same Great XXXX parent several times over.
Connor King
Asher Wood
>Black >Pharaohs
Juan Ramirez
Woah and why is Western Europe so special and full of kangz and shiet but for eastern Europe, Asia and Middle East it suddenly doesn't apply?
Jordan Edwards
Western Europe had more royal families. Pretty much every baron in medieval England and France was related to the royalty somehow. There was far more connection. So if you can go back in your family history and find a lawyer or politician 500 years ago in Europe he probably comes from minor royalty.
In India or China or the Middle east, the rulers were more akin to emperors and had a closed off family.
Except the mongols because Genghis
Asher Clark
You you sayin' you wuz kang 'n shiet?
Ryan Jones
My ancestors include many kings of England, but i dont claim im a king.
Ryan Gomez
>My ancestors include many kings of England
I'm sure they do Billy, my ancestors include many chinese emperors and even Montezuma
Andrew Adams
>we wuz inventin' spaceships n' shiiet
Grayson Williams
>I'm sure they do Billy, my ancestors include many chinese emperors
You think you're joking, but you're probably correct.
Wyatt Hall
but on a more serious note, northern africans have practically no link to sub-saharan sfricans, they're genetically more alike to semitics/southern europeans
Julian Peterson
I'm sure I have chinese ancestors as a fucking European Billy.
Julian Wright
>I'm sure I have chinese ancestors as a fucking European
Again, you think you're joking, but you do.
Sebastian Walker
THey are they own thing really, you can class them as med but genetically they aren't close to Euro-Meds in general (apart of some parts of Spain or Sicily, and even then only a minor part in a sea of r1b or lithic haplogroups, respectively). The only ones than have a some what big part of black genes are the Morocans, and that's because slave trade they had with the subsis.
Alexander Lee
You do know it isn't difficult to trace family history if you're European? You think you're being clever trying to put down my claim of Royal ancestry but we probably share the same ones.
Isaiah Sanchez
Where is the fucking logic in that? You think a Frenchman, Greek and Ukrainian would share the same ancestry just because they are all Europeans?
Austin Torres
Ah, yes, the world changing invention of peanut butter.
Easton Roberts
Maybe for brits. As last invading force visit GB in XI century. So you have your archives untouched. Not so much luck for eastern European
Jason Long
They will likely have some shared ancestry yes. You should try to understand how genetics and human history work.
Henry Scott
My lineage is composed of >Spanish nobles >German peasants >Russian jew converts >Italian peasants >Spanish peasants >Portuguese peasants >Black slaves >Amerindians
Joseph Clark
>neither black nor a king >sponsored by budweiser why am I not surprised
David Lewis
>this is what Stormfags actually believe >we all wuz kangz and emperors and shiet nigga
James Butler
You need to shut the fuck up, I'm the complete opposite of a stormfag, I'm proposing that everyone is mixed with shared genetics. I'm also repeating the very common knowledge that the majority of Europeans can trace at least some of their ancestry to royalty.
Deal with it you little troglodyte.
Nathan Clark
>I'm proposing
ah so it's your own theory with no legitimate sources to back it up? I would never guess. You're a nigger.
Christopher Green
People who have to adopt a cultural heritage as their very own individual achievement are fucking pathetic. We call these people white supremacists normally, but when black people do it becomes fair game. Fucking cucks.
This collectivism has to stop.
Luis Nguyen
The reason is the rampant anti-intelectualism that haunts all the peoples in the USA but specially lower classes. Aside of some exceptions, neither blacks or the other americans care about nerd shit like Mali or Songhai. They probably don't even know Mali is still a country today. But everyone knows Egypt thanks to pop culture. It's also why they also claim Cleopatra who wasn't even Egyptian by blood.
Actually polygamy probably means a lot of them have monarchs and nobles in their heritage. Nobles and concubines.
Henry Scott
>dere is only one race, the human race nigga
nah fuck off shitskin you are even below Turks
Aiden Morales
Is afrocentrism the result of african americans being insecure about their heritage and inferiority? If I wanted to find out about my heritage, I'd start reading books and learning about the histories of Europe, Latin America, the US. But these >cleopatra wuz black n shit are made by clearly dumb people who don't care at all about history. So its clear that they didn't put in the time to learn. Which means they didn't really care that much about their heritage in the first place. Could this actually be some form of aggressive attack on history for the sake of it?
Carson Rivera
>In India or China or the Middle east, the rulers were more akin to emperors and had a closed off family. Wrong on India and the Middle East.
India and ME are europe tier in terms of royal families given the shitloads of tiny states that inhabited those areas. Look up Indian Princes for one thing.
China is the complete opposite: there are very few royal families given the reality of the centralized Chinese court, but the Imperial Clans are huge. There are hundreds of millions of people with Imperial Surnames in China like Liu, Zhu, or Li, given that emperors and their children bred like rabbits.
Carson Clark
There were Nubian Pharaohs, and Nubians were black, yes.
Jaxon Roberts
They're "excluded" from the history of their own country (mainly because they were mostly irrelevant outside of matter that only primarily affect blacks) so they search of another one.
Michael Collins
It's just statistics faggot.
Landon Harris
>We wuz kangz and shiet nigga it just happens muh family is middle class and I can only trace my ancestry to a bunch of chickenshit peasants I swear!
Wyatt Bailey
stop using nubian
Zachary Foster
not biting
Brody Jones
Why are you so mad?
Jaxson Sanchez
Why are you so pathetic you have to make things up about your ancestry?
Camden Moore
not him but, your ancestors line have not been extuingished as you're alive, modern anatomical humans are thought to have come at around 200 thousand years ago, lets assume the average life span since then as been around 50, that's 8000 direct descendants to you. Now, how many of those had more than 1 child, how many children did those children have? now we're talking in billions, the chance that 1 out of those tens of those billions had some kind of nobility is very high
Carter Roberts
Sure so where it comes to similarties between niggers and whites then they have nothing to do with each other but as soon as it comes to kings and pharaohs then suddenly entire world is related right? Fuck off your'e a pleb, your ancestors were peasants, eat shit.
Evan Clark
It's not my fault you can't understand the math behind how human population works.
I'm not pathetic for recognizing mathematical truth. I have no reason to take pride from having noble ancestry because everyone else does. It's like taking pride from having two eyeballs. The fact that you believe having noble ancestry is something to take pride from reveals how narrow minded you are.
Joseph Harris
Nicholas Lee
do you think there's a line of descendants where there's no peasants? you're retarded, deal with it, and learn some statistical math
Eli Nguyen
>where it comes to similarties between niggers and whites then they have nothing to do with each other They're more distantly related, that's all.
>our ancestors were peasants That's how you should say it, but yes. Many of our ancestor were peasants and many of them were nobles.
Sebastian Scott
>many of them
aka none why the fuck would a noble family intermarry with peasants?
Ryan Richardson
Not him but I'm guessing he means Nubia (medieval Christian) should be distinguished from Kush (ancient Egyptian-like).
Adrian Kelly
You're literally retarded.
Nobility erodes with every generation, because families keep branching out and the people at the extremes of the branches keep getting less and less noble.
Such people getting it on with commoners isn't impossible, specially after middle classes start appearing, bridging the gap between fringe nobles and relatively wealthy commoners.
Ryan Mitchell
>if I make a bunch of shit up maybe it will become true!
Joseph Ortiz
I give up. You're being religious about this, and taking proud about your ignorance.
Grayson Diaz
>I swear my rags wearing great grandma was a noble!
Daniel White
>great grandma I'm Latin American, so if I do have some noble ancestry (which is statistically likely, even for new world mongrels like me), it will be 10s of generations removed at the very least. My great grandma's generation is only getting closer (though still not there yet) to fully European in some of the lines, so nobility is much further away from that.
Like I said, nothing to take pride about. Anyone here with at least one European ancestor is more likely than not able to trace their ancestry back to some European noble. It's just math. You have such a big inferiority complex that you can't imagine people not taking pride in such pointless things like heritage. I'm too busy taking pride in not being a complete retard who obsesses over this, like you.
Jace Wright
Landon Watson
I'm Ethiopian you fool. Yes we were influenced by Kush, my Jewish ancestors came from northernmost Nubia.
Christian Myers
Evan Garcia
>to some european noble >not to some low class mongrel-already soldier of fortune or humble squire
Eli Reyes
1. Not only soldiers and the like came here, there were also low nobles that came to rule the locals.
2. Even then, said soldiers or squires are likely to find noble ancestry somewhere in his family line anyway, I've been saying it's just math.
You can find a homeless person in Poland right now and maybe find out a line of decent all the way to some Holy Roman Emperor or something.