The only way for the Arab world to become great again and gain Real Independence from the west. We mus unite under a nasserist style regime and promote socialism and unity
Pan Arabism
Other urls found in this thread:
>Arab socialism
>Only way for Ethiopia to die the death it deserved for 6k years.
No Al-Andalus?
Make Hispania great again.
Spain and Sicily are missing
>t. gaddafi
> united
> arabian
> republic
Muslim=/=arab idiots. Most of al-andalus spoke a romance language.
The USA, Israel and the Saudis would never allow it.
Or a berber language
I'm pretty sure gaddafi was going for that, even wanted to introduce his own gold backed currency to undermine the petrodollar.
USA assassinated him.
People actually believe this.
Good luck with that Ahmed
They are neither arab nor muslim
Go back to hell
It will work, but it has to be slow, change has to come within these systems we have. If anything we have to be more like Tunis. The Gulf States/Jordan/Moroco/ are fine, but Tunis is really what the Arab states should strive to become. Did I mention how great Tunis is?
Muslim=Arab does not mean Arab=Muslim.
Learn to mathematics idiot.
yo what kinda society you want
>promote socialism
i got ufam
What we need a Nation Socialist ideology, a great leader, and a scapegoat. (The jews are stale, the Kurds maybe?)
Fuck off.
Somalia is not Arab. We have our own language, our own culture, our own history.
We may be in their shitty league because some bright spark though we'd get some money from them, but we're not fucking arabs.
There is no such thing as black arabs anyway.
Sweden fuck off
Family planing & strict birth control
Work ethics & competitive economy
Stable political system & civil society
In other words, you'll never gonna make it. Hope you at least got oil, because otherwise you are proper fucked.
>Somalia isn't part of Arabia.
Fuck off Laji, Somalia is and always shall be Arab.
Hell no.
If Somalia is Arab then south Sudan is too.
No, it isn't because they're not Arab, their lifestyle is different from Arabs.
I don't expect a Dyuspora to understand this, but Arab means someone who lives in the desert
>And among the Arabs there are those who say we believe; Say not we believe but that we have submitted
Somalis have been counted as Arabs since the Meadows of Gold And Mines of Gems.
Gaddafi gave up on that after the 1970's
Pan-Arabism is the biggest clusterfuck of the 20th century, glad it's dead. needs to be dead-er.
Pan arabism is cockblocked by the political presence of israel specially since they block the path between NA and arab peninsula.
>turks, persians, southeast asians, uyghurs, central asians, tartars and berbers are arabs
I hate throwing around with the pol boogeyman but come on
>Arab means someone who lives in the desert
I didn't know Mongols in the Gobi Desert were Arab.
Dumb fuck.
Muslims countries are shit because they ban usury and modern capitalism doesn't work without it.
So unless muslims start making loans at interest then their economies will never work and be shit tier.
>Arab world
Usury is making unethical or unfair loans.
No, because they raise horses and not camels.
The word Somali= Arab.
So= Meat Maal= Livelihood
Somaali = His livilihood is meat, aka a Nomad.
Arab= A Nomad.
>الأعراب أشدّ كفرًا و نفاقًا
al-ʾaʿrāb-u ʾašadd-u kufr-an wa-nifāq-an
"the Nomads are the worst in disbelief and hypocrisy".
The Prophet Muhammed (nkha) never ever called himself an Arab, because he lived in a city. He spoke the langague of the Arab, but it was called that because the Nomads preserved the purest version of it, just as Somali nomads preserve the purest version of the Somali "mouth"
Name one (1) reason why The Beni Soomal aren't arab.
No, it's because the Arab elites have to mantain a huge amount of weaponry, due to either being close to Israel or being close to a nation which is close to Israel. Rent also has a hand in it, no nation with a huge rentier sector ever was industrialized.
>No, because they raise horses and not camels.
Educate yourself. Mongolians raise Bactrian camels as well.
First you said: Arab = People who live in the desert
Next you said: Arab = People who raise camels
What bullshit will you come up with next
According to Islam is loans at interest no matter the rate.
Which is why they try to get around it with Islamic banking schemes, but none of those ways work as well as what western capitalism does.
Yes just like America today.
>medical debt for life-saving procedures
>student debt never goes away
>payday loans
>Aboriginals live in the desert, why aren't they Arabs too?
PWNED 1111!!!
When did the Arabs ever know about Gobi desert mongols? And anyway, they hated the Mongols.
Provide 1 (one) item of evidence that Somali's are Arabs.
So basically you just conceded your original point. Arab/=People who live in the desert
As an Arab Christian, a United Arab Republic from the atlantic to the ARABIAN gulf would be my greatest dream. However, it will never happen for one reason: Arabs are tribal as fuck. They will never agree to come together unless someone forces them. Its in their best interest to unite, but they will always find some petty tribal shit to stay divided. Muhammad only managed to unite the Arab tribes by literally forcing them and conquering them, and then when they were finally united, they managed to destroy the two greatest Empires on earth at the time. The only way Arabs will beecome united today is if you have some dictator force it through power.
>implying we would even let Somalia into our glorious ummah
>Family planing & strict birth control
fuck off with your degenerate western lack of morals. We need to pump out babies so we can have a huge army.
>Work ethics & competitive economy
Fuck off, Arabs only know the whip. What we need is a completely state-controlled state-planned economy. A capitalist system will fuck over the power of the state.
>state-controlled state-planned economy
That worked terrifically for the Soviets
>Arabs are Soviets
Somalis are Arabs, in the same way North Africans are, by cultural association. Most of them consider themselves Arabs, so why not let them be?
Because they're niggers. Same with Sudanese.
Rest of them look alike even though most of them are not actually Arabians.
The word "Arab" has completely lost any definitive meaning in modern colloquialism (you can probably thank pan-Arabism for that). So, Sudanese or Somalis (or North Africans, for that matter) claiming to be "Arabs" shouldn't really be a problem, unless you want to get technical/pedantic.
>Most of them consider themselves Arabs
Just because a man may consider himself a donkey, doesn't mean he is.
Somalis are not Arabs.
Somalis don't event want to be considered Arab.
>Because they're niggers. Same with Sudanese.
Aren't you /pol/tards constantly saying that ethiopians are not black? Well, it's the same with the somalis, they are not part of the negroid race.
>number 96 on the hdi index.
Why is it great?
well, Israel would be apart of it then right? I mean israel is 40% jewish arab 20% muslim and christian arabs.
Primary reason for all these US wars in the region is to prevent creation of pan-arabic state(and caliphate, by extention)
Yes, we should welcome back our semitic brothers back with open arms and put all the bad blood away. However, I think the eurpean ashkenazi jews would be happier off if they went to America or somewhere, but I'd be fine if they stayed as well. They should have full freedom to practice their religion and have Hebrew and Jewish schools, provided they make no attempts at independence or trying to make their own state again.
Pan-Arabism was secular, it was invented by Arab Christians to counter the idea of Muslim caliphates
Great, glad some one said it! Now you and the Sudanese can kindly fuck off and stop calling yourselves Arabs, Chadians and Eritreans too.
Maybe you bantu rapebabbys from the south are 100% local but don't go lumping in the superior and classy Ishaq clan to your shit-tier vine swinging savage ass
And? I agreed and said Somalis weren't Arab you dumb troglodyte.