What went wrong? The country seemed to have potential to turn out into an African superpower.
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Lithuanias flag seems weird
Colonization, as always white people ruining entire civilizations of people.
They got invaded by another Black country and then suffeted from a coup.
The Egyptians and the Ottomans are the ones who fucked them up
They bought into the Derg meme, and then the Eritrean meme
>africa had a big bag of gold coins, evil colonialists stole it and that's why they're poor
nah, it was 99% commies
>tfw OIDF lies are popular
Daily Reminder that """Oromia""' is rightful Aramaic clay and that the Oromo """""People""""" are invaders
Proxy wars between the west and Soviets are still western colonialism related.
You fag ferenj stunted us but we are making many gains
They're absolutely not, they're power-bloc related. The Cold war never was a colonial conflict.
Fucking Soviet Union ruining everything as usual.
Ethiopia was never colonized you tit
Never colonized, but invaded multiple times by Italy for this exact reason.
>America fucking up Africa
>Not Western Europeans and the Soviets
So how good was this guy as a king really?
Communist coup, and then a famine under a communist government
Or Chinese, for that matter.
You're so close to putting it together.
More or less the same thing that went wrong with the rest of Africa: the Cold War.
Chinese have only benefited Africa. They caused the commodity price boom of 1994-2014 that pulled Africa out of the absolute shithole of the 80's.
Pretty shit
Nah many western aligned nations were godawful so either side of the cold war was cancerous.
ideology is cancerous tbqh
If getting invaded by anything after Roman period Italy fucks your country over, you never stood a chance
Also they are ridiculously landlocked.
They won against Italy the first time. Then they came back with tanks.
and mustard gas
Why would you colonize Ethiopia?
You don't colonize ancient civilizations, you colonize savages who don't know their land is valuable.
Prestige. The Romans failed to conquer Ethiopia so it'd be a good way of puffing your chest out.
It probably would've looked a lot better if they hadn't lost the first time, or bombed hospitals, or massacred orthodox monks, or used mustard gas
There's nothing prestigious about one out of shape Empire Slugging it out with an even older, more out of shape one.
If Italy wanted to impress someone, they should have taken back even a fraction of what they ever had.
Thinking about Ethiopia always makes me think about how it's landlocked but Somalia gets to have a coast and they just use it to be pirates.
the Derg.
Oromos getting jumpy invariably leads to shit times for the country, hence why the government is cracking down on them.
>Invasion and Immediate post WWII: Bretty gud
>Post 1950: Traditionalist who couldn't bring his government up to speed with the changing times and ended up sowing the seeds for the commies to take over.
Lol what a shitty post.
I'm an Ethiopian myself and I can tell you hundred percent sure that it's the commies fault for driving Ethiopia into a shithole. I dream everyday about going back and restoring the Empire and the glory of Axum, make her shine again!
>What went wrong?
A lot.
>6th century; Persians drive Aksumites out of Yemen, Ethiopia looses monopoly on Red Sea trade and overexerts itself militarily
>7th century; Arabs conquer Red Sea, cut off Aksumite trade with allies in Byzantium, Aksum abandoned
>7th-10th centuries; Ethiopians withdraw into highlands, chaotic period, urbanism disappears
>12-13th centuries; Zagwe control a small but proseprous state, things get a bit better
>13th-15th centuries;, Solomonic Dynasty rebuilds empire, but this time without cities and constantly at war with Muslims to the south and east
>16th century; Adal Sultanate invades, almost destroys Ethiopia, half the empire is lost, Oromos migrate en mass into highlands and destabilize everything, also Ottomans
>17th century; Civil war against Catholics, Ethiopia isolates itself from Europe, build pretty castles while Oromos continue to fuck shit up and exert influence over the court
>18th century; entire country falls apart, feudal lords tear everything apart
>1855-1868; Tewodros reunifies empire, begins modernization, goes crazy, gets killed, things fall apart again
>1871-1889; Yohannes IV reunifies empire again, no interest in modernisation but manages to fend off Egyptian invasion
>1889-1913; Menelik II begins some modernisation around the capital, but not much, fends off Italians
>1916-1974; Regent and then Emperor Selassie pushes modernization, but conservative nobles, priesthood and the Empress Zewditu hold him back, then Italians invade and build some roads and stuff but also kill off a generation of educated Ethiopians, then there's a slow and not very effective post-war modernisation mostly limited to the cities, widespread poverty and famine along with Selassie's luxuries lifestyle and growing ineffectiveness encourages dissent
>1974-1987; Derg somehow make everything worse
>1987-now; things are getting sort of better but it's still an impoverished shithole, ethnic conflict seems to be getting worse
-now; things are getting sort of better but it's still an impoverished shithole, ethnic conflict seems to be getting worse
I know the Somalian part wants Independence but what About Oromia? Is Oromian nationalism getting stronger or weaker?
The west's goal was to counter the soviets. After the cold war ended they withdrew support for all their client dictators.
I don't know much about modern Ethiopian politics, but there does seem to be a movement for Oromo independence and a 'Greater Oromia'. I really don't know how strong it is or any more than that.
It's kind of stupid really since their whole ideology is that Oromos were exploited by Amharas, when in reality Oromos were the ones who invaded Ethiopia, became acculturated into it, sometimes ruled it and later helped the state conquer the non-Ethiopianised Oromo too. There was never any kind of Oromo 'nation' before the 20th century. Some Oromo were exploited by Amharas, some were exploited by other Oromos, some Oromos exploited Amharas, etc. It's nowhere near as clear-cut as they make it out to be.
Does Eritrea exists for any other reason than landlocking Ethiopia?