Question to the Muslims of Veeky Forums:
If you could program a Burqa with a generic robotic face that mimicked the expressions of the wearer, would that satisfy whatever fucking part of your religion that says women can't show their face to men?
Question to the Muslims of Veeky Forums:
If you could program a Burqa with a generic robotic face that mimicked the expressions of the wearer, would that satisfy whatever fucking part of your religion that says women can't show their face to men?
That sounds terrifying, why would you do that? I'd prefer pic related over that
Anyway there's nothing to say that she can't show her face, it's just that some societies take the need for modesty to an extreme level
I always found that cloth way too creepy desu.
I'd prefer seeing that robotic face than this shit.
How does he even know which one his mum is?
As a muslim I'll say wtf is wrong with you ?
It is not forbidden to show your face, only requirement is to wear a headscarf upon your head, as in many cultures. It is mandatory in islam though, since it's the word of god.
Robots can't have social class, so it wouldn't be egalitarian,
it started off as a way to protect a woman's hair from lice.
Men didn't wear any scarfs, since they had short hair, and therefore, no need to protect their hair.
Nowadays it's not useful though.
nice conjecture. any proof or source?
I read it in a book quite a while ago, I don't remember the source.
Does anyone know why covering women's hair is such a common thing in archaic cultures? Is it simply because of chastity or is there some other reason?
Dumping a few shitty sketches of historical Finnish women's clothing.
Dated to the merovingian - viking eras, depending on the suit.
Is that really it? Just protection against lice? What I've read about it, it most often has something to do with chastity or marriage. Any source for the lice?
>Men didn't wear any scarfs, since they had short hair
A lot of men probably had long hair back then though. At the very least in some cultures the hair length was a non-issue.
You can see that they are holding hands. Also perhaps he can tell by the way she walks, the embroideries and in which way the cloth is frayed or damaged.
I think there the mum always has a tight grip on her children whenever they're out together
>Sikh (baptized)
In Romania and probably other slavic cultures ( can't speak for them though) it signified the purity of a woman.
Unmarried girls who were supposed to be virgins (although there were many cases when that wasn't the case ) didn't have to cover their hair since they were "pure".
After marriage the would wear a "batic" to cover their shame.
I don't know what the practical reason was at first and how it transferred into cultural norms later.
Perhaps without hair-care products the best way to protect long hair was to cover it?
Her voice dumbass.
Are there any cultures in which both the men and the women traditionally have short hair?
Can qt muslim girls pretend to be boys on the internet? is that halal?
Interesting, I would like to have a source
The Qur'an does not require women to cover themselves, that's mainly an Arab tradition. It's only become semi-religious because of hadith, which IMO are meaningless most of the time.
I should add that this is a very unpopular view among some "Muslim" communities and would call me heretical.
Most of Africa.
Literally nothing in Islam says women can't show their face
Exactlyy no Muslim I ever met considered the hadith to be meaningless and the coverage is in the quran as well.
except for muslims none of these headwears are mandatory. Might as well put in a baseball cap into you flawed comparision.
You're disregarding an article of a religion's mainstream doctrine. That's the very definition of heresy.
only one of those women could be killed for taking it off.
Not all Muslims believe in the burqa. I, for example, think it's a tad overkill. Look at the difference of modesty laws between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Also the covering is to keep them from being sexually objectified and all that comes along with that (often in vain, unfortunately) so with that said I'm pretty sure a creepy ass robot face would satisfy that particular ailment, so it could probably work.
Unfortunately wearing head coverings for extended periods of time actually damages your hair/scalp.