How much power do these rothchild jews have?
Why don't people fucking stand against their cultural marxism and world wide zionism?
How much power do these rothchild jews have?
Why don't people fucking stand against their cultural marxism and world wide zionism?
Kill yourself.
JIDF pls go.
They're just court Jews, acting as proxies on behalf of the four Houses that secretly rule the world.
who are they? Are they jews?
I've already said too much.
>four houses
J.K Rowling was on to something, huh
Quick question, OP: why the fuck did you think this question belonged on this board?
more than you imagine, but not in cash.
>Why don't people fucking stand against their cultural marxism and world wide zionism?
they literally own the entire media, so you got absolute 0 chance.
try to fit in NWO, it wont be that bad
Dunno what you /pol/sters are smoking (probably crack, a drug for uneducated degenerates, which would be fitting), but what makes you think for a second that this has anything to do with Marxism? A bunch of rich old capitalists are using their incredible influence to unite people and abolish capitalism? That makes zero sense. Capital concentrates in the hands of the few and they will use it to enrich themselves while trying to divide and conquer even more. Call it what it is: capitalism. If you still wanna post memes, at least call it cultural capitalism, which would at least be closer to the mark than "cultural Marxism", you uneducated /pol/lack swine.
Of course not.
They're House of France, the House of Anjou, the House of Medici, and the House of Habsburg.
rothschild aren't even one of the biggest jewish banking families.
cultural marxism is a meme.
because the two in the OP pic are rothchild bankers who have influenced the world to be bluepilled
they even fucking funded the migrant crisis and caused the iraq war
Is the joke supposed to be that they're the Koch brothers, not Rothschilds?
I got the picture from a video on the Rothchilds
are the Koch brothers part of the problem?
This has to be bait
I'm just trying to learn about world controllers
In my country we fear these men (not OP pic though it is true they are not Rothschild)
Is your country muslim by any chance?
>the House of Anjou
Where's that?
>House of Medici
But Medici family died out centuries ago. Or do you mean other Medicis?
I'm not trolling and don't know if you are, I'm just zero in history and curious about who runs the planet.
The Rothschild are still rich but their wealth has shrunk so much and its divided between heirs. They don't rule the world.
They didn't die out, they just took different names, and became anonymous. The last millennium of history has been mostly about conflicts and alliances between these houses. France brought down Anjou, then Anjou allied with Medici and Habsburg to bring down France, France allied with Medici to bring down Habsburg, etc.
Since the fall of Napoleon they've had peace, ruling jointly but from the shadows, using the Rothschilds among others as their proxies.