Is solitary confinement cruel?
Is solitary confinement cruel?
only for normies
Eh,every now and then I don't think I would even mind it
>Free food
>Don't have to work
>Bodyweight exercises all day
Yes, but all aspects of incarceration are necessarily cruel. The people are locked away from the people they love, even if the people they love are sick or dying.
>cruel and unusual punishment
It isn't unusual because it's routine.
If I'm to believe what TV and the internet tell me about prisons, I prefer to be alone and never leave the cell t.b.h
Solitary confinement is basically like withdrawal syndrome when you stop taking drugs. Normies are addicted to unchecked emotional ride that leads them to all sorts of pleasures and pain. Once this system is stopped abruptly for the normies, they are scared and don't know what to do like the druggies.
Buddhist monks are living the simple life by mastering themselves rather than being a slave to the ride of external desires.
You cannot compare Buddhist monks who choose to live in the wilderness by themselves and often times still interact with others than to men with disabilities and criminal mindsets being locked into a 6x4 cell for 23 hours a day. It is literally not the same. At all. Retards.
Psych nurse reporting in. I utilise our 'seclusion room' daily. Ask me anything.
How many people are kept in solitary confinement 23 hours a day in your facility?
Accordingly to Stefan Zweig, it can give you superpower (at chess).
>isolating a social animal
Even the spergiest loner will go insane without company at some point
Humans are highly social creatures. Containing people in boxes with no communicative outlets is of course going to have adverse affects on the mental condition of those imprisoned.
Even monks would suffer from withdrawal of human contact at least initially. They simply power through it through sheer force of will.
Same kind of mental endurance that lets them immolate themselves without screaming in agony.
Monks and yogis in Tibet go on solitary retreats for years at a time, decades on extreme cases.
Longest somebody has had to be in there for was around 20 hours.
I was in county jail for 8 months awaiting a trial before my charges were dropped after the witness admitted they lied about me in an attempt to extort my family.
Because where I used to live was relatively small, I was put in solitary confinement for my own safety after I was arrested. It was absolutely fucking terrible. And this was to protect me. I can't imagine what it is like when you are acting like a dick and they isolate me. I am most definitely not the same person I was when I went than when I got out.
>I was in county jail for 8 months awaiting a trial before my charges were dropped after the witness admitted they lied about me in an attempt to extort my family.
Did you get compensation or anything?
No, just an apology from the prosecutors office and advice to leave town.
I went in for 3 days.
Worst yet best thing that ever happened to me. You get to find your center.
If 15 minutes is too much for most people, then I'd say 24 hours is probably overkill
>and advice to leave town
It's so cooool, it's like the Far West !
Could you elaborate?
Its not cool. At all. But I can see where you are coming from.
Yeah, this town is too small for both of us, stranger.
You couldn't get bailed out?
I´ve, since early childhood, done nothing else but talking to myself. I motivate me, I tell me stories, I console me, I debate me, etc. And honestly, I asummed until now that normies did more or less the same.
And now what? They can´t stay alone with their OWN FUCKING THOUGHTS for more than measly 15 minutes?! That´s ridiculous, I refuse to believe that. I mean, it´s your own thoughts, goddammit, your inner voice. How´s that not something familiar?
Can someone explain that to me, because I can´t really grasp this idea. How is that even possible?
Judge said no bond.
>no bond
>solitary for your own protection
What the fuck were you accused of, raping a minor?
The study is a bit silly to me because they are just setting people up to shock themselves. If you get left alone with that thing in the room, why not try it?
No one is kept in solitary in prison unless it's temporary, as a disciplinary measure, or they are dangerous to other inmates or need to be protected from other inmates.
What? No! Why would I shock myself? Am I a masochist?
No thanks, I´d be quite happy talking to Me, Mini-Me and Myself.
Which is a lot of people in prison.
Kidnapping, armed robbery and armed battery and rape all on a minor. I am also a convicted felon, so they added that for the reasons I shouldnt be bonded out.
It wasn't until 6 months after i was arrested ithat her attorney contacted mine and said this could go away for some money. My family recently had acquired a lot of money so they were trying to extort us.
She's in jail now.
Yeah but they do so tu understand an appreciate human contact.
Didnt Takuan catch early Musashi because he knew that the flute and the fire would soothe Takezos soul which couldnt stand the loneliness in hiding?
I spend like 20 minutes alone every day just shitting
Probably 2 times a day too
I enjoy my quiet time on the john
Fucking plebs, last week i just went out once and went to sleep before my parents came home, loneliness is the best.
When its voluntary and you can browse the internet you neet. Not when you don't have a godamn TV or book to read.
I think the question is, "Is it cruel enough?".
pooping is entertaining though, its not the same as doing nothing
That's true
But nothing is stopping you from pooping as much as you want in solitary confinement for 24 hours
Yea, its called prison food.
That's fucked up.
>there are bleeding heart morons who consider it cruel to lock a murderer into a small room
>They simply power through it through sheer force of will.
You understand this is a lot easier to do when you are doing it willingly?
While it is possible for inmates to come to this enlightenment the, for lack of a better word, ratio for 'enlightenment' between monks and prisoners would be so low because monks are actually searching for it. Prisoners are not. Monks see their confinement as becoming more free, prisoners it's the exact opposite.
How can you even compare the two?
I'd probably shock myself right away out of sheer curiosity.
You should actually rape her.
Her credibility is shot, and you already did time for it.
oh user, if only there was that kind of justice in the world.
If you have something to occupy yourself with it's not that bad. I'd deal with it pretty well if they allowed me to bring in books to read or if they gave me a pen and notebook to write something.
If you use a gun and one of those condoms that actually feels good when you get a blow job through it, there should be no physical evidence.
lel just to clarify, I'm not that guy - I was just agreeing.
>because of your false accusation, you have now opened yourself to one conviction-free rape event to be performed by the defendant as he sees fit
could you imagine how quickly the rate of false rape accusations would fall if we instituted something like this?
Isolating any social animal is cruel, and human beings are indeed, social animals.
But they often times don't. Books, pen, paper, that goes to good model prisoners. Not men in solitary.
>one of those condoms that actually feels good when you get a blow job
Said no one who has actual gotten a blowjob ever.
>one of those condoms that actually feels good when you get a blow job
Said no one who has actual gotten a blowjob ever.
I'm that guy even though I did 8 months I don't agree. At all. Y'all niggas sick.
And when that social animal attacks all the animals he socializes with, or is at risk of attack from the animals he's supposed to socialize with, what are we to do?
Honestly the thought of life without parole in solitary is more terrifying than a death sentence.
The difference is this is usually a voluntary action done because the monk believes it will better them - often after a fair amount of mental preparation - not an involuntary punishment.
eh, I was suggesting that simply the threat of something like that would deter most bitches from fucking up someone else's life by making them think twice of falsely accusing them. I doubt guys who would never rape in the first place would turn into rape machines if given the chance, even if that's what feminism teaches us.
All I want is some good old fashioned jailbait bondage sodomy and you have to make it sound morally questionable.
I feel for the girl. He family manipulated her and was vicious with her when it went wrong. Her attorney didn't help either, and if I were to hypothetically give you his information you will see his Bar record and its fucking terrible, last time I checked he was indefinitely suspended.
But for what she did to me she got hefty probation and county time for; she violated probation and is spending the next 3 more years in state penitentiary. As someone who spent 8 months in there that makes me incredibly sad. But likewise, the judge told me no bond + you can go away for life for this.
>could you imagine how quickly the rate of false rape accusations would fall if we instituted something like this?
About as quickly as the genuine rape accusations I'd imagine.
It's not like false accusations don't already have consequences if they're proven. People don't make false accusations expecting to be caught, but to punish an accusation with literal rape would be enough to deter genuine accusations for fear of literally legally signing yourself over to the same asshole a second time.
>last time I checked he was indefinitely suspended
Well no shit.
Knowingly participating in a scheme to commit extortion is grounds for disbarment in every state.
>It's not like false accusations don't already have consequences if they're proven.
oh really?
>If you’re wondering whether authorities will charge this woman with perjury, think again. Forged documents, false allegations, and defamatory lies in police reports or restraining-order petitions are met with a shrug. The county attorney refused to charge Cunningham’s accuser with making a false police report, telling the AP he was reluctant to bring those charges for fear of “a chilling effect” such an action might have on future victims of domestic violence.
it's precisely the excuse of a 'chilling effect' you bring up that let's current day false accusers walk away scot-free. you're basically saying that penalizing one innocent party and destroying their life is perfectly okay so long as it isn't the woman.
Or unless you end up at ASX Florence, in the company of Unabomber, Robert Hanssen, OKC bomber accomplice, to name sone of the more notable innates.
Don't listen to that guy. There's a lot of people right now spending 23 hours a day in a box. Maybe not for life, but for way longer than what should be considered temporary.
>you're basically saying that penalizing one innocent party and destroying their life is perfectly okay so long as it isn't the woman.
You're basically saying "hurrdurr I'm retarded and putting words in other people's mouth."
Tell me how saying that perjury is already illegal is in any way saying that perjury is ok or that it should be selectively enforced. Ok, so let's say perjury laws aren't enforced - in that case why does introducing a retarded law where accusers can get fucking raped if they're found to have falsely accused someone change anything? Do you think anybody covering up perjury is suddenly gonna go "well in that case let's get this bitch actually raped"? It won't fix the lack of enforcement and it's a stupid fucking idea in the first place.
>And when that social animal attacks all the animals he socializes with, or is at risk of attack from the animals he's supposed to socialize with, what are we to do?
Kill them.
Why waste resources on sociopaths that will exist solely to prey on others in society? That's just dumb.
>Tell me how saying that perjury is already illegal is in any way saying that perjury is ok or that it should be selectively enforced.
You're basically saying "hurrdurr I'm retarded and putting words in other people's mouth."
the fact that you are completely unaware that perjury means absolutely fuck all in false rape/DV accusations suggests that you can't perceive that there is a problem with the current setup. suggesting that there isn't a problem with a broken system where the male innocent party gets royally fucked regardless of the outcome, while at the same time poo-pooing that some far fetched hypothetical law may possibly prevent genuine rape victims from stepping forward (even though it wouldn't prevent genuine victims who have actual evidence from stepping forward) is tantamount to saying
>laws that fuck innocent men routinely? not really a problem because herp derp perjury the system works :^)
>even suggesting that there should be some consequence for false accusations? holy shit what a travesty, think of the innocent women!
>Do you think anybody covering up perjury is suddenly gonna go "well in that case let's get this bitch actually raped"? It won't fix the lack of enforcement
no shit sherlock, the point with suggesting such a law was that it would conceivably prevent cunts from getting it in their heads in the first place that proceeding with a false rape accusation would be an easy, consequence-free action with zero risk and potential reward. it was a suggestion made in jest - in reality, enforcing ANY fucking criminal consequence to a verifiable false accusation would be a step in the right direction, and the 'chilling effect' is just a weak excuse to perpetuate a broken system where one side gets full legal protection while the other side gets none.
Aren't people in seclusion often sedated though, and can only be kept there a few hours before you have to review it and see if they can come out? And even then, there is access to nurses if they want.
..... i almost never say or think this on very very strong principle but i hope you get locked up you fucking squab. being locked in a concrete room only to see the sun for one hour a day in a 10x10 foot cage is not any where close to what youre talking about
People seem to forget that if you're talking to people on Veeky Forums, or any forum, you're socialising. You don't need to see them face to face. Also, the incredible value that choice has. They can go out and do stuff if they choose to.
But they think they're on the same level as people that are in solitary and can't talk to anyone or do anything, apparently.
>People seem to forget that if you're talking to people on Veeky Forums, or any forum, you're socialising.
It has to be humans though. and everyone here is AI.
seclusion in the middle of butt fuck nowhere under the vast expanse of the sky is nothing like being locked in a cell.
>killing and violence is bad
>so were gunna kill them.
Yes, and this is why we need state-issued gf:s.
You don't kill murderers because killing is "bad", you kill them because they are a proven threat to society, and killing them eliminates that threat, and the burden it takes to keep them alive and in custody.
If state issued girlfriends is "orwelian" please tell me where I have to sign to live in Oceania.
remove trip you fucking faggot
>I was put in solitary confinement for my own safety
LOL you were put in protective custody because you must be some harry potter lookalike and everybody could see you were too much of a bitchass punk for even COUNTY JAIL
If they are, it's for something violent done in prison, not for being caught making pruno or something.
Not that guy but You've never spent a fucking night in jail fuck off. That shits probably fake and gay anyway.
All those inmates need protection. Many other inmates want to kill them out of disgust, others simply for the notoriety (especially lifers who have nothing left to lose).
Actually most of them are snitches or have autism and would be literally forced into prison prostitution. Also child molestors.
So if your cellmate takes your shit, your just going to let it slide and tell a guar instead of defending yourself and getting your shit back?
Nigga I done did mofuckin federal bids up and down the country, never had to PC up because I aint a bitch lmao
Lmao no you haven't
Federal is easy time.
You are talking about the extreme outliers of these "monks". 99.99% of the Buddhist population, laymen or clergy, wouldn't be able to handle that sort of solitary confinement. Using these as an example is like using Evel Knievel as an example of your average motorbike rider.
t. bitch nigga who sucked methhead dick in county jail and got his mom to send him 500$ a week protection money
t. bored suburbanite
Now do that in a small beige room without any source of entertainment. No computer, no Internet, no books, no nothing but a mattress to lie down on.
it's nor orwelian at all since it already happened in cambodia where the khmers rouge had their spouses picked by their superiors
t. guy who did 8 months protective custody in county jail and thinks he is some kind of badass
You two are arguing over which one is the biggest piece of shit, as though it were something to be proud of. Think really hard about that.
Usually in just lurk and look up. But I've spent some time in solitary in Florida State prison. I've also done time in Dade , Glades and the Panhandle. Any south Florida fags here? I've been to TGK and spent 18 months of my life there awaiting a trial. I've been around.
Its terrible, terrifying and terrific at getting SOME people to calm the fuck down. It is also a good way to mentally damage a man to the point of no return. If you have a criminal and prison who has any chance of coming out reformed, it is 9/10 ruined when you throw them in solitary. Solitary made me much more violent than I was. Every time they let me out I went back in. The first time I was in I beat my cellmate into a coma for calling me a faggot because I told him how me and a friend tag teamed a girl when I was 16. A man calls you a faggit on the street on the interwebz, you go on with your day. A man calls you a faggot in prison and you don't do anything about it you are in huge trouble.
After that all it would take was eye contact to set me off and reach violently. When your stuck in with a novel, TV or even a fucking view of the outside world you begin the hate everything and wish it harm and with 23 hours a day you figure out quickly how to cause harm to others, and yourself. I have 0 family members who have ever had schizophrenia, but I was hearing voices for a long time in solitary. And when everyone on the block decides its time to go apeshit, that's not one place you want to be.
I tried to kill myself 5 times. Each ime I was punished with more solitary. Each time I tried to kill myself again. When I was finally put in a mental health ward and subsequently downgraded at the recommendation of the psychologist and psychiatrist and pastor, my h mental health improved. All you loners think your lonely, but youre talking to an entire world right now. You do not know what isolation is. I do, and none of you want a single part of it.
being forced to do something goes against human nature.
even if it's something we like or even love, when forced we'll struggle against it (e.g.: rape which is something every single human being loves - sex, but forced)
also, seclusion =/= reclusion
Did you think talking like a nigger makes your story more credible?
all animals are prone to chaotic behavior since our world is based on chaos
so expect this to be the norm with every being with a brain
I'm talking about the hole, not protective solitary.
You're going to tell your chain-of-command, that is, your inmate chain-of-command. Stealing in jail is punishable by a beating and exile, stealing in prison is punishable by death.