You are about to land on Omaha. What are your last thoughts?
You are about to land on Omaha. What are your last thoughts?
Probably something like "I hope I don't get blown up or shot"
I land after the beach is taken instead of getting slaughtered
>"I'm just going to stay over here for a bit"
My last thoughts would be " I should have joined the Airborne "
>aww fuck
Literally "easy company"
>mom mom mom mom mom mom mom
"Fake getting hit and hope no one notices bro"
"I hope 70 years from now people don't belittle the sacrifices made by me and my peers by turning us into memes, a term I just invented."
Do everything possible to stay alive so I can stop the beachmaster from dropping the dufflebag full of film and photos shot by all the signal corp cameramen and landing craft mounted cameras into the water rather than losing it all to history.
>fuck fuck fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK
"Man, as soon as the door on this boat drops, I'm staying the fuck behind this big dude in front of me. If he gets shot, can I just fall down and pretend I'm dead?"
The tide-walkers survived the first wave, very few who tried to find cover on the beach made it.
Why didn't they roll them out with heavy shields to push or some shit?
I mean running and using the corpses of your comrades as shields isn't very inspiring
damn... im about to die for jews
t. Ben Garrison
Yes run with 50 pound equipment through deep water while also carrying a shield that would have to way a crap ton. Enough people died trying to swim with their gear on and now you want to have them carry a shield?
The word meme didn't exist in the 940s? WTF
that's a bit early, don't you think user?
> I thought FDR said he would keep us out of the war
>why did he antagonize those german submarines
>why would be destroy the biggest anti-communist and US trade partner in Europe
>I bet some Jew will end up giving the commies the info they need to make an atom bomb anyway
>where is Poland?
>Isn't Russia occupying Poland?
>my feet hurt
>I don't want to get wet
>my grandma is german why am I doing this
>Hitler said some nice stuff about the US in Mein Kampf what happened?
why would you play dead? weren't the nazi raking the entire beach with gun emplacements? wouldn't make much difference desu
You could play dead behind a body that could theoretically act as a shield against all of those bullets.
Just putting that out there.
This is some shit
Hitler is such a cunt
I'm going to die
I'm going to kill those fucking krauts taking pot shots at us
I hope my brothers are okay
I hope my parents are too
I just wanted to get married to my girlfriend, then those fucking fascist pieces of shit decided to get uppidy on the whole of Europe
I better get out of this shit alive or I swear to Christ I will haunt the shit out of that German guy that lives down my street
Just fuck my shit up famm
Dont forget the fucking massive amount of mortars and arty and indirect fire and shit being poured down upon them. (Also this wasnt your point so this isnt me having a go at you) just as a general statement in regards to the thread but if all the allies on the beaches on D-Day played dead where would we be now ?...there was a job to be done, and alot of men with big fucking cast iron balls did it well
Jesus fucking Christ she doesn't want to fuck me and I'm dying for her freedom fuck that bitch she should be the one taking Fritz's bullets. And now, to fucking kill fascists.
>this boat rocks too much
>It's too cold
>my feet hurt
>I wish I were back at the base playing cards
"We really need to get those bunkers built before Tommy comes."
"Why did my oberkommando order me here by boat, I could've come in a comfy VW."
"My feet hurt."
"I was I was back in Leipzig with Katja."
>Jesus fucking Christ I want a cigarette
I doubt that would work. A full size rifle cartridge like 8mm Mauser can pass right through a human body and kill or wound anyone behind it.
The plan was to have amphibious tanks arrive as mobile cover but they sunk en route due to heavy waves
D-Day was a fucking mess all around
"I hope Tyrone takes care of my wife and her son."
Why the fuck am I here?
"I hope I am in the 6th wave"
Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs
And towards our distant rest began to trudge.
Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots
But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;
Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots
Of tired, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind.
Gas! Gas! Quick, boys!---An ecstasy of fumbling,
Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time;
But someone still was yelling out and stumbling,
And flound'ring like a man in fire or lime...
Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light,
As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.
In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,
He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.
If in some smothering dreams you too could pace
Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin;
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,---
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori.
How about playing dead behind 2 bodies then?
Glorious man
''I wonder if the milkman is fucking my wife''
"Oh, shit. Did I leave the stove on?"
>D-Day was a fucking mess all around
Eh, less deaths than predicted. Omaha was really the only fuck up. Friendly bombers killing hundreds of allies during the Normandy campaign ws pretty bad though.
Who's Private Ryan?
Why does he need saving?
>I'm glad I stayed on the boat
>I'm glad I met that qt French girl
>I'm glad my grandchildren are interested in history
>Am I having a heart attack?
>"Boy, I sure am glad I joined the Marines"
>chill out, drink coconuts, get a tan for 4 months
>then hide behind wrecked vehicles and shit and Peleliu
>did I left the stove on ?
>her son
Nice touch, subtle.
'This is bullshit I wanted to murder chinks and fuck their wives'
"I'd rather storm Obama's bitch"
>"Millions of men experienced far more suicidal assaults in the Napoleonic Wars. Millions of men experienced far more suicidal assaults in WW1. Millions of men are experiencing far more suicidal assaults on the Eastern front right now. But somehow we're the ones who'll be remembered the most"
No. the word "meme" did not have a meaning in the English language in the 1940s.
The Bren is still better then the Spandau.
At least Spandau has ballet. You know this much is true.
That comment is gold!
stop it hahahah
Allahu akbar
"I hope my buddies corpses can take bullets, hello corpse igloo"
probably something along these lines
>I don't know how bullets work
>No, this can't be happening! I am in charge here!
Bite a german's face off and wear it as a disguise.
I wouldn't be so sure, meme arrows have been found on the walls of Pompeii. IIRC some cave drawings seem to resemble early, unsophisticated Pepes.
We're fighting on the wrong side.
wow the guy next to me sure is an edgelord.
>> I thought FDR said he would keep us out of the war
>>why did he antagonize those german submarines
>>why would be destroy the biggest anti-communist and US trade partner in Europe
probably because japan declared war on the US and germany joined them idk
>I should have joined the marines
Patton thought so too, but it's more of a 'wrong enemy' than in the wrong side.
>joined the marines
>get this
What did he go through annon.
What horrors has he seen.
user, what exactly do you think the Marines did in WW2?
I would probably just jump out the side of the boat thing, then swim for a bit or try to stealthily go through the water
>drown because you bailed into 7 foot deep water wearing an 80 pound pack
>Fight on useless plots of islands
>Environment is the shittiest where you get Malaria and suffer from Dehydration constantly
>Japanese are a fuck ton more crazy than Germans
>Get to join a noble cause of liberating Europe
>Fight across the nice temperate land of Europe and on your liberty days you get to go to places like London, Paris, and Berlin.
>Get all the foreign pussy you could ever want from all of the ladies wanting American soldier cock.
I respect the Marines from WW2 a lot because damn their theater sucked more. I would take joining the Army and landing at Omaha any time.
The word meme was coined as the cultural analog to "genes." We evolve physically through "genes" and culturally through "memes." The person who popularized the term was biologist Richard Dawkins.
Just don't tell /pol/ that their meme magic was first conceptualized by a loudmouthed atheist so that the quiet atheists can enjoy the laugh in peace.
Good luck being free as a deserter. You'd have to move to the Soviet Union after the war.
Sure it's better than the spandau. But it's still vastly inferior to the mg42/mg34
>>Get to join a noble cause of liberating Europe
Yes, joining to fight for a cause where communism can spread throughout Europe is "liberating".
Well at least half of Europe was liberated.
At least I'm not a negro.
>shit shit shit shit fuck , run , run , run, where is my cap, fuck fuck fuck, shit fuck shit pls god, run run, o dear god, fuck , shit, where is my sqad, pls someone help me , oh god no, no no no no, shit , fuck
That's from WWI you nigger
Probably Tom hanks fault
360 no scope sniper elite hitler from here
Didn't the airbone get fucked when they started working with the british in offensives in Belgium and Netherlands
Do you talk about market garden?
Yeah I forgot the name of the operation
Apparently they got shredded at the bulge (sorce : band of brothers)
So yeah my point is the airbone had it pretty rough.