Would the world wars been prevented if france was partitioned after the franco-prussian war?
Would the world wars been prevented if france was partitioned after the franco-prussian war?
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France doesn't exist.
It truly is paristan and its flemish, iberian, aquitane, and german colonies
I do pretty seriously think we would have at least had a much better world if someone had told Wilhelm the second to shut up and just focus in his own Country instead of building the navy.
That map is actually a pretty good example on why Race is based on nothing else than social values rather than natural reality.
France only came to be through German conquests.
And you base that off of what?
>yeah Wilhelm you know how Britain hates you and is notorious for fucking over countries that don't have strong navies? you should just ignore that
Because before building that navy the Brits were kind of broes with the Germans.
Think of it, who would the Brits have a bigger interest to ally with? A relative harmless Germany with no dangerous navy, or their historical rival France and Russia, both rivaling colonial powers where Russia has often waged proxy wars against them about Influence in Central Asia.
Building that navy turned Germany into a real threat, as they both acted aggressive and got some powerbas ((The navy)) to damage Britain if they wanted.
Also, consider that the Germans never had a real chance to outdo the British navy, which didn't stop complete cunts like Churchill to use it against Germany in his parliament speeches ((And I am not calling him a cunt because I support Hitler or anything))
It is a heavy mix of both.
While it's hard to ignore things like skin color, I would argue it's mostly social ideals and views.
For just 70 years+ most people on this board wouldn't consider either Russians or Poles to be white, and today they are the savior of the white rase.
>making permanent alliances
Portugal was relatively harmless with no dangerous navy, and what did Britain, their ally, do? They seized their colonies through military coercion. Britain was never friendly to rivals, no matter if they were harmless or not. How Germany saw it, the only way to stop Britain from shoving a bayonet up their African ass was to rival them at sea, and protect the colonies.
For just 70 years+ most people on this board wouldn't consider anyone white because the concept of skin color defining race boundaries is a polarized idea brought over by American pop culture.
/pol/ doesn't mirror public opinion.
It is a heavy mix of both appearance and social views.
The problem is, the Germans wouldn't be able to rival the Britts ever anyway.
Their hopes was in either staying with Britain as a safety measure against France and Russia, or allying with the rising power of Russia, neither which they did.
They went with AustriaHungary, whose Hungarian side blocked any military upgrading or stability rising measures, and the Ottoman empire, Europe's sick man.
How about the Irish? For a relatively short time ago they was papist scum and now Saint Patrics day is as American as apple pie. Or Italians?
They used to be lynched and now they too are white.
Pic heavily related,
protestant slander, 30 years war was extremely deadly.
Hitler had a shit navy and made a bunch of speeches about how bro tier they were, and they still turned down the anti-Comintern pact
I mean Wilhelm did lose solely because of the UK but I don't see how he could accomplish their neutrality
Having a navy at all > not having a navy
In a colonial war a smaller navy could defeat a larger navy with better concentration. The fact is that German centralization turned out a tragedy because the whole of Europe was paranoid against them as a newly rising industrial power. Bismarck tried, but he also made enemies, and they ended up biting Germany in the ass later on. Britain would have fucked them over no matter what, and the Germans didn't want Russia to grow more powerful than them.
Anglos and Germans decided they weren't so bad after nigs started getting into everything.
Which brings me to another point.
Race and religious importance will change depending on society.
In societies where the society is based on culture rather than race, like Germany with many Germans of both Catholic, Lutheran and Calvinist faith, radical groups will be based on race and will downplay religious importance. In societies that are quite religiously united but with many different groups, like the UK that had both Scots, Irish, Welsh and Englishmen in plenty but the ruling grouyp had a relatively united culture ((Protestantism of some form)) radical groups will be based on religion and downplay their cultural differences. If you are a protestant you are fine, if you are a catholic you are not no matter your race.
Religion may still matter in the former and race in the later, though they will still be of much less importance than the other.
Sorry if this sounds like bullshit, this one I come up with like one minute ago.
Central european nationalism =/ race isn't real
By keeping with Bismarcks policies more? Britain was more friendly with Germany before they built that navy. As for Hitler, he was doing a lot of other stuff such as arming up which went the Versailes treaty, breaking the treaty of not re-militarizing the Rhineland as well as annexing his neighbors. And even while doing all that the Allies was carefully positive to it as they thought he could be a buffer against the Soviets, and it was only when he broke the Munich treaty they began taking action against him.
>Anglos and Germans decided they weren't so bad after nigs started getting into everything.
Which is exactly what I have been saying.
No extra racial threat, Italians and Irish are white, rising Racial threat from Africans and Asians, Irish and Italians are now white. It rises out of necessity, not reality.
American are scum
British banter doesn't equate to fact.
What about culture then?
A nationalist in Germany or Hungary will focus on culture because they got large amounts of both Catholics and Protestants. Scandinavians and Brits do generally not share that problem.
I do respectfully answer to any critique.
Only really happened in America. Remained pretty much the same everywhere else.
Bismark initiated a series of wars that made the united kingdom fear a strong germany. The only diplomatic overtures I can think of was the belgium conference and impressing the sultan of the ottomans. If Germany worked with the UK for 50 years instead of waring denmark, austria, and france I doubt they would have interfered
>partitioning the culturally strongest country of Europe with such a fervent bout of nationalism infused in its people that it had conquered Europe several times
>over a war where the germans weren't even able to enter Paris
That would be something akin to partitioning Russia over the Nippo-Russian war. Simply wouldn't happen.
Didn't the Brits support German unification as a counter balance to France and Russia?
While it would have been morally responsible, it was never technically feasible.
>morally responsible
Let's not be rude now!
Also we've been upright and just arbitrators to Europe for centuries. Would you rather have had Britain as you overlords overseeing those?
Haven't Britain been the arbitrators since at least the Napolenic wars and possibly the seven years one?
The british and french were the counterbalance to russia. There was a break down british-relations over africa and its unstable government, during which time prussia invaded a france without allies, but they reconciled and were the two largest forces in china during the boxer rebellion.
The british entertained a german alliance since they were previously in a personal union with Hanover, but there was never enough out reaches from either country. There's just a certain threat with nations becoming so powerful with only cool relations
The British have always been better than France.
>He wrote , taking another sip of tea as the last of his teeth rotted away as half his house was destroyed due to heavy raining
What If italy invaded as well in return for savoy, sardina, and niece. I bet even spain would have joined for the basques and algeria if they really committed themselves to a war of containment
>Didn't mean to write this much
When Bismark was Chancellor, he pretty much kept Europe at peace by making Germany the Mediator of Europe. Basically making alliances, to force everyone play nice. He wanted the Major Euro powers to be friends with Germany and to keep France isolated+friendless. (He saw them as trying to become the next scary powerhouse) This was his Realpolitik ideology.
In order to keep relations solid with other countries, Germany mostly stayed out of "The Scramble for Africa" At the time this worked well. But it later meant that Germany had almost no overseas territories.
So when France / Britain / Belgium started getting $$$ + power from their territorial acquisitions, the German Gov't was jealous, and really wanted to get in on acquiring some overseas territory.
Wilhelm II came to power, Bismarck resigns, Germany goes from being the Mediator to instead another country vying for power. (change from Realpolitik ideology to Weltpolitik)
Wilhelm also wasn't exactly a great leader. he REALLY liked military stuff. (dressing up, inspecting armies, etc.) Other leaders thought he was pretty naive. That was one of the reasons he responded so well to the idea of building a German navy. (The head Admiral of Germany was convinced he could create a navy to rival Britain)
Germany being friends with the Brits fell apart when Queen Victoria died. Wilhelm / Tsar Nicholas II were related to her, and that was the last tie holding them together. Britain also was greatly opposed to idea of a large German Naval Force, which put them at opposition w/ each other.
Afterwards Britain formed an alliance with France(1904). France pulled some greedy land grabs in Morocco(1911) that Germany wasn't happy about. Germany tried to do some saber-rattling to warn France to back off- Morocco was supposed to be independent. The situation escalates, Britain comes in to back up France, and from there the sides of WWI start to appear.
Filthy niggers, we're your celt masters don't forget it.
How can people all around the world be this dumb ?
Race denialists btfo in pic related
Nice job fucking up the definition at the first line. There is no absolute definition of race in biology
I have so far been saying that Humans in general don't based their ideas of race on science, not that there necessarily isn't any scientific one. Sorry if not making that clear.
I don't really see how your image is contradicting that one. A better argument against me may be bringing up that babies have been shown to favor people of their own race, which actually shows we do have set ideas of people we prefer.
>Posting what a Victorian thought with regards to race
>Having anything to do with modern biology
How would world history have changed if Germany had allied with Russia instead of AH & Italy
That would have been completely impossible you dumb fuck.