ITT: Based Dictators


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These man has based in Vietnam

None of the popular atheists know Scripture well enough to settle debates; neither do I follow the popular nor do your deluded retarded memes apply to me. My post was antitheist. I somewhat doubt your kind can learn new proper words..


this. It didn't matter though as his nation was soon anally had by two very benevolent powers


hahaha ebin XDD

One of the very few dictators I actually like desu

>inb4 Kekkonen

>Capitalism literally cannot survive without dictators

>Capitalism literally cannot survive without dictators
Tell that to Hong Kong.

Is that Marcos? Can't tell

Deng was a dictator tho

triggered commie LARPer detected




The best one of 20th century

Not an argument.

Not exactly a dictator, but based nonetheless.

DESU sulla was pretty based


Has there ever been a current, like from the 1800s onward, Female dictator?

Only correct answer here

Japanese collaborator and got assassinated
Mass murdering psychopath
German collaborator and backstabber
dude helicopters lmao
Died, Cult of Personality
Fought a pointless war only to lose his country to the Soviet Union, also an admiral with no navy
Actions permanently destabilised Rome

Empress Dowager Cixi

"Stop sending people to kill me. We've already captured five of them, one of them with a bomb and another with a rifle. (...) If you don't stop sending killers, I'll send one to Moscow, and I won't have to send a second."

I'm a Broz Bro.


Except he pretty much guaranteed the fall of the Republic.

Don't forget Cincinnatus

small scale

Bitch please

Cixi had a council, of which she was the chief regent, but she never really ruled in her own name. IE: she was the de facto ruler but never the de jure ruler of China, since that was nominally her son.

Does it exist any real definition of "based" or does it just depend on the person saying it?


I like Stalin, Hitler and probably Saddam if he transformed Iraq into a new babylon or sumeria, but he couldn't even farm his own country properly had to import farm workers form egypt.

>the end of the republic and the rise of the empire
>A bad thing

anybody that is an affront to democracy and liberty is not "based"

Nato dogs please go home

normies get out

i want non-liberals to leave, thank you

"To be turned from one's course by men's opinions, by blame, and by misrepresentation shows a man unfit to hold an office."

The real savior of Rome

Dictators and Imperiums usually herald great change and transformation for the society in question, also democracy and consumer culture will inevitably lead to more heterogeneity so I hope that a cultural purification process will take place that in the west that will dwarf the islamic state just kidding I hope for a new Pan-European state to protect the white race.
We're not leaving any time soon.

This, t b h f a m

Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into despotisms.

>economic prosperity

>implying liberalism is superior to any other ideology


You're right about that at least


>The white race
>implying there's just one or even one

I thought the watermark said "my sides" for a while.

>Nobody puts the obvious choice

20th century dictator power rankings

Legend Tier

The United States of America* (Honorable Mention)

Great Tier

Ho Chi Minh
Lazaro Cardanas

Okay Tier

Mexican PRI

Bad Tier

Kim Il Sung
Muhammad Reza Shah

Hot Garbage Tier

Pol Pot

i agree with tito and hitler but mussolini, franco and pinochet at below great

United States and Japan showered South Korea with more than a hundred billion dollars in aids over four decades.

There was no possible way his economic policy could fail with that much stimulus.

Franco and Pinochet where pretty ok (tho tbqh I find Pinochet overrated) but Mussolini, pfft nobody liked him

except italians

Yeah man, he was sure based...

Race as an long term geographic stand point given to a people and culture is what I mean, I would say it was viable and necessary because I don't ideologically diffrentiate between slavs and say angles or celts.
Also If you were to compare european genetic differences incomparison to say sub saharan I would say we have more incommon than we ever would with the people of nigeria.
You could argue that the people of Serbia would not want to fight along side the people of England becuase of the long standing Imperialist ambitions of the latter, but if a union in survival of their fellow gene pools and metaphysical souls of the west and the slavic magian east i.e the very essence of our historys and spirit that would rot under american geo-political and cultural domination.

Hong Kong was in British hands during most of Deng's rule.

Affirmative Spengler bro



Saddam Hussein

You're memeing right, Mussolini was terrible

I'll admit he is close to great, best okay tier, unfortunately the fact that Spain is still poor doesn't help


I want off this meme ride. Pinochet was a literal alt-right meme. Even after that he was a Western puppet whose economy was carried by foreign investment during a period of the cold war where the US was trying to push pro-capitalist dictators by giving them money.

I'll admit Franco can be a little above okay, but Pinochet and Mussolini were memes

>Implying Tito wasn't doing it before it was cool

When the US and Turkey do it it's just sad

How has anyone not mentioned the most obvious of dictators?

What about based Salazar?

Pinochet was a literal alt-right meme.

Project much?

>Le Porfirio wuz a dictaty meme XD
It is true tho, but only if you consider Juárez to be one too

Hillary Clinton

The best.

Has there ever been a more alpha head of state?

>/Pol/ Pot

Kek. The best kind of dictator


He failed to create long-lasting cohesion in his people though, I'd say that's a pretty damning mark against him.


Fuck you guys

>what is reverse image search

Its a procedure I don't want to have to perform on every single picture just because you can't type a name.

>a dictator

This man, in my country he is everything.

I bet you voted Harper, you oil-leech.

this lad
who was also surprisingly handsome

4ever and always

*accordion music plays*

Arkan wasn't a dictator, he was just a leader of the paramilitary unit.


>Spain is still poor doesn't help
Do you realise that you put Lenin,Stalin, and tito above him right?
>Foreing investment
You have no clue about anything m8

GOAT tier:

Julius Caesar

Great Tier:


meh tier:


Bad tier:


Blight on Humanity tier:

Stalin (and the lesser Bolshevik dictators)
Pol Pot

If you disagree with this go back to Tumblr or Reddit. /pol/ pot has taken over.


How has Trajan not been mentioned?


only dictator close to his level of alpha was Tito


I prefer people who didn't get BTFO.

Nope, he was a complete pushover, held almost no actual power, eventually becoming a figurhead for a nazi puppet-regime. The only based thing he did was standing up to Hitler after that for a short while, but within a few weeks he gave in and gave his country over to more German cronies.

Read up on this guy though: came to power during a brief revolution against Soviet rule, got betrayed and arrested by Soviet collaborators who were also his former comrades. Then they tried to get him into their new government to appease the revolting masses. Nagy said fuck that, refused to go agains't his values and willingly provoked his captors to execute him so his death would fuel resentment against that regime.

why is he standing on a dumbbell?


honestly stalin is the most heroic man in all of history

Fidel, from first world to third world,Castro

proletarian taste

>honestly stalin is the most heroic man in all of history

i would let castro fuck my wife

>alt-right meme

You're literally describing a 70s dictator with stupid fucking 2015 internet lingo.

Wow, an ugly guy.