Has anyone noticed how the modern portrayals of "future man" are just 8ft tall hairless tech-savvy gibbons?
Think about it.
>smaller brain
>larger eyes
>longer arms
>overall lanky appearance
>spindly fingers
I guess everything old is new again.
Has anyone noticed how the modern portrayals of "future man" are just 8ft tall hairless tech-savvy gibbons?
Think about it.
>smaller brain
>larger eyes
>longer arms
>overall lanky appearance
>spindly fingers
I guess everything old is new again.
>future humans
>smaller brains
Some shpiel about how using technology alleviates the need for increased memory or something like that. Lamarckian as fuck, I know.
>what is dysgenics
If our brains get bigger then we wont be able to walk since it will act as a weigh against us, so the brain getting bigger is meme.
If brainsize determined intelligence than blue whales would rule the world.
Is that a Tolkien orc?
>Still not realizing its about surface-area of the brain to body size ratio
The brains size is not relevant in any way. This has been proved by weighing dead smart peoples brains where they can differ in as much as 500 grams.
Why are crows smarter than other birds of the same size?
Did you not read even a single word of the post you are replying to?
Yes I did, still dosent make it right.
That's not necessarily true. It's difficult to define intelligence in humans and almost impossible in animals.
Crows while i would consider them intelligent are only thought to be intelligent because of their impressive memory and some tricks that they are capable of doing.
There are other birds that have better sight, better range, and better usage of their innate instruments. You might just as well say "well they have better eyes, they have better skeletal structure & wings". But without the ability to use them they would be useless. Surely it takes some brain power to use body parts efficiently and conceptualize that use.
I just wanted to put in perspective that by setting the parameters of intelligence as one or two arbitrary facets of brain function you might not be doing the conversation justice.
Of course it's hard to define intelligence, a fish knowing calculus would not help it not being eaten by a shark, thus not making it a very intelligent fish, I get it.
What I wanted to point out is that brain size in any way is not related to intelligence.
Okay but how can you make that claim without going through the whole tired and annoying process of defining intelligence?
I'm just saying you have to define something before correlating something else negatively or positively.
So we could start by reviewing if animals with larger brains pass the mirror test, can solve the most basic of universal logic puzzles, remember sequences; but even then it we might just be characterizing logic.
Believe me i'm not trying to have a semantical argument here but let's be specific.
Even with the mirror test, we are still stuck.
How does passing the mirror test help a bird in it's everyday life? Is a bird smart if it's unusally original and creative at doing bird stuff or for solving a puzzle which will not help it survive?
Animals dont have any energy to spend on thinking since they struggle to only survive on a daily basis.
So to conclude a bird of a similar species must do bird stuff better to be considered more intelligent than the next bird. I don't think longevity of life is even a fair metric but i would concede and use it because how the fuck are we going to determine quality of bird life. Happiness in bird work or other silly things.
Can we pull up any brain size vs lifespan studies done on any animal with enough data?
Veeky Forums - bird intelligence discussion
When I read about Cetacean intelligence, (Dolphins and whales are considered "intelligent" enough to work for the military) they said that intelligence correlates with something called spindle neurons.
I don't think anyone would bother enough to collect dead bird brains, and if the old are supposed to be smarter then it would imply that they die naturally and who picks up dead old birds from the woods to study their brains?
>Veeky Forums - bird intelligence discussion
You people are terrible at it
Literal ants can pass the mirror test.
> In 100,000 years: The human face is proportioned to the 'golden ratio,' though it features unnervingly large eyes. There is green “eye shine” from the tapetum lucidum, and a more pronounced superciliary arch. A sideways blink of the reintroduced plica semilunaris seen in the light gray areas of the eyes, while miniature bone-conduction devices implanted above the ear work with the communications lenses on the eyes.
>the golden ratio meme
Please stop forcing this
Birds genetic connection to us goes back to 325 million years ago their brains have a completely different format from ours dumbass. Compare mammalian brains with mammalian brains.
The future man will not be a product of evolution. He will be a product if genetic manipulation and cybernetic augmentation.
People will modify themselves to look like all kinds of bullshit. Robot bodies, brains in jars, alien greys, Tolkienesque elves/dwarves and even real, no bullshit furries. Like actual 6 foot anthropomorphic talking animals. We'll cease to be a contiguous species, morphologically speaking.
>spindly fingers
>long arms
>small brain
sounds like niggers
As human brains become more powerful, we lose brain mass due to efficiency. Neanderthals were probably less intelligent than us, but had larger brains.
No they were smarter since they developed the most intelligence selecting climate on the planet where as we humans started out as OOGA BOOGAs in the savannahs of Africa stupid retards compared to the Neanderthals. The Neanderthals may look more apish than us but their small forehead is an illusion none of them were idiots at all as they developed synthetic material millenia before us,
Fuck let's face it.
Evolution isn't done with us yet. We're pushing boundaries of science, held back by what it means to be a human.
Why do we exist? On a scientific view summarized: earth: million in one odds, mammals as a whole, billion in one odds.
Humanity as a whole: Jesus Christ we can't count this high in one odds.
We came, we survived. We conquered.
We then created language.
Then civilizations.
Now we're here.
And now we have science.
We can create and destroy.
Mankind as a species.
And we spend time looking at memes.
Fuck this. I'm building a cryogenic chamber. Wake me up for cyborg transmissions.
Wait, anime WILL become real then?
If they were so smart how come they were cucked out of existence? Compassion? A pre-historic version of SJWism?
>Implying the future isn't this.
It's at least a little relevant. There's a biological limit to how smart a brain of a certain size can be. A smart human brain might weigh 750 grams less than its dumber counterpart, but a 10-gram human brain probably wouldn't
What's with her tricep?
Their diets werent flexible enough for the thawing of Ice Age Europe, they never got cucked we only fucked a minority of them in the middle east, the ones in Europe never even met humans at all. Also Neanderthals were way stronger than us while we could run away from them so their males would be the ones doing the raping and their females could restrain and force their pussies on your dick if they felt like it too.
The way it seems is the original neanderthal/human hybrids eventually muh dikked nothing but humans until it reduced all human DNA to this tiny percentage of neanderthal in us now, there are small percents of erectus, and denisova genes in us as well meaning it was rape fest 600,000 years ago.
You realize that post started out saying evolution was done with us?
>Animals dont have any energy to spend on thinking since they struggle to only survive on a daily basis.
not at all
animals spend most of their time in a relaxed state, idling around and day dreaming
just observe what your parrot, cat or dog does most of the time, lay with a deep thought gaze
the rest period is their brain daydreaming like humans do
they only want peace
What will the biological culling consist of?
>and their females could restrain and force their pussies on your dick if they felt like it too.
> tfw no 7 foot tall neanderthal gf to rape you every night
>7 foot tall
Hate to break it to ya.
Future übermensch will be able to fight super-roaches without any enhancement.
read it again
>what is dysgenics
A phenomenon that is likely no longer prevalent due to the mass availability of birth control.
There's something about ants, in a time when most animal species are reducing their population, ants seem to be doing fine, this is the result of the adaptations developed by them.
They do all kind of things that we consider intelligent and at the same time we fail to recognize such things as actual intelligence due to our fixation with brain size. Ants build cities, functional cities that adress structural needs, if the anthill isn't properly build, it fails and collapses, how can the ants supervise the structure?
Many things about ants are strange, they have self preservation insticts, they can work as a single individual, but they choose or are forced to work as society, with many of the elements that we find in a human society, division of labor, nurseries, and a military force, that does the double task of defending against external threats and to maintain an internal peace.
How do they know all of this?
The common explanaition is genetic memory, a genetic memory extremely complex that's available to every ant, but I'm inclined to think that there's more to it, I believe that they devised a way to pass knowledge from generation to generation, and to improve upon said knowledge.
The only reason to not believe in this, is to believe that their brains aren't complex enough, but I think that we don't really understand how their brains work, or what they're really capable of.
Our brains have already more or less reached the limit for a biological brain, we will expand our intelligence thru an ever closer union with our technology, not by evolving into Mekons (sadly).
You don't happen to have any sources of someone believing something like this do you?
Well, as they say, "We are nothing more than chimps who took on the lifestyle of ants."
Realistic anime is terrifying.
So we're gonna de-evolve back into monkeys?
natural biological evolution is dead.
humanity will become machine.
Neanderthals had bigger brains.
Most future man portrayals are just bigger humans that look lanky as being 8ft tall with the same dimensions as 6ft tall people make you look huge and encumbered.
you are on the right path
soon you will realise that ants, bees, termites actually copied the system and structure of cells that create complex organisms
your enlightenment will lead you to the revelation of biocommunism, nature's own fractal social system
*tips fedora*
Ever heard of the Hivers?
enlighten us non rpgers
>brain size not relevant in any way
Foolish statement derived from comparing apples with oranges.
A larger brain, provided all other qualities are equal, will be smarter. The kink is in that 'provided all other qualities are equal' part and the fact we don't know everything there is to know about brains.
>Smaller brain
I don't think that's how evolution works user.
It's literally the opposite. Birth control is dysgenic, because the people who use it are smarter than those who don't.
I thought it was about surface area
Surface area can be misleading. You can have a large brain with a large surface area but if the cerebral cortex (which is what is measured by the surface area) is only 1 millimeter thick then you're still going to be a dumb-ass.
Also, the reason crows are so smart relative to their brain size is maybe because of greater cell density leading to more neural connections in a smaller space.
Found the newer article I was thinking of.
Birds do in fact have denser brains.
Largest brain was like 2kg from a russian writer.
sure it does
The future of humans lies in virtual reality, the only evolution left is for our brains to be put in jars.
Why live on earth when you can live anywherw, by anyone, do anything?
Because it's more satisfying to live a real albeit less exciting life than to live in an illusion.
Have you played the game SOMA?
I don't know about you, but becoming a brain in a jar in a VR scared me more than anything.
You can't do anything as a brain in a jar. Your VR world could collapse at any moment and there's fuck all you can do about it.
Won't we just be the same? It's not "survival of the fittest" anymore. Because of healthcare etc. even the people with the worst genes are able to raise children.
Can anyone explain?
What if user, trough selective genetic engineering, we:
1. Increased the brains power effectivity
2. But also decreased its size
So we end up with 75% of the size, but 150-200% the raw power?
Smaller is also better for the sake of chemicals to fix it. Instead of 10 hours of melatenin production, you might only need 5.
Not sure if joking, but ok.
The Hivers are a race/species of posthuman who have adapted to live in a harsh desert environment. Originally being an artificially engineered species fit for the grasslands, they are much taller and lankier than their ancestors. Unfortunately, cataclysmic environmental events like pole shifts and ice ages caused their grassland homes to disappear, being replaced with harsh deserts. To cope with this, these grassland-dwellers with their large numbers, started to become more organized and caste oriented, eventually giving rise to the creatures you see here. That tiny pale creature is a form of telepathic posthuman who is used as a form of dowsing rod to search for water in this harsh environment.
Well, there is a lot of so called 'junk' dna in the human genome, but it is still not clear whether that junk serves a purpose or not.
Hypothetically you could do that, in practice that may not be possible, ever because of simple mechanics on a cellular level, i.e. it has a role in how DNA is transposed/transcribed.
Hey that's me!
There's a lot we still don't know in this world.
Junk DNA is against the risk of mutations. If a mutation occurs in human DNA, there is a large chance that only the junk is affected, instead of important DNA.
Your explanation doesn't make sense.
The chance of a DNA mutation is equal across the DNA strand. All that changes is there being more redundant DNA, and therefore the total chance of mutation hitting the important DNA is lower.
A fellow scholar! Oh, I thought I was alone.
Holy shit it's Lanky Kong!
Looks unlikely
HE can handstand when he needs to,
and stretch his arms out, just for you.
mmm, I have an example for you two.
Birch trees versus pine trees following the Chernobyl disaster. The pine trees died, the birch trees survived. Pine trees have larger genomes with more junk in it whereas birch genomes were smaller with less junk in it.
Birth control is extremely dysgenic.
You are probably thinking of abortion.