Is he the biggest philosopher of our time?
Is he the biggest philosopher of our time?
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Honest to god it's probably Zizek.
Go to bed Stefan
(The answer is Zizek)
remember to Sage, marketing and self-promotion is not welcome on Veeky Forums
If by "philosopher" you mean "shithead", then yes.
Who would win a debate between Stef and Zizek?
Not OP, not even a stefan fan, but you guys should know that leftists don't win debates. They just call you a bigot that hates poor people
wow, who stole the arguments from this thread!? I can't find any!!
He is a cult leader, escape while you still can
Go to bed stefan
I haven't watched Stefan's videos, what do people find really abhorrent about his line of thinking?
For starters he used to tell people to cut off all contact from non anarcho-capitalists because they unwittingly all want you killed
>For starters he used to tell people to cut off all contact from non anarcho-capitalists because they unwittingly all want you killed
This post is a man made of straw.
Not an argument
Stefan's mfws aren't that good desu
I like the ones where he's trying to go for the "straining in thought" but just looks like he's constipated.
I like some of his content but he's most certainly not "the biggest philosopher of our time"
The only videos he has that are good, are the ones where he is criticizing retarded things or the ones where he brings in a lot of statistics, and not the ones where he goes on endless ideological tirades.
Yeah I like him mostly for that, he really does try to stay objective and provide a variety of researched sources when talking about specific events.
I agree with some of his points on libertarianism as well, but he easily takes it too far into ideas which are clearly unworkable. A lot of it is just sensationalist as possible and appeals to counter-culture edgelords
Not even a philosopher.
He is to philosophy what PewDiePie is to professional film acting.
>Not Simon Blackburn
fuck off
he published a book on ethics
That very same book on ethics that a PHILOSOPHY STUDENT fucking roasted so bad (on accident) that Stefbot himself basically threw a hissyfit and banned the guy because he can't stand being wrong?
The same guy who got his psychologist wife indicted for improper conduct by vigorously pushing separation from family and friends if they so much as disagree with his views?
He knows jack shit about statistics and obfuscates or lies about them in order to push his own opinion.
>that a PHILOSOPHY STUDENT fucking roasted
I am a Stefan fan and this is pure ideology
Define "biggest." Define "our time."
>inb4 "not an argument."
>Define "biggest." Define "our time."
Just open a dictionary
I'll need the height and weight of Molyneux and Zizek before I can make that judgement.
Zizek is 5'8 or 173 according to
Molyneux is at the same level probably too. Doesn't seem like he's tall.
Zizek did marry a model though.
Just looks like your typical male/female slav to me
Except that Zizek looks like he should be doing cocaine in Miami
Slavs are by far the most sexually dimorphic race.
>I haven't watched Stefan's videos, what do people find really abhorrent about his line of thinking?
It's not so much his line of thinking, which is just erratic and all over the place. The reason normal people dislike him is the fact that he's a hack running a cult to exploit money from mentally ill people who come from abusive families.
The reason people on Veeky Forums dislike him is because he literally comes here himself to shill his own shit.
These give a good idea of how retarded he is though.
>the ones where he brings in a lot of statistics
>he really does try to stay objective and provide a variety of researched sources when talking about specific events.
You must be joking. He outright lies and distorts his statistics all the time. He's far from honest
This man is *literally* reducing every social issue to the question "Would you support me getting shot if I disagree" and he thinks he's discovered Occam's fucking razor, staring into the camera like Richard Applewhaite.
Yeah, it is so much his fucking line of thinking. Even calling him a philosopher is an act of charity I would question.
Wow. Fuck. This. Guy.
Not that I'd shoot him, though. Because that's not an argument.
After watching
He seems really, really into trying to get other people in on his fetish, though, and that seems particularly unethical to me.
Either that, or he's actually trying to start some kind of massive shooting spree. Also unethical.
I just find it really gross, and yet I'm still watching this video as I type this and feeling angrier and angrier at him as he encourages me to sever all my relationships with anyone who disagrees with me on basically any issue because, he argues, they want to shoot me. This is a weird moment, and I don't like it.
Okay, so I had to pause, and I'm not watching the rest. This means that of all the things I've seen on Veeky Forums since 2007, including gore, cringe, and rekt threads, *this* is the video that I couldn't actually get through.
He is brilliant at being a divisive, illogical asshatted tyrant, though; I gotta give him credit.
makes some decent vids yo
Not him but Stefan is pretty famous for it. You see it brought up often when people discuss him. If you Google it you can find it easily
The biggest living philosopher is probably Jürgen Habermas. The fact that he's a confirmed member of the Frankfurter Schüle only shows what dark times we live in.
Not an argument.
Here's shahar's blog.
>no Chomsky
Is this fucking bait? if so good job. If you are actually serious please leave, as Veeky Forums is a place for people above the age of 18.
His videos are okay until they turn into him yelling:
Most actual philosophy students probably don't even know who he is. The dude is also mad condescending.
>please leave, as Veeky Forums is a place for people above the age of 18.
>born to white trash who beat you as a kid
>try to come to terms with the horrors of existence and the apes you have to share it with
>get into philosophy
>develop some kind of neurotic obsession with it
>decide on le libertarian meme
>like to talk about your findings
>your ramblings for some reason are attractive to fedoras, shizophrenics and middle aged men going through a mid life crisis
Technically he is right about a lot of things, but all these fanboys are insufferable. Biggest philosopher of our time? I am pretty sure Stefan has a disdain for the special snowflake syndrome and wouldn't go that far.
Does Zizek do that or is this guy just talking out of his ass?
>Technically he is right about a lot of things, but all these fanboys are insufferable.
Zizek doesn't really get into debates. But he's often accused of being a shitlord racist despite being pretty far to the left, i.e. an actual communist.
Communism is racist.
Peter singer may have among the greatest impact imo
Communists hate identity politics because it's a blatant way of splitting the proletariat and reducing class consciousness.
Those who are into identity politics hate actual communists because they don't pander to whatever madey-uppy special pleading they're into. Only capitalists do this in order to sell things and look progressive without actually doing shit.
Identity politics is all about "me" whereas class politics is all about "us".
Btw guys. Are you called a "stefan" if you're a fan of Stefan?
Pretty much this. I witnessed a lot of BLM type people rejecting Sanders on the ground that even though his policies would help minorities they were "economic" and not "social."
He is a radical anarchist who believes in free will and that people should disassociate from their parents.
/pol/ posters like him because he supports Donald Trump in the american elections.
I'm arguing against his fans.
objective proof
The greatest philosopher of the 21st century is Anthony "Alex "icy"overman"calm" Kierkegaard " Zyrmpas and if you disagree you are a subhuman
>I am pretty sure Stefan has a disdain for the special snowflake syndrome and wouldn't go that far.
You give him far too much credit. He thinks he's the most important philosopher since ancient Greece
She's Argentine actually. Her name is Analia, and her parents are psychoanalysts to boot.
didnt he pretend to be a woman fan of himself and forgot to switch the accounts before commenting how much he agrees with himself?
>He knows jack shit about statistics and obfuscates or lies about them in order to push his own opinion.
Statistics are almost always a tool to push your own agenda, regardless who uses it.
If you think he's any worse than anyone else than it comes to that, you're mistaken.
That's what all great philosophers do.
Umm, Argentine is not an ethnicity. There are Argentinians of Slav origin.
Perhaps he meant Mongoloid rather than Caucasoid.
I don't understand your post.
Perhaps he meant she was of Argentine descent as in her ancestors came from the great migration into the Americas from Asia. She's a native, perhaps with some mixing from different races.
I dont know, how tall is he?
The majority of Argentinians are some mix of Iberian and native. C'mon, this is like when people get pedantic about "Mexican descent".
>The majority of Argentinians are some mix of Iberian and native
Most Argentinians are Italian+Spaniards. The natives were genocided in Argentina
Back in my haplotype days I thought I remember most Chileans and Argentinians having very little native contribution, like 10% or less on average. But yeah I know the natives were never a significant presence like in Mexico.
Either way, when you think about people from those countries you definitely don't think slav.
No Michael Huemer is