>he thinks the Catholic Church isn't Christian
>he thinks it's literally the Antichrist
>he thinks the Pope as any real degree of political authority that any country on earth recognizes whatsoever
>he thinks Jesuits are psychic wizard assassins even though even Catholics make jokes about Jesuits being the "worst" of the Church's male Religious Orders
>he thinks anyone would by this lunatic shit, Catholic or otherwise
>he doesn't realize he's a laughingstock among mainline Protestants who AREN'T fucking crazy
>he probably believes in YEC
He thinks the Catholic Church isn't Christian
>mainline Protestants
The kind with gay marriage and female ordination?
No surprise they're cozy with Catholics
>gay marriage and female ordination
>No surprise they're cozy with Catholics
>I'm not self-aware enough to realize Catholics will never allow either of those things
Young Earth Creationism
do they actually believe this though or is it just a meme?
t. non american
>I'm not self-aware enough to realize Catholics will never allow either of those things
Yeah, only two cardinals have embraced gay unions who are both close to the Pope, and the Pope himself said the Church must apologize for offending gays.
They do, they aren't looked upon fondly and they are rather fringe but they do.
There are people here in the States that actually believe this shit and try to force legislation on others based on these delusions.
Please help us.
Only in flyover states.
>The percentage of people in the US who accept the idea of human evolution declined from 45% in 1985 to 40% in 2005.[101] A Gallup poll reported that the percentage of people in the US who believe in a strict interpretation of creationism had fallen to 40% in 2010 after a high of 46% in 2006. The highest the percentage has risen between 1982 and 2010 was 47% in 1994 and 2000 according to the report. The report found that Americans who are less educated are more likely to hold a creationist view while those with a college education are more likely to hold a view involving evolution. 47% of those with no more than a high school education believe in creationism while 22% of those with a post graduate education hold that view. The poll also found that church attendance dramatically increased adherence to a strict creationist view (22% for those who do not attend church, 60% for those who attend weekly).[57] The higher percentage of Republicans who identified with a creationist view is described as evidence of the strong relationship between religion and politics in the US. Republicans also attend church weekly more than Democratic or independent voters.
>believing the leftist media on anything
The pope called gay marriage demonic.
catholics are orthodox's protestants.
>40% in 2010
>of the entire american population
seems incredibly high
How many of these believe in Young Earth Creationism specifically though? is YE what they mean by 'strict interpretation'?
Even the pope believes in evolution,The Christian God is going the same way as the Gods of the Druids, the Norsemen, the Greeks and the Romans.
Where do gods go once people stop believing in them...?
Maybe they were never there to start with.
God made evolution.
>Lifestite is leftist media
be very afraid of GOD'S WARNING NOT TO TWIST,FABRICATE OR ADD SOMETHING TO HIS WORD BECAUSE IT HAS ETERNAL CONSEQUENCES...i will leave you with this verse that could hopefully touch you. and start following CHRIST and opening your bible...
> But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!(anathema or eternally damned)
-Galatians 1:8
Connie, you realize that pic isn't implying a good thing right?
I was wondering when this cunt would show up.
Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.
-2 Timothy 4:2
Is that a blue haired pink skinned Madoka Kaname?