How did they determine if a person was Jewish?
How exactly did the germans know if a person was Jewish?
They had records on everyones religion as far as im aware.
ruler and tape to measure the nose
Converting to Judaism usn't quite so easy, so I would go with here. Someone confirm or refute please.
I don't know about Germany in particular but yes, church records have always offered a fairly accurate information of births and deaths. Prior to popular census states used church records, or at least Russian Empire did.
They're cut.
jews spoke yiddish
They asked around.
But what happened when they didn't have enough intel to blame someone for being Jewish?
apart from church records etc. certain groups of people like public servants had to prove that they weren't jewish or gypsies and had no such ancestry with a certificate called Ariernachweis (proof of aryanhood).
there was however also the status of "honorary aryan" for people with jewish ancestry that the nazis liked, so it was a bit arbitrary at times
craniometrics and facial measurements, but that wouldn't detect every jew
they pulled their pants down lol
Well, what do you think did happen?
they gave him a fair trial and set him free for the lack of evidence
If one of your grandparents was one so were you. Hilariously enough Hitler himself couldn't confirm one of his grandfathers.
Germany actually had a certain amount of non-jewish men who were circumcised. this worked quite well in occupied Poland however
>these glasses
top fucking zozzle
No, people with three or more Jewish grandparents were considered Jews. Persons with one or two were considered mixed. Those were discriminated against but not deported and exterminated. However, in the East many of those mixed Jews were killed, too.
That's not even remotely how it worked, you weren't "blamed" or "trialed" for being Jewish you were simply arrested if the records said so
They would publish articles complaining about the lack of liberal values in society
>get 'em Hans
I think he's memeing
If they got killed 6000000000000000000 gorillion trillion times then they were Jewish
Jews are easy to identify because of their grotesque physical appearance
They dropped a coin a saw who jumped on it.
The most efficient method the Nazis used to round up Jews was to tie a coin on a string to the back of a car and drive around the city, then arrest anyone who followed them.[1]
The nose knows
Be examine records. Jewish communities unwittingly helped the Germans by their policy of cooperation. They hoped that they would survive by doing whatever the fact Germans want them to do.
In the conditions of wartime holocaust, basically everything depended on the good or bad will of the official who assigned you as a Jew or gentile.
underrated post
They had records on jews and people of jewisch decent (because the had records on anyones decent)
if that didnt suffice, shit like face and nose measurements
The lack of a foreskin.
Actually there were over half a million jews who served in the Wehrmacht (look up "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers", it's a great book)
Also the zionist organizations active within the Reich at the time were stringently opposed to the assimilationist jews - Just like the Reich government. Like the latter, they wanted the jews and germans to part ways for good within the context of history, which meant separating both peoples physically.
Leading zionist german politicians who worked together with the natsoc such as Georg Kareski were also calling for the yellow star to be re-introduced (jews had been wearing these yellow tags in public since the middle ages).
Most of this post is bullshit
100% of your post is non sequitur ad hominem.
Having watched swindlers' list a thousand times does not substitute for real historical knowledge, you do realize that right?
I accept your surrender by the way. Next time you can admit straight away that you know nothing about national socialist germany and its internal politics at the time.
No one was "exterminated".
>How did they determine if a person was Jewish?
>these things called """"""sources""""""
you were sent to the camps if you failed penis inspection day
>mfw the Nazis invented penis inspection day
aaaaaand here come the Holocaust deniers. pack it up boys, this thread 's down the shitter
Nigga they were fucking killing people for it, the burden of proof wasn't super high. Suppose you were a Jew in 1910's and 1920's Germany. All your neighbors and friend's would have known that you were Jewish. It wasn't a secret.
Some Jews did escape tho.
Ok i'm sorry, they were rounded up into concentration camps where they died of starvation due to allied bombings.
Just looking at the blurb for the book you recommended states "that the actual number [of Jews in the military] was much higher than previously thought-perhaps as many as 150,000 men," which is less than half of what you said at a minimum. While it's kind of cool, it doesn't really seem to support the rest of your evidence/argument either, please learn how to make a point, structure an argument, and properly fact check and source your own facts.
The number also includes partial Jews, as in Germans with some Jewish heritage, and is spread across the entire German military. This means that of (about) 18 million men in the German military in World War 2, 1 in 120 was Jewish or had some Jewish heritage (at least one parent of grandparent, by General standards of Nazi law).
I don't get it