What was worse? The Native American genocide or the holocaust?
What was worse? The Native American genocide or the holocaust?
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>hunting bison to near extinction or gassing jews to near extinction
Shit lad, I don't know.
Native American genocide. The Holocaust wasn't even that bad.
One destroyed a continent's worth of indigenous peoples and cultures, the other killed a few million Jews without a homeland. Which do you think is worse?
Both are genocides and shouldn't be the butt of jokes of 70% Nazis 15% libertarians and 15% delusional christians with some overlap.
>and shouldn't be the butt of jokes
Fuck off. Anything and everything should be the subject of humour. Both are things of the past that have no negative effect on me, save for creating the nazi card and silencing discourse with accusations of anti-semitism.
None of the genocided peoples were my relatives, genetically or culturally close, so I don't really care.
Yeah, poor Bison, they are so cute. youtube.com
lt's impossible to derive your morals from any other source than God - so if God approves it must be right.
>Fuck off. Anything and everything should be the subject of humour.
Including your tastes in humor
If god exists how come hey didn't predict the internet?
what a fucking retard lol
Native American easily. Thousands of cultures have now been lost in time forever whereas with the holocaust although plenty of knowledge and innocents were lost the Jewish culture still survived as a whole and went on the create Israel which the world would have been better off without.
Look at this cute thing. It's an European brown bear. Look at how harmless and sweet it is.
technically didn't the native american genocide allow for the creation of the united states which was fundemental to the creation of the united nations which was fundemental to the creation of israel
>Israel which the world would have been better off without.
The world would be by far better off if all Jews just went into Israel and stopped meddling with other countries that are not their own. Financial elites living in countries they have absolutely no loyalty to is a bad fucking combination. George Soros is possibly the most glaring example of this. God knows what the Rotschilds and co. are doing in the shadows.
Holocaust didn't happen, not how it was reported to have anyways
Even if it did allow the creation of the US that wouldn't necessarily mean that the US would still have gone on to create the UN or Israel.
The holocaust because there's no general native american genocide, and you're mixing pears and apples if you think there's one.
There were native american genocides (in plural, and that's very important) but they're not necessarily related with each other. We don't and should not talk about an european genocide where the genocides of jews and ukranians are put in a single one. We don't and should not talk about a native american genocide.
That said, how do you judge what atrocity is better or worst? Numbers?
Jews got put into camps. Some were killed, some died to Typhus and other disease, some starved. Same fucking thing's occured every single damn time enemies were put into camps. Worse, when the nation was losing a war. Soviet Gulags, Finnish concentration camps after the civil war. Even the US internment camps would have shared the fate had the US actually been invaded and had to suffer the atrocities of war for once.
Only the Holocaust has its special place in our cultures, because the Jews have so much power in finance and media and because the victors write history.
There wasn't a Jewish genocide either, unless you consider the Jews living in Axis states as the entirety of Europe's Jewish peoples.
What ridiculous events to compare.
Millions of American Indians were killed off by murder, war, disease and starvation by settlers. over some five hundred years. It's bad enough, but the fact that the Holocaust was carried out with more malevolent intent and with none of the humanity that led some Europeans to try and stop what they were doing.
There was no native American "genocide," because their deaths were accidental, by disease. Far more died, though, than died in the holocaust. 50-100 million natives died, vs ~11 million in the holocaust.
Hands down the extermination of the Tasmanian Aborigines.
Hard to find humanitary intentions for enemies of the state and people when you're engaged in total war and losing.
You're ignorant. Just start with the Trail of Tears and Wounded Knee Massacre and go work backwards from there.
This deserves a lot more mention than it did. The fact the British wiped out an entire island's worth of people boggles the mind.
I'm sure the invincible German warmachine was brought down by Jewish women and children /pol/ack. Don't forget we were stabbed in the back friend!
There was never a native american genocide, and the holocaust didn't happen
I thought this board was about history, not lies?
probably this
in terms of general deaths the holocaust (with all it's general shady "facts") is pretty much babby's first genocide
in terms of wickedness they lose to pretty much all asian genocides which are all tutorial tier shit (aside from pol-pot and the japs during ww2)
and in terms of numbers they lose to every little weekend genocide ever done in the world... even stalin killed more people in ukraine alone with his famines
the only reason why the holocaust is so mentioned and it's probably the most known genocide is because the jews made this their personal vendetta and a banner to rally behind and they're the masters of propaganda - because apparently only jews died at hitler's hands: no gypsies, no political dissidents, no homos, no black, no handicapped people or anyone else
>the Holocaust was carried out with more malevolent intent
I disagree. Both were carried with benevolent intentions towards their own people and nation and with little true malevolency against the victims, as evidenced by the original German plans of deporting the Jews. I think it is clear that the Nazis wanted the best for their own people, which the presence of minorities, especially rich and influential ones such as the Jews, conflicts with.
Call it semantics if you wish, but I do not think it counts as malevolence if it is done for the sake of others.
>I'm sure the invincible German warmachine was brought down by Jewish women and children /pol/ack. Don't forget we were stabbed in the back friend!
Surely you're not claiming that Jews were not considered enemies of the German people in Nazi Germany? You should stop taking such a polarized stance on everything and making assumptions about others' stances solely on a single post or argument.
The original intention of the camps was not genocide. They were concentration camps for a reason. Only later in the war was the decision made to let the Jews die and actively kill them.
On a unrelated note, does it exist people who want to tone down both the holocaust and the holodomar?
Because as far as my experience goes people will always only tone down one of them and overblow the other.
I tend to do that. Though I compensate it with general misanthropy.
>Nazi Germany
>Nazi Germany
>Nazi Germany
You know that most Jews exterminated during the holocaust weren't from Nazi Germany, right?
the Gulag
>You're ignorant. Just start with the Trail of Tears and Wounded Knee Massacre and go work backwards from there.
I think you should look up what the word "genocide" means.
And did you know that most of the soil Germany controlled during WW2 was in fact not German? Lebensraum im Osten.
Proof of what? The Madagascar plan?
Relocation =/= Genocide
Holocaust =/= genocide
areas occupied by Germans != Nazi Germany
Absolutely disgusting reasoning. Many Jews felt german and were quite the patriots, they were near singlehandedly responsible for the cultural and scientific dominance of Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. It saddens me to this day that my countrymen betrayed them.
Do you know what holocaust means?
Like when they overwthrew germany in a civil war? Jews didn't do shit but steal and take stuff for granted. They are WE WUZ KANGS level.
It can be, though.
Yes. Many were, but not all. Because of those few, anti-nationalist zionists the many suffered. Such is life and such is humanity.
Pardon, I misremembered the definition of genocide. The Holocaust indeed was a genocide as it seeked to destroy a part of the Jewish people of Europe.
Holocaust because it was far, far more intentional.
>intention makes a genocide worse
Could you rationalize that to me? I can't quite wrap my head around why that would be.
>Like when they overwthrew germany in a civil war?
Wow, it's almost like you *gasp* can't generalize an entire population!
A handful of edgy communist leaders doesn't even remotely compare to six figures worth of Jews fighting for Germany.
>pol manufacturing ridiculous survivors' testemonies, then using those to claim that survivors' testemonies can't be trusted.
>what's worse, 10 million civilians being exterminated for political reasons, or an unknown number of people dying through disease and from losing wars they started?
1918 a year long war commited by jews with a 2 million strong army attempted to establish a communist nation in Germany.
I honestly don't think I've ever heard this brought up when it comes to the blaming of Jews in Germany.
His name is put at the bodom.
google the name, it only exists in the context of this very picture.
I'm pretty sure I was in the thread where that text was pasted onto the photo. It was a joke on Sims being drowned in the pools by removing the ladder out and the idea being just as ridiculous as some of the bullshit some Jews have tried to spout.
they as in all of them? how perfidious
they as in some of them took part in the widespread revolutions immediately following the defeat? what traitors, better exterminate them just like the other groups involved such as christians, sailors, right wingers and soldiers
You figure it out if you care so much.
Clearly the holocaust. The Nqtive Americans just died because they were too trigger happy and killed all the buffalo to extinction.
We also reffered to germans as germans.
>Like when they overwthrew germany in a civil war?
/pol/fags should be banned from Veeky Forums.
Replace fance with native Americans
Now your getting it
So should redditors
They as in the majority of the socialist leadership was Jewish and they as in all of Jews were blamed for the rebellions as well as the actions of the corrupt zionist bankers.
>not a unspoken rule set developed to allow humans to interact with one another efficiency
Stop that.
Neither of those incidents meet the requirements to be classified as genocides. There was no intent in both cases.
many people died =/= genocide
Yes, I can read unlike /pol/ kiddies. Can you please explain how a failed Communist revolution could overthrew Germany?
>Communist revolution
You mean the Judenputch? Radical jews were close to overthrowing the government while Germans were busy dying in the fronts.
The pathetic weimar republic was esthablished, which weakend Germany.
What does it have to do with Spartacist uprising?
I thought you read what it said?
I did. It's even in your picture.
>Weimar Republic victory
>suppression of leftist uprisings, including Spartacist uprising
Well one killed an entire continent of warring tribal people's who did not see an issue with cannibalism or torturing people to death. The hippy, pacifist image of Indians is a complete lie made by guilty white people. After the intro of horses/guns the Indians were well on their way to making bison extinct.
The jews in Germany were regular citizens, some of which kicked a young Hitler out of art school.
Hard decision.
If mammals in social groups are in constant competition with other groups then it is quite obvious the most successful mammal will have found a method of exterminating other species
Hence humans have evolved less altruistic behavior to other species and it is this that is applied to other human groups with such devastating effect if the technological imbalance between the two groups is extreme
Hence genocide and asymmetrically warfare are an inherent part of your nature.
>establishment of the weimar republic
Why is it the english speaking peoples or those ig germanic heritage that have caused the buggest genocides in history?
Yes and? What does it have to do with the Communists or Jews?
Mpr proof that it didn't happen.
>Spread of infectious diseases = genocide
Has the left/jews gone completely insane?
the indians were not the victims of a manmade genocide
at least in north america :)
I honestly wonder what you guys think happened in Germany in 1918 and early 1919.
if god is so smart then how come hes dead
Why did the Nazi's have a hospital where they cared for the sick joos? Why supply them with buildings to live in? With beds? Why delouse then on arrival at the camp? Why didn't the allied ariel photographs show massive stocks of coke? Why did they give them uniforms, considering the cost? Why did they feed them if they were going to kill them, considering that there was massive rationing across Europe, and not enough food to go round? There are more questions than answers. Don't you think?
I don't want to be arrested so I go with the holocaust.
And there are more answers. You can read his entire blog if you are actually interested in truth.
But it seems like you don't really know how Auschwitz worked in the first place.
>The Holocaust deniers will then take the original (harmless) photo and the new, fake atrocity photo and post them side by side in forums that discuss history. They will then claim that the fake atrocity photo was faked by "the Soviets" or by "the Jews" for the purpose of libeling Hitler and the Nazis. They will then argue that ALL atrocity photos were faked like that, and, surely, the Holocaust has never happened.
>Conversely, sometimes the deniers will take a real atrocity photo and use Photoshop to erase the atrocity from the photo. They then claim it was the Soviets who took a harmless photo and inserted a fake atrocity.
>Holocaust deniers exploit the fact that many Stalin era propaganda photographs are faked and manipulated in an attempt to cast doubt on all photographs that show German atrocities.
nice try wehraboo
Wehrmacht didn't have anything to do with the camps.
Gas chambers being used to kill people are q myth. There was delousing chambers though.
What genocide?
Natives died mostly from disease, the remnants did lose some in combat, but not that many. The others just culturally died or integrated/got outbred.
I know I will get crucified for this but here goes. I am a First Nations person from Australia. I have 3 university degrees I work full time I own my house I have worked for everything I own and have achieved
1. White people tried to wipe us out through disease poisoned water massacres, forced sterilisation and the stolen generation.
2. The Australian government apologised for the stolen generation.
3. The general response from the public is it happened in the past why should I be sorry it wasn't me.
Why is there so much hate directed to First Nations people?
Why don't the white people in Australia get that we don't blame them for the past we just want the past acknowledged and taught.
Where the hell do they get the idea we are handed everything?
Why do people think I did not work hard for my education? And everything I own? Why am I automatically labeled as a drug user or an alcoholic. Why is it so hard for white people to accept black people are intelligent members of society.
I really struggle with why in 2016 there is still so much hatred in my country towards aboriginal people. Our children are still being taken ( some need to be ) but white families with the same problems are given support at home. We are jailed more often. Do the crime do the time I say but when a white boy steals food he's given a slap on the wrist not 3 years in detention. White people who were abused by catholic priest are given support and help. Stolen generation people are left on there own (no real specialised help )
The treatment of native Americans is very similar to the treatment of Australian aboriginals. I am all for reconciliation in this country but it won't happen until the past is acknowledged I don't get how white people dont understand it. And personally I don't compare what happened to my people and what happened Jewish people. I don't think you can compare the two.
>I am a First Nations person from Australia. I
Come on prove it ,just post your face, no one will recognise you. I'm not racist or trying to be racist, im really interested to see if an aboriginal is on the internet and here of all places
I can't speak for Australia, but in Canada the government can't help natives because 90% of things that would actually solve the problems natives face break treaties, which not only makes it legally sketchy, but also would result in the government being torn apart by the media because any infringement of treaties would be seen as colonialism even if it would have a positive effect. On top of this, native chiefs financially benefit from keeping their reservations in third world conditions and the Trudeau government is complicit in allowing them to do so by making it illegal to audit band chiefs
Why is it so hard to believe an aboriginal would be on the Internet?
We don't have a treaty yet. I personally think a treaty won't change anything here anyway. It's not going to make the racist shit I live next door to suddenly except me as a human being and not a 'savage' I keep praying he walks into my emergency department one day and I'm his allocated doctor
>Why is there so much hate directed to First Nations people?
>Why don't the white people in Australia get that we don't blame them for the past we just want the past acknowledged and taught.
Assuming you mean hostility to what you are discussing, because liberals believe in the agitation meme, they think it is great to constantly whine about every tiny thing even though the effect is similar to the boy who cried wolf, so when you want a sensible discussion about what happened people assume you're one of them.
More direct hate towards your people by australian racists is due to psychology, the "in-group" mentality and the sense of catharsis they get due to feelings they don't really understand which probably stem from their abusive father or some other trauma could be factors, but it varies from person to person. Look up the aggression-frustration hypothesis on google and related things.
>Where the hell do they get the idea we are handed everything?
>Why do people think I did not work hard for my education? And everything I own? Why am I automatically labeled as a drug user or an alcoholic. Why is it so hard for white people to accept black people are intelligent members of society.
Probably right wing memes this time. People who don't like high social welfare spending. A theory might be that they are lazy themselves and this is a reaction fomation.
Manifest Destiny, the fertile soil and rich resources of a vast land, combined with the clean slate of a new country founded on the greatest ideas of governance ever devised, combined with colonial and pioneer spirit and intelligence, lead to the greatest country the world has ever known.