Why do ancient southeast asians use a lot stone in their architecture? Wouldn't it make sense to use wood since they live in the pacific belt?
Why do ancient southeast asians use a lot stone in their architecture...
...they almost certainly did, it is just that a lot of those structures didn't survive because wood doesn't last that long.
>Wouldn't it make sense to use wood since they live in the pacific belt?
Literally the opposite. They lived in a wet jungle prone to frequent flooding and typhoons.
Wood is a godawful building material in those conditions. It rots away entirely in a matter of a few years, while stone is forever. Wood is only good in cold, dry places like Northern Europe.
Nice try convincing idiots that.
>dry places like Northern Europe
Found the retard who's never been to Northern Europe nor knows anything about its climate.
>Found the retard who's never been to Northern Europe nor knows anything about its climate.
Not him but I think he is talking about humidity (the amount of moisture in the air).
Tropical jungles like those of SE Asia have very high humidity. Meaning there is a lot of moisture in the air meaning it's a lot 'wetter' than the dryer European continents.
Wood rots a lot faster in humid areas.
Why do Southeast Asians even live where they do? It's literally the shittiest environment to live in.
>Not him but I think he is talking about humidity (the amount of moisture in the air).
Yeah I think he's talking about humidity too. That's why he's a retard. And, it appears, so are you.
t. Weather climate expert.
Well, there's no where else for them to go, that's why they are one of the weak races of Asia. You can measure how powerful a race is by the quality of their land and how much of that they occupy (eg China stronk).
Not him, but you're a fucking moron if you think Northern Europe's humidity is remotely comparable to SEA's.
>claim northern europe is dry
>gets called out
>suddenly it's "dry compared to SEA"
That's why nobody takes you seriously.
>it's not literally the Atacama desert so it's a tropical rainforest
>Wood is only good in cold, dry places like Northern Europe.
Are you still trying to defend this retarded statement?
>Wood is only good in cold, dry places like Northern Europe
That's not the statement.
>That's not the statement.
Are you sure?
So since when does wood not being a good material to build with in tropical environments equate to meaning wood is ONLY good in certain places?
Wood is literally terrible to use in tropical environments as it never fucking completely dries out, how is that so hard for you to understand?
>So since when does wood not being a good material to build with in tropical environments equate to meaning wood is ONLY good in certain places?
I don't know, why don't you try to explain, seeing as you made the claim in the first place?
Also Northern Europe is not dry you dumb faggot.
>Wood is literally terrible to use in tropical environments as it never fucking completely dries out,
You are a fucking moron.
I live in Holland. Humidity reached 95% this summer. I live in a dried up swamp.
> knows anything about its climate.
Colder climate => less water in the air.
Because physics.
>I don't know, why don't you try to explain, seeing as you made the claim in the first place?
Literally not even me but you are latching onto something besides the point like the typical retard you are.
>You are a fucking moron.
I suppose you don't know me.
Literally live in one of the most humid and tropical places in the world. It's literal primary school knowledge. Go into a rain forest even though there has been no rain and tell me its fucking dry. You have actual down syndrome if you have no idea how a tropical rain forest works. These SEA peoples lived in tropical rain forests. Not open environments.
A hot humid environment has more water in the air than that of a cold humid environment.
If you can't understand why being utterly and completely ignorant about the one example used to buttress your argument is kind of relevant to the strength of the argument, you really shouldn't talk. Ever.
>I suppose you don't know me.
I know enough to know you are a moron.
>Go into a rain forest even though there has been no rain and tell me its fucking dry.
What is your point? No one is saying that tropical rain forests are found in dry climates. But maybe you'll have a better chance "winning" your arguments if you set up strawmen.
Hollands 95% isnt as wet as SEA's 95%
I want to believe that your post is an attempt at ebin troll but sadly you are serious.
Do you not understand how physics works? Thats 95% relative humidity, which means the air at sea level is holding 95% of the amount of water air of THAT TEMPERATURE can hold. If its 20 degrees in Holland and 95% humidity, and 30 degrees in vietnam at 95% humiditym there is significantly more water per cubic metre of air in vietnam than there is in holland
Not that any of this really matters because wood is the primary building material in SEA anyway
>Not that any of this really matters because wood is the primary building material in SEA anyway
What are you even trying to argue then? Wood doesn't rot away in years just because you live in a humid area. You finally realized this after frantically asking Yahoo Answers?
Just clarifying the point. The answer to OP's question is that ancient SEA civs built mainly in wood, but there wooden structures did not survive as well as their stone ones, so only the stone ones are still around
And you think this is because SEA's 95% humidity is so much wetter than northern europe's 95% humidity? Please help me to understand your autism.
By the way how many ancient wooden structures do you think survived in dry areas?
Picture time? Picture time!
I'm confused? Ancient wooden structures dont survive anywhere. They would last a bit longer on average in europe than in SEA, but it makes no difference when you are looking at sites that are thousands of years old
Maybe it would help you to read the thread before deciding to jump in an whiteknight a retard.
I did, all I did was reply to someone who was clearly mistaken about a point of physics. No need to get all angry mate, its just the internet
R u n idjit? Most SEAsians shitloads of wood for architecture.
Only epin Temples & Palaces stone, and maybe the rich among the Ancient Continental Asians. But the plebs built their shit in wood.
Meanwhile in Island SEA its all wood except for the meme Borobodur and some Hindu Temples.
idk but i want to breed with southeast asian girls
I used to go out with a chinese malaysian girl. She had a bit of thai and malay in her as well.
Shit was very cash, but you always have that 'im not sure if this chick only wants me for my visa' feeling.
Over all: would definitely do again/10.
Cold air can carry less water volume. Hot air can have much more water vapor per cubic meter at 50% than cold air at 100%.
When the air turns colder, the saturation percentage rises, as the air's capacity falls. When saturation reaches 100% this is called dew point, this is the cause of early morning dew, when excess moisture condensates.
My gf is a loaded girl who originally comes from Vietnam. Rich conservative asian girls (most SEA girls are that category anyway) are completely amazing and horrible at the same time. Also pretty hot