Ia nihilism being a meme that's pushed to millennials to insubsequently promote communism?

Ia nihilism being a meme that's pushed to millennials to insubsequently promote communism?

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I honestly have no idea how a nihilist could possibly conclude, in the midst of everything (and nothing) that nihilism promotes. That communism is anything but the single most pointless and stupid endeavor that one could pursue, and that to force another man to pursue a ideology with which he does not agree, is the only thing a nihilist may find to truly be distasteful.

Have a cute rebuild Asuka.

No but your premise is absolutely meme that's being pushed by butthurt gnostics.

nihilism promotes apathy toward your world and your reality. ergo, you must accept your reality and not work or aspire to anything greater because even if you do everything is still meaningless. challenges are obsolete.
in a capitalist economy, the meme is that you can work to build more wealth despite being born wealthy or poor. in a communist economy you simply accept what life offers you (even if it is little).
it's about killing the human spirit, really.

>what idiot redditors think nihilism means


The cold war is over, dude. You can come out of the bunker now.

>KGB at the keyboard.png

Does communism really need nihilism?

Tolstoy was a devout Christian anarchist, I feel like it's not a great leap to describe his thought as communistic when the outcomes are the same just without flagrant vanguardism


Please, get informed about the things you speak of before you make a thread to discuss it.

Not so much encourage an alternative but to dissuade from the default traditional culture. Post Modernism and critical theory is used to destabilize and berate the old an make it barren to oust.

>Post Modernism and critical theory is used to destabilize and berate the old an make it barren to oust.
Pretty much. Post Modernism especially.
It does not seek to win an argument, it seeks to make the subject unarguable by dissecting every last bit of it into trivial bits of nothing until the opponent gives up out of frustration

video related

>is nihilism a meme?
>pushed to millennials
millennials are the ones spreading it m8
>to promote communism
what did he mean by this?????

Isn't the millennial generation called the sad generation sometimes? Probably why they're nihilistic.

Communism was yesterday's nihilism, today's mostly destructivist, with the creative part complete stripped away except for artistic destruction.

>Communism was yesterday's nihilism
What does this even mean

I think Communism is a reaction to the angst felt by a privileged youth whose guilt and fear of labor has led them to construct a philosophical outlook that demands that society limit labor and enforce egalitarianism. Most Communists/Socialists presuppose that suddenly the workers, free of most of their labor and able to live somewhat comfortable existences will pick up and devote themselves to various non-utilitarian arts and studies.

The idea behind it almost necessitates anti-metaphysical beliefs. That there is no world after this, and that our ideal existence must be created on this world. Nihilism does not quite work that way and I doubt it directly leads to Communism, more likely modern youth interested in either were edgy in the first place, so it's cause =/= effect in any case.

I think it's much simpler than that.

I think the youth are just going along with it because it's the hip trendy thing to do right now. Probably doesn't help that college instructors are pushing the letter

Some day, They'll look back on it as the millennial equivalent of bell bottoms

Nihilism and communism are not intertwined. In fact, communism is about strongly believing in fighting against class oppression while nihilism is about believing in nothing...because nothing is worthing putting faith into.

>every belief I don't like that's made in over a century of rigor and thought and philosophy is just the kids being angsty
>a bunch of 18 year olds shouting trump no more niggers women exist to suck my dick I'm the best #TRUMP #TRUMP2016 aren't kids being angsty and I refuse to focus any criticism towards them

I hang out with the cool kids a lot and a lot of young people are resentful at older people for, in their view of things, fucking up everything and causing great injustice. A lot of them have a hard time getting a decent job while having a good education, which doesn't help.


I think OP is mistaking ennui for nihilism.

>every belief I don't like that's made in over a century of rigor and thought and philosophy is just the kids being angsty
If you're talking about communism, then please remind yourself of every time it has failed. (pic related)

And if you're going to counter with some flaccid emotional spiel about how it's never been tried and if only everybody cared about each other, at least have the goddamn common courtesy to make it interesting

>a bunch of 18 year olds shouting trump no more niggers women exist to suck my dick I'm the best #TRUMP #TRUMP2016 aren't kids being angsty and I refuse to focus any criticism towards them
Nice strawman, m8. where did you get it?

>ambiguous and not amphibious frog

You dissapoint me.

Modern communism is mostly nihilist/consequentialist as a reaction to liberal autism. They do not want to admit that they are butthurt moralists crying about "muh poor brown people" etc. so they pretend they are Stirnerian egotists who are only communists out of self-interest because they happen to be workers.

>If you're talking about communism, then please remind yourself of every time it has failed. (pic related)

Or all the times it's succeeded.

>Nice strawman, m8. where did you get it?

It's easy to stereotype people.

source on that image?
Google does nothing.

>th...that wasn't what I was taught, so it must be wrong!

The artist is Oda Non

Actually no, that is completely wrong.

Basically if you care about nothing then you're easier to be told what to do and be a good goy. If the outcome doesn't matter then you have no say in the cause.

This thoughOP didnt post this moron

>Basically if you care about nothing then you're easier to be told what to do and be a good goy.

That doesn't make sense. Anyone is easily manipulated. There is no part of society or no human that is less easily manipulated than other, the more nationalistic among them usually are. For example, you.

I could try to rebuttal your poor argument but You literally just proved my point.

I could try to rebuttal your poor argument but You literally just proved my point.


I'm young people with zero direction don't idolize communist freedom fighters anymore, they idolize the edgy mindset of Alex de Large, Joker, Tyler Durden, and so on.

Everyone mocks fight club as edgy, and demographics exist. You can't make blanket statements.

As an atheist, independent, brown, millennial, American. I believe 1st world pessimism it the leading cause sheeple. So, no bias comes from statement.

Apart from the internet and its hypersensitivity to irony, no one mocks Fight Club as edgy.

More like hedonistic consumerism tbqh

communism was pretty much nihilism, in fact most fascist leaders considered them one and the same

theres obviously a connect between the two

>as a [identity politic buzzword]

Opinion discarded. This is an anonymous image board, nobody gives a single flying fuck what color you are

>Cringes internally

That's a fairly silly way to admit you got rekt by the user, but fair enough, I guess that leaves you with more face than saying "I was wrong".

Postmodernism is the intellectual life support of the present status quo, do you think something so dismissive of grand narratives or the idea of historical progress is anything other than ideological fuel for late capitalism?

>Or all the times it's succeeded.
Yeah like Yugosl- oh wait
Or Venez- oh
Or South Afr- oh no

Oh wait these are all socialist countries