Well, well, well, well, well.
Well, well, well, well, well.
Other urls found in this thread:
Thomas Aquinas, please rise from the dead and kick this pope in the nuts.
>In 2014, addressing a question raised on the family, he argued that church doctrine can change over time, and "doesn't depend on the spirit of time but can develop over time." "Saying that the doctrine will never change is a restrictive view of things," Marx later clarified at a Vatican press conference. "The core of the Catholic Church remains the Gospel, but have we discovered everything? This is what I doubt."[12]
>We have to respect the decisions of people. We have to respect also, as I said in the first synod on the family — some were shocked, but I think it’s normal — you cannot say that a relationship between a man and a man, and they are faithful, [that] that is nothing, that has no worth,
>He said it was up to the state “to make regulations for homosexuals so they have equal rights or nearly equal . . . but marriage is another point,” adding that the state “has to regulate these partnerships and to bring them into a just position, and we as church cannot be against it
>The history of homosexuals in our societies is very bad because we’ve done a lot to marginalize [them],” he said, adding that as a Church and as a society “we’ve also to say ‘sorry, sorry.’
Here is the Pope's right-hand man, and a very close friend of Benedict
>In April 2012, the election of a young gay man who was living in a registered same-sex partnership to a pastoral council in Vienna was vetoed by the parish priest. After meeting with the couple, Schönborn reinstated him. He later advised in a homily that priests must apply a pastoral approach that is "neither rigorist nor lax" in counselling Catholics who "don't live according to [God's] master plan".[38]
>Schönborn is a member of the Elijah Interfaith Institute Board of World Religious Leaders.[31]
>Elijah Interfaith Institute is a nonprofit, international, interfaith organization which was founded by Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein in 1997.
The second vatican council was a grave mistake. Call me when bishop Williamson gets elected as pope and the Iron Guard replaces the swiss guard, then i might re-enter the catholic church. Otherwise this degenerate masonic-infested shitfest can go to hell for all i care.
The pope is the equivalent of a modern day princess for Catholicucks. Why should dignified Christians throw away their personal belief because someone with little power and a meaningless title says?
What do you know? Christian dogma and institutions have been changing to match The Times since before Constantine. Whod've thunk?
Your faces when gay unions were legal in Christendom until about 390CE anyway.
>Call me when bishop Williamson gets elected as pope
You really think cardinals like these
Will elect a traditionalist Pope?
Pretty sure that "little power" is the main source of the Catholic schism with the Orthodox
What did liberals mean by this?
Trump's policy concerning Syria is enough to get a lot of Orthodox support for him
Maybe he wants to apologize for the Spanish Inquisition and their brutal batting of eyes towards violence against homosexuality throughout the history of the church
there's literally nothing wrong with gay relationships as long as there's no fucking involved, everyone knows this
what's the problem? he doesn't seem to be saying that sodomy isn't, just that homosexuals should be respected
*isn't a sin
>He added: “I think that the Church [...] should apologize ... to a gay person whom it offended
tinfoil tier /pol/acks can fuck off
Yep, I'm sure these guys are chaste
No, you can fuck off.
Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
- Mt 7:15
And? The Church should.
And do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.
- Mt 23:9
Reminder that Francis is not acting alone, but the whole college of cardinals is backing him up and elected him to do just this.
Kill yourself shitstain
>protestant scum think you shouldn't even call your dad father
At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
- Mt 24:10-13
If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes, even their own life--such a person cannot be my disciple.
- Lk 14:26
Most Lutheran sects have gay marriage.
Back to and >>>/pulse/
I hope you aren't acting like he means that literally.
>Trump's policy concerning Syria
Bombing the shit out of it?
You alt right faggots are stupid if you honestly think he'll raise the military budget and NOT use it. You're equally stupid if you think he's any different from the likes of his opponents.
He does. "Hate" is an English translation of the Greek word μισέω, which can mean detest, but also is often used simply as a relative adjective for "love less". He who does not love his family less than God, etc.
Whether you like it or not the Catholic Church is apologizing and there's not shit you can do about it besides bitch and cry :)
In direct contradiction of the Holy Scriptures for which they shall be held accountable by the Lord.
God takes priority over parents.
Lol I love this. What will the catholics do now? Claim their pope is wrong? That's a sin to them lmao.
Catholics have been defeated by their own logic.
I think he means Trump is sympathetic toward Assad and Russia there, whereas Clinton supports the rebels.
I am somewhat of a Trump supporter myself for that reason, even though the guy is obnoxious and vapid.
>*Roman Church is apologizing
Nah, Catholics retconed infallibility. They said that unless a Pope says "from the chair", his statement is not infallible, they said that in the 1800's. And since no Pope knew he had to say that before, it invalidated all prior Papal statements, or at least made them fallible.
There is no other church, the one down your street matters as much as to Christianity as a whole as my shit does :)
Kill yourself Constantine you tranny fuck
Is that a problem?
Christians have been persecuting homosexuals for centuries and have damned them to hell because they are too insecure to actually address the issue and instead just block their ears and shout vitriol. The far bigger problem is in protestant churches which go beyond just tolerating homosexuals and allow same sex marriage.
Homosexuality is a sin just like any other. You say that they are living in sin but Christ said that ALL men live in sin. Romans 3:23
Those who preach the death and persecution of homosexuals should take heed of Matthew 7:5.
I'm not remotely a transsexual, that's clearly prohibited by the Orthodox Church; on top of that, I've never had any such inclinations, not at all.
>Hurr durr Trump is going to start WWIII
>nevermind that the neocon establishment including Bush staff actually supports Hillary
>nevermind that Hillary, not Trump, was the one who in actual recent history supported bombing Syria
>and you are the stupid ones, not me XD
The Holy Catholic Church is the body of Christ on Earth composed of true believers in the Gospel. The Gospel is transmitted through the holy scriptures and the holy scriptures teach that sodomy is damnable. When some guy in Rome starts contradicting the scriptures he is clearly not part of the Holy Catholic Church no matter how fancy his hat is or how shiny his throne is.
t. Internet tough boi
What if God changed his mind :)
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
- Heb 13:8
"We need to kill the women and children of ISIS members"
t. Trump
So how is he going to do that without going to war and how is the military not going to adapt to Trump, and how is Trump going to demilitarize the Middle East
Oh they have multiple ways of getting around that. Implying so called conservative Catholics will let the truth interfere with this delusions
>one holy Catholic Church
>never changed
>freemasonry and Marxism didn't win the war, because it is written in a piece of paper that this can't happen
>The pope is the equivalent of a modern day princess for Catholicucks
I mean, the Pope is the literal voice of God, so no, not at all. You couldn't be more wrong.
"I will invade Russia and Iran."
t. Hillary
See, I can play this game too.
But I wasn't the one who said Hillary isn't for military intervention, nor did I make that claim
I'm not religious nor am i homophobic or anything but the Pope is fucking pathetic.
Christianity really is dead
You mean Catholicuckoldry.
Its all the same shit
also, how is this Veeky Forums related?
They warned us about the Jesuits, man.
I'll wait.
No we shouldn't, they are sinners
Please, no more than the other patriarchs, it's just that the pope overreaches himself
B-but Deus Vult right guys?
The Pope will call a crusade anytime now, riiiiiight?
Every minute of silence is recognition that the gates Hades have prevailed against the Catholic Church.
As a thorn goeth up into the hand of a drunkard, so is a parable in the mouths of fools.
-Proverbs 29:9
>inb4 based traditionalists denounce this commie shill and crown an anti pope
>Not willing to accept and reconcile your own innate sin before God
Enjoy hell, Cathocuck. You're too dumb to even follow your own holy scripture.
Catholicucks BTFO!
Now kiss refugee feet and apologize to gays.
>apologizing to sinners for pointing out their sins
If you love these people you will tell them their sins plainly, the fact that you assume I am catholic shows how pathetic you are. I'd never follow a man who proclaims to be God who is not named Jesus.
If you do not believe on Christ you yourself shall go to hell, is it worth it for you? Pride over salvation?
Not according to Catholics
Got love catholic hypocrisy. So many heresies were persecuted out of existence for differing in minor details about the nature of Christ.
Islam downright says that Jesus was not the son of God and the church says that they worship the same God!
Guys don't look at the Jew behind the curtain, it's the same old Catholic Church!
Where are the so-called traditional Catholics? Apologizing? Good goys follow rabbi Francis' commands...
Such docile and well-behaved goys... Good!
Have you apologized to satan yet? He is a good boy he dindu nothing. Don't be intolerant now...
>I am somewhat of a Trump supporter myself for that reason
I hope you realize when he says he will bomb ISIS, that means he will overlook Syria's sovereignty and order bombings upon Syrian land that will more than likely end up killing innocent Syrians.
I understand you support the Christian community in Syria. Trust me, I do too. But to ensure their survival, foreign powers need to stop fucking things up in the ME.
Argentina here
please, completely ignore Pope Bergoglio. the people who picked him didnt understand what they were doing.
In fact I believe there was a coup d etat against Ratzinger.
he is like Bono, he wants the peace nobel prize and be loved by progressits and leftists all over the world.
Satan doesn't exist
>the Pope acting as Jesus would have
>far right religious nuts get mad about it
>nevermind that Trump originally supported Barrack Obama
>nevermind that Trump invited Hilary Clinton to attend his wedding
>nevermind that the Trump family donated $100,000 to the Clinton foundation
>nevermind that Trump described Hilary Clinton as a "fantastic senator"
>nevermind that Trump supports socialized healthcare
>nevermind that Trump supports the ban of "assault weapons"
>nevermind that Trump was a registered Democrat in 2001
If you believe anything that comes out of this man's mouth, you're a fool.
Ah, if someone's not supporting Trump (a fan of Hilary himself as seen above), then that someone must be supporting Hilary right?
The worst thing about American politics is that people refuse to comprehend anything outside of two candidates.
You faggots can't even come up with a reason why homosexuality is wrong. Because guess what, there aren't any. You're just LARPing as regressive morons because the kids you are envious of aren't.
Really makes you think.
He-Clinton bombed Serbia back in the 90's, from where do we know that She-Clinton won't bomb Russia in the late 2010's or early 2020's?
>our patriarch is the most powerful
>how do you know
>cuz we say so
the anus is not a sexual organ, sex is for reproduction.
gay sex always ends up spreading stuff like gonorrhea or AIDS.
But it feels good
The current pope is literally affiliated with freemasonry you drooling liberal buzzword-spewing accident.
He's an honorary member of rotary international, a mason-affiliated secret society-type globalist lobbyist network with many high-ranking masons in it.
>everything that feels good is acceptable
So if raping little kids feels good then it must be ok right? Go join your local Catholic Church, degenerate faggot.
Mouth isn't a sexual organ yet I don't see guys getting beaten for getting a blowjob. Guys also like doing anal on girls yet its not seen as something to hate someone for. Unprotected sex spreads stds no matter if you are having gay or straight sex.
Serbia was bombed for the lulz, NATO had never been used and they wanted to give it a try, since they knew they would lose no lives at all from bombing with stealth planes. it was like playing a videogame for NATO.
The rise of the Latin rite Catholic Church is very much an anomaly thanks to a sort of political alliance with the Frankish Germanic tribe. The Franks went on to dominate Western Europe which allowed Catholicism to displace Arian Christianity. Catholicism went on to gain a political edge by endorsing Charlemagne of the HRE.
What we need is a new Charlemagne, and new Clovis, a new secular champion for the Christian faith.
>please do not start threads about events taking
place less than 25 years ago.
>please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago.
>please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago.
What's the big deal? He doesn't say they aren't going to hell just that they shouldn't be treated poorly. And he's right.
wow there's actually a decent pope, who knew the day would come
>muh pc pope
Pope says gay marriage is from satan
Pope Francis speaks against Gay adoption
Compares trans rights to nuclear arms race
Pope Francis says that there's no salvation outside the Church
He excommunicates an Australian priest supporting gay marriage and women clergy
Pope Francis is against gender theory and for traditional gender roles
Pope is against abortion
He Encourages the use of force against ISIS
Pope Francis is against lukewarm "faith"
The Pope is misquoted often
The Pope Rebukes Communist Cross
highlight the
in your mind
>give that man, a refugee
What's the problem here? Should we be actively murdering homos in the streets? Is that the Christian way?
First of all, don't pretend that you're a Christian. It's too transparent that you're a homo shill.
Second, we don't apologize for our faith.