How do we get young people to vote?
How do we get young people to vote?
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Voting should be mandatory.
They will just vote for stupid things
That won't make learning about the issue mandatory
We don't, I'm completely fine with other young people not voting.
If you can't be bothered to learn about how something might impact you then you shouldn't vote. Motivated ignorant people shouldn't vote either but we can't exactly bar them from it since literacy tests are frown upon nowadays.
Let them suffer the consequences of their retarded actions. I've no sympathy for all the dickheads whinging about brexit because they couldn't be arsed to vote. They can lie in the grave they dug for themselves. Same for any other issue
Stop indoctrinating them with individualism
Only taxpaying citizens should be allowed to vote, regardless of age.
Manufactured consent.
If people aren't voting it means they don't believe voting works. It's not surprising in the case of UK since they've got that retarded system where the amount of votes and seats won aren't proportional. As well as the idea that everyone elected succumbs to corruption because voters can't compete with corporate bribes. And the fact that national parliaments and governments have to surrender to overnational authorities like EU, IMF, WTO and so on.
Democracy appears weak beyond local level.
Make democracy actually matter
Restrict voting rites to certain citizens in a direct democracy
Roman citizenry policies
Non-corrupt flavor athenian government
This will force a social class where all in that class are now by rite, law, and occupation senatorial and by duty must vote.
Give me one reason why that would be a good thing.
Well maybe we should start with competent politicians watcha think
Raise the voting age to 25.
>18-24 year olds are most against leaving the EU
>18-24 year olds had by far the lowest turnout
>waaaah democracy is hijacked by old people
Only people between 25 and under retirement age should be allowed to vote
IQ and generally intelligence decreases with age and people under 25 are too young to know things.
Offer them free shit at the polling station.
I think young people must feel some.....desperation??
Voting reserved for military veterans or PhD holders.
The whole aftermath was hilarious as fuck, with marxists and socialists actively defending the banks and the establishment
Voting should be a choice, I dont want lazy uninformed fucks deciding how my country is run if they wouldnt have voted anyway
Give them something to vote for and stop teaching them that left is good and will win the majority anyway right the way through education.
Funny enough UKIP is what got me interested in politics I guess 8 years ago because they were the only party that supported the shooting community in the UK and ofcourse fuck the EU.
I think its great young people barely vote because they're literally indoctrinated.
I don't feel like voting because there are no politicians that represent me.
Every party here needs to adapt to leftist ideas or they'll get destroyed.
>marxists and socialists actively defending the banks and the establishment
That's their purpose in the CURRENT YEAR
God forbid we get lower renting prices for a while.
I feel the opposite with UK politics anyway. All of them are too fucking left or at least too neoliberal.
I'd be all for socialism if we had tight borders. Socialist globalism is a madness.
I mean, in my country we have a massive amount of communist/socialist/workers parties.
Their policies? Tried again and again, and they are simply shit. They don't know how to address problems, they ride the waves of natural success (growth period normal to developing nations) then when shit hits the fan as it was obviously going to, suddenly it's not their fault.
They don't reform the tax code, justice system, police forces, bureaucracy, health care, education or anything important, they just give idiots some affirmative action and free cash and they all buy into it. And even the """right wing""" parties end up going for the same populist nonsense.
I first read that as "PTSD holders" and was like what would that accomplish.
Sounds like a bad idea, but I might be inclined to a citizen having to vote at least once in like 3-4 years, else they'd get a small-ish fine.
Well everyone pays the sales tax, so I guess my 10 year old cousin can vote now.
Why do some people insist on this strange idyllic notion that, if only you can just get everybody to vote, everything will be fine?
Why do you want people who are uninterested, unmotivated, and uninformed voting on things they neither understand nor have any intention of working out?
You know what happens when people who don't care about voting suddenly start participating? We get Trump and Brexit.
>voting becomes mandatory
>authoritan government gains control
>only possible laws/candidates you vote on are shitty
>said authoritan government has the legal right to force you to vote for your own detriment
The thing is, Democracy has never been about making good decisions or being efficient. The justification for banning children from voting could be used for banning people with low-IQ from voting.
Honestly, I can't speak for any school system outside of the US. But our attention to government and civic duties is usually restricted to a single semester, cramming state and federal governments into a mere 45 minutes to an hour and a half; every other day, for 18 weeks.
That school "prepares" you for anything is a pretty cool maymay. Why isn't civic duty and critical thought as much a core as STEM, reading, and history? Also if only we had good public history, but that's a fucking farce as long as politicians have any say as to what goes into school books.
This is not Veeky Forums related.
People with low enough IQ should be banned from voting, though. Old people of a certain age too. But it's just unpopular to say it and instead people is demanding 16 years old teenagers to be allowed to vote.
Are you Brazilian? Sounds like it (I am).
>The whole aftermath was hilarious as fuck, with marxists and socialists actively defending the banks and the establishment
Except Marxists and Socialists were pro-brexit. That's why commie Corbyn ran such a half assed campaign.
Once again, the productive members of society (globalists and capitalists) were fucked over by the plebs.
It is possible that if the turnout would be better 18-24 wouldn't be the "biggest bremainers" or at least not the biggest by much.
Corbyn is tons of fun.
>labour MP's raving on how it's so bad that they're led by "comrade Corbyn"
>he got elected in spite of MP's by lower rank members who overwhelmingly support him
>Blairities - as in "labour" faction that in spirit of "Labour Party" wanted to privatise NHS silently, started and supported several foreign interventions etc. etc. are trying to make a coup and complain about how socialist this guy is
Give this man a medal.
Vote by computer. Vote by smartphone.
Easy, simple, quick. Politicos can keep the electoral college and grandma can keep her absentee ballot, but there's no reason that I should be forced to wait for an hour in traffic on a workday and wait in line for two more just to sit down in some high school public restroom for a few fucking yeses and noes.
It would also draw interest in local elections for mayors, governors, et cetera. There's low turnout for these because nobody knows or cares when they happen and who the candidates are.
Electronic voting generally is a bad idea. Most people who support it have real no background in technology and think it's just as simple as "doing it".
Tom Scott explained it pretty reasonably
Whew, thanks. I haven't seen this before.