Was he really a bad guy?
Was he really a bad guy?
The Chinese were bad people for allowing him to be a bad guy.
I doubt he had bad and ridiculous intentions in his aspiration for power and until 1956, when his newfound power over the worlds most populous nation really sunk into him and drew out paranoia and megalomania
Well if you like China, Chinese culture and Chinese people, then he is a villain to China's future.
But if you hate China, Chinese culture or Chinese people, then he's your ideal hero.
Mao was a giant manchild who killed millions of people through his own incompetence. Really if anything he was Chinese Hitler but with less meth and genocide.
On the upside the Chinese Communist Party is now well aware of what happens when a populist ideologue gets into power, so they've spent decades making sure their officials are as bland as possible.
Of all the blood baths and murderers of the twentieth century, I think Mao deserves at least a little bit of a break. A chunk of his policies were experimental that, on paper, were actually promising. But ended up backfiring in ways so drastic that it cost human life and stability.
yes. i hope the fucker is burning in hell.
>Destroys tons of Chinese culture and history.
>Tries to replace it with a shit cop-out communist version.
>Passes failed policies that killed people by the millions.
>Locked up anybody that disagreed with him like a North Korean dictator.
I would say he was objectively bad, but few people think themselves to be bad when trying to make ideological change.
>implying your peasant ideas of "good" and "bad" morality can apply to an Emperor
He's a "bad guy" the same way every Taizu or Gaozu of the past were "bad guys."
That's an aesthetic portrait
Didn't create an administrative system where people didn't dare to report whenever things wasn't working as they should be?
> failed policies that killed people by the millions
>mao "im gonna kill millions of people because i know jackshit about agriculture" zedong
i guess so
He was doing it while LMAO-ing.
Why do all Eastern leaders, but more specifically Chinese leaders, look like deformed giant infants with no hair?
They are literally all disgusting looking with almost no exceptions (none that I can think of).
If people equate good looks to good qualities in leadership, smarts, and goodness, how could they tolerate anyone who is uglier than sin as their leader?
its a chinese thing you wont understand
>Why do all Eastern leaders, but more specifically Chinese leaders, look like deformed giant infants with no hair?
u wot m8?
He espoused "traditional Chinese medicine", leading to the poaching of animals such as rhinos and tigers, claiming that "eating ground tiger penis makes your dick big".
SPOILER ALERT: No it fucking doesn't.
He was an untouchable military leader, an extremely mediocre communist, and a god-awful administrator.
Yes. He was nothing but a lazy hack obsessed with power. He considered himself to be too good for working manual labour and he was the son of a rich farmer.
He managed to fool an entire nation. So yes, he was an evil genius.
Muh peasant knowledge glorious Maoist agrarian revolution.
Peasants should be wiped out or turned into factory workers asap.
Mao had an awful temper. It was somewhat like dealing with Stalin, except Stalin would focus on your loyalty.
>implying Mao didn't destroy fucktarded Qing culture which paved the way for China to become great again
Chinese culture had grown rotten during the Qing Dynasty. Even if the West hadn't imposed its will on China, the country and culture would've been in rapid decline anyways. Under the Qing, the Chinese people had become weak and complacent, willing to endure foreign domination like cowards. In truth, the 20th century was supposed to be Japan's Asian century, but the US snatched that away from them.
What people forget - especially young butthurt Chinese diaspora who are unaware of their own heritage - is that Chinese culture is always changing. Japanese still wear Tang-era inspired clothing, Koreans still wear Ming-era clothing almost in 1-to-1 copies, but Chinese culture is China's to make and thus keeps reinventing itself. If Mao had not tried to create a stronger China and Chinese, China's current economic success may not have occurred.
Like all historical figures he's complicated.
Without him, there probably wouldn't be a modern Chinese state today.
at worst he's one of the most evil people to ever live, at best he's one of the biggest retards to ever live
>American education.
>This entire thread.
Under Mao:
- Mass industrialization.
- Unification of the country.
- Woman 100% equal legal rights.
- Modernization of Chinese culture
- Land reforms so Peasants for the first time owned land.
- Doubled life expectancy.
- Grew the population by hundreds of millions
- Brought down the death rate too a 1/4th of what it was (49:1000 too 10:1000)
- Brought child mortality rates down too lower than the US.
- Bare foot doctors program.
- Red Guard Destroyed shitty chinese culture
- Early Maoism during the 1930s, 1940s was god-tier (Read Fanshen: a documentary of revolution in a Chinese village)
- Maoism (the ideology) actually has a lot of really good ideas.
- Did a lot of fucked up shit to keep power in the party.
- Betrayal of his loyal followers during the Hundred Flowers Campaign.
- Four Pests Campaign
- Great Leap Forward
- Letting the Red Guard run wild.
- Completely disgraced humanitarian and egalitarian ideals in China so modern China is a fascist, patriarchical shithole
- Red Guard also Destroyed historical artifacts and temples and suppressed ancient traditions like Martial Arts.
- Sic'ed the Army on the Shanghai People's Commune
- Maoism (the ideology) has some really shit ideas.
Intresting, more information about this?
>Without him, there probably wouldn't be a modern Chinese state today
Excuse me sir.
The guy the Chinese fucking hated and couldn't do jack shit to keep a stable Government at all while people flocked too the Communists?
>The guy the Chinese fucking hated and couldn't do jack shit to keep a stable Government at all while people flocked too the Communists?
More like a great ruler in wartime/get-your-shit-together time, but a really REALLY shitty ruler in peace time.
If they'd shot him after the Korean war, China would be 30 years ahead by now
The Communist Party almost purged him, but decided to hold off.
He then went full Cultural Revolution to retake power.
The Japanese fucked China's shit up.
Then Mao enacted a totalitarian regime to put down rebellion and stop China looking like Africa. Arguably it had to be very repressive, though I'm not going to defend the cultural revolution and famine.
>Chinese state
And yet he didn't fight the Japanese when they invaded Beijing, and lost miserably to the Japanese until 1944.
good post
Yes. Was this a serious question?
He defeated two Empires and helped destroy others. He gets a pass.
>still no citations
Wew lad. How much do the goverment pay you per post?
"Less meth and genocide"
>implying Nazionale Germany didn't commit genocide.
My fucking sides
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