Which sect of Christianity should I convert to?

Which sect of Christianity should I convert to?

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>tell me what to believe

Believe that you are what you are, a huge faggot who begs for others to give him meaning

It doesn't matter what people on this earth claim, or which religion they align themselves with. It matters whether God has written their names in the Book of Life.


Just read the New law and make your own opinion. Don't let anyone tell you what you should think about it.

Why? I'm in engaging in a healthy Socratic dialogue right now to determine the most logical course of action :^)

How do you get into that

God writes His laws upon our hearts and our minds, and as Christians our lives are to be lived in obedience to the Gospel.


First off, Christ obviously only founded one kind of Christianity, not a million. So you can rule out the idea that more than one is valid.

Secondly, you can rule out any that didn't exist continuously since Christ, since he said the gates of hell would not prevail against his church--if it disappeared for over a thousand years, then the gates of hell prevailed against it.

Next you can rule out Latinism. The Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Orthodox have been separated for like 1,500 years, and yet he still have no differences than a Christological formula (both versions of which are valid); whereas the schism with the Catholics was only a thousand years ago, and yet they've grown progressively different from both of us.

I was thinking of joining my anglican church

Do you think the Anglican Church is the one Christ founded?

No I guess not

I don't think my city has an eastern orthodox church

Oriental Orthodox works too.

If neither, then send an email to the nearest parish you can find and ask for guidance. They might set up a mission in your area

You're really going to pick a branch of faith based on what one idiot says on Veeky Forums, excellent.

What truthful rebuke did you just righteously utter of me, you worthiest of souls? I’ll have you know I failed God to the deepest of the pit in my class of worldly sinners, and I’ve been involved in numerous shameful transgressions on God's forgiveness, and I have over 300 confirmed faults. I am depraved in wicked thoughts and I’m the top coveter in the entire legions of the damned. I am nothing to thee but just another Satan. I will praise you to heaven and back with the most contrite of hearts the likes of which has been seen all too often from the sinner, mark my unworthy lips. You think you can serve away with your words of wisdom to me over the Internet? God bless, brother. As we speak I am contacting my holy communion of saints across heaven and your love is being traced right now so you better prepare for the Theosis, militant. The mercy that sustains the shining little thing you call your soul. You’re God's gift, kid. I can be all things at all times to all men, and I can bow to you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just while kissing your hand. Not only am I extensively corrupted by unnameable vileness, but I have betrayed to the entire covenant of the Orthodox Body of Christ, and I will plead her to her full benevolence to sanctify your virtuous spirit off the face of the lie, you little star. If only you could have known what holy gratitude your little “meek” rebuke was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have blessed your benign tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re reaping the harvest, you God fearing joy. I will weep thanks all over you and you will drown in it. You've found life, kiddo.

That's nice, but remember you're roleplaying as a 'man of god' on an imageboard notorious for its moral degeneracy. On a par with the most pathetic of r9kers to be honest.


Constantine, how often do you just turn off your trip and just shitpost with the rest of us? Surely you have to let your hair down once in a while.

He seems well spoken


You're here too faggot
What's that say about you
Don't judge people for doing something you are doing you stupid cunt


Not religion...

>counter revolutionary religion

Your opinion

Religions are not logical.
This is something they admit themselves.

What do you mean

Pelagian or Martinist.



Not him but you gotta accept that having the queen as head of your church makes no sense. I'm not protestant, but I can respect the claim of some other protestant sects who claim to be following christianity like it wasbin the begining. For anglicans that claim makes no sense.

I don't always like you Constantine, but today you made me smile.

to the one true church, the Roman Catholic church... or the Orthodox, those guys are pretty cool

Does it matter? Go to a church that seems the most engaging.

Celtic paganism

Jesus Christ was a Lutheran
non-Lutherans go to Hell

>logical choice
choose one.

And before anyone accuses me of being edgy, religion is inherently illogical, it's about feelings not numbers, and it's completely fine that way.

So choose what sect makes you feel best.

You're right it's illogical and irrational, but it's not about "feels"
It's about truth

Do you think there's life on another planet, somewhere?

>I was thinking of joining my anglican church
Why would you consider joining a church that Henry VIII founded to get a divorce?

Yeshua probably doesn't care.

He just wanted Rome to get its comeuppance from God.

It did.

Do you perhaps mean the Catholic Church?
>kyaa, God is filling me with his Holy Spirit

>tfw want to join a religion but I realised I don't know what I want from a religion

Most people want acceptance, a sense of belonging, and to be appreciated for their efforts or talents.

Join a group, club, or society, probably.

I'm a member of clubs yet I have feelings of faith that I haven't worked out yet.

I think that it is probable.

Ask your self what you want, maybe go through some comparisons to determine your preferred activities and sensations.

Live life experiences and believe whatever you find most convincing, that's all we can do.


Yes and no, maybe.



How about multiverse theory?

And what do you think of the big bang?

Pilate plz go



Is this a depiction of the virgin birth? Seems extremely sensualized.

Literally does not know Jesus is The Truth.

You are so lost, honey.

You need a man in your life. Seriously.

Unscientific nonsense

But the Catholic Church is not the true Church.

The one where you and your friends are secretly gnostic but you all still attend vanilla church services on Sundays and do a bunch of stuff for charity.

>it's illogical
>it's about truth
Sorry what?

They're animals. They have no idea what the invisible church is. They have to see idols, rub prayer beads, smell candles, hear Latin, eat crackers, and drink juice and try to worship God in the flesh.

And all you have to do to receive God's grace is just say you believe?

Sounds pretty good too. I'm glad that you never have to actually help and serve those around you. Being a selfish cunt and indulging in pride must be all kinds of enlightening.

Read Karl Barth

No, all you have to do is regain the Holy Spirit that Adam lost the very day he sinned, disobeyed, disbelieved, and died.

You're dead right now and don't even know it.

Man, all I see is you falling for a cult of personality behind a contemporary minister that is no more connected to the living church than you. Have fun with your Jesus jams and inability to recognize the hole you've dug yourself into by dismissing the teaching of Christ and his Apostles.

What do you propose as an alternative explanation for the Big Bang then?

First off ask yourself why Christianity over any other faith.

Find whoever told you that joining a sect was important and beat the living dogshit out of him.

Indeed, Christ did not found any sect of Christianity, he founded Christianity as unified, and Orthodox. Sects came later and none of them come from Christ.

Did Jesus originally preach in Latin or Greek?

t. cult sect member

He preached in Aramaic, presumably


Are you asking or testing the bimbo?

A cult of Christ, yes. A sect of Christianity, no. Christ did not found sects of Christianity, he founded one Church. Sects appeared later.

Do you study the original Aramaic transcriptions?

No, only Christians who use Aramaic Scripture today are Syriac Orthodox, afaik.

No. Your cult has nothing to do with Jesus. You're running your own thing. Your own way. Just like Rome.

Exactly like Rome.

You are in a very big cult. Catholics are in a much bigger cult. The two cults are virtually indistinguishable.

>yet another religion shopping thread
when will this shit stop?

No, you are like Rome, both of you invented versions of Christianity that have no continuous existence. If your version of Christianity did not exist continuously since Christ, then it is wrong and invented by man, full stop.

You should not.

You can't even phrase reality properly.

Being a born again Christian dates back to the Resurrection, as Jesus taught Nicodemus.

Your cult sprang off of Mystery Babylon in 1066 for your own cult's reasons.

You're just as lost as they are. You two are the two legs of Rome, east and west. And both legs are going to be destroyed by Jesus.

Who translated Jesus' preaching then?


Are you male or female?

Are you a transvestite?

Why do you use the same trip code as a known transvestite?

Your dogmas don't date continuously back to Christ, no. You aren't a born again Christian, either, since your baptism is not valid, and you must have a valid baptism to be born again.

Sorry, but I'm not going to pull any punches on your heresy as long as you insult the True Church.


He doesnt talk about his personal life anymore.

Constantine was a guy who posted on lit and complained about his girlfriend. The whole girl/tranny thing started because a couple of posters for awhile would spam his thread with waifu posts which for awhile actually had the positive effect of him temporarily swallowing his pride and ditching the trip

She gave the impression she was a man and even uses a male trip name because she wants to be left alone, I don't know why you guys keep bugging her.

I don't know what transvestite you're talking about, I'm the only one who has ever used this trip. I'm not a transsexual, or a transvestite, or anything like that.

I privately talked with someone on email about myself a little bit because they seemed decent enough, unfortunately they had to betray my trust and make me into some hot topic on Veeky Forums. I left for a long time, so it would blow over. It did, and I don't see why it can't remain that way.

Why would an orthodox person use a trip code from a known tranny? Sure you want people to think you're a guy, why not just use "John"? Why specifically this trip code from another user? I just find it, fishy.

I'm an atheist but I'm convinced that IF there is a chosen people, it's the Mormons.

And if he/she really wanted people to stop asking why not just come out in the open? All this mystery only makes people even more curious.

Are you going to answer this?

>since your baptism is not valid,

Holy fuck. A new layer of rock stupidity has been discovered.

Your cult taught you that water washes away sin. It does not.

Your cult taught you that "holy chrism" lets in the Holy Spirit. It does not.

You do not know you are saved because you are not saved.

Let me make something clear to you: there was never a tranny who used this trip. That's a running joke, because it started getting around here that I was a woman and of course there aren't any on the internet, so I was labelled as a tranny. I never said I was a woman on these boards, I don't want attention as a woman, all I want to just post and converse. If I start clearing things up, it wouldn't put the matter to rest, it would make it impossible for me to have regular discussions on this board without being hassled.

Please leave again.


You picked up a guy on Veeky Forums. You're too stupid to live.

That's why we call atheists fools.

You think they're chosen because they're nice.

Why do you feel the need to use a trip when you post?

Mark translated Peter's telling into Greek, Luke translated to Greek, John did as well. Matthew was originally in either Hebrew or Aramaic, not sure who wrote the Greek version.


John 3:-3-5

Wrong as usual.

John Mark, Luke and John WROTE in Greek, Matthew wrote in HEBREW so NOBODY could write a GREEK MATTHEW.