Veeky Forums, who are other interesting intellectuals to watch besides zizek on youtube??
Veeky Forums, who are other interesting intellectuals to watch besides zizek on youtube??
But listening to rants about who did and who didnt use double edged axes in 783 is not interesting.
Noam "Gnome" Chomsky
Go back to Veeky Forums commies
Instead recommend someone you think is interesting...
I bet you watch Sargon of Akkad and Stefan Molyneux
>implying zizek is a leftist
he hates SJWs, thinks immigrants are bad people and feminists get BTFO by him all the time
he's 100% a cryptofascist
Nice try commie
He's explicitly marxist
Just because he isn't a cuck doesn't mean he's a fascist.
It's so sad to see brocialists using this word. It's like they're just pitifully trying to copy the success of the alt-right instead of finding their own way. The true left is SJWs, women and minorities, not this cryptofascist boys club on /leftypol/ trying to repurpose offensive /pol/ memes.
not him, but yes. And fuck you
get memed on
Can someone explain to me the left and right thing?
I'm 21 and I still have no idea what any of these terms mean.
I think it's just buzzwords that people align themselves with and it becomes a part of their identity.
hahahah /pol/ exposed
traditional Marxism denies human nature. Zizek is a well-established lacanian psychoanalyst. You think he'd dedicate his life to studying something which his 'explicit' ideology doesn't permit him to believe in?
Take it up with him
He's the one self-identifying as a marxist
Right = freedom
Left = slavery
The left doesn't exist anymore. All you have is different flavors of capitalism, some of which erroneously believe themselves to be the left.
I'm glad you'll get the hell you deserve
>He's the one self-identifying as a marxist
and you're the one actually believing his bullshit
left = communism
right = capitalism
the left died in the 20th century (with a few agonizing remainders like Venezuela), so today's leftists (which are roughly split between SJWs and brocialists) are actually right (which is why they call them the "regressive left"). you can see it in the leftist reaction to brexit, they are openly anti-democratic now. both the left and the right are turning to fascism in the 21st century. this is all leading to WW3
>hahahah /pol/ exposed
>le it'll be WW3 meme
Not everyone is a dumb American you faggot - and secondly KEK is for now a Veeky Forums meme - especially on /POL/ with clear significance.
We can only talk about left and right economically at this point and that's where the struggle goes.
Politically there's only flavors of right.
Wolfi Landstreicher
Tumblr pls go.
But I agree with him on all those things.
I would point to a lot of the Atheist community, if you like intellectualism. Just stay away from the "Atheism Plus" dumbfucks. Last thing you need when looking for intelligence is SJW garbage.
I can't be bothered explaining but I just want you to know literally none of the answers you got are in any way accurate.
ITT: /pol/ shills who have never actually done a paper in philosophy.
This will help I guess
(Also don't believe in the whole "hurr hurr The right side means MUH freedumbs" bullshit)
pic related
They are just buzzwords but like all buzzwords, there is a kernel of truth to them. Think of them as relative rather than absolute.
I like to keep a healthy watch rotation of folks ranting about flat Earth theory, Nephilim, and lizard people.
You learn a lot about the human mind by observing malfunctioning ones.
Generally, but not always:
Left wing concepts can be boiled down to the principle that everyone's more-or-less equal, and the differences between us are the product of social, cultural, or ethnic structures. So, left wing activists push for new structures that remove the perceived imbalance. Leftism lends itself to democracy, socialism, and a sense of "progressivism" across history (like: that graph that says something vague like "technology vs. time" and points out "the christian dark age").
Right wing concepts can be boiled down to the principle that some people are just better than others. The differences we see in society are mostly due to a natural stratification. The right wing, as a rule, opposes the inversion or neutralization of these differences because they believe that would cause more harm than the status quo. Often, the right wing of such-and-such a country believes their nation's people are simply better than others (see: Japan, Germany, Korea, etc). The right wing lends itself to nationalism, militarism/military culture, and a sense of "degeneration" in society across history (like: those graphs that correlate black populations and violent crime, and then a snarky comment about how "some people just aren't civilised").
Centrism is the grey space between these. The only consistent theme in centrism I've seen is that centrists tend to hold onto the idea that some people have some social privilege, but the only respectable privilege comes from effort. Centrism lends itself to meritocracy more than anything else. Some centrists hold the idea of degeneration, others hold progressivism, others blend the two.
not an argument
>Right = freedom
>Left = slavery
>believing either category represents anything so simple and coherent
wew lad
This, here
is the correct answer. Why the right and left are called "right and left" are irrelevant to their considerations. The right is more prone to say "leftist" however, thus grouping egalitarians into a bundle, while the left itself will have more precise bogey-man terms like "reactionary" "fascist" "counter-revolutionary" "liberal" etc.
they're spooks. Don't bother.
Can't go wrong with Anekantavad
> If you don't like SJW, immigrants or feminists you're right-winged
Jesus fucking Christ
I think you might've just been bamboozled, user
Here's the definition used in mainstream academia and the media:
left=political views that agitate for change, especially the destruction or alteration of existing social and political structures
right=political views that advocate for existing social and political structures or, in extreme cases, return to previously existing systems.
It comes from around the French Revolution(if I remember correctly) when politicians in favour of the status quo sat on the right hand side of parliament and those opposed to it sat on the left.
>Click first noam chomsky vid that comes up
>"if donald trump becomes president, we as a species are in deep trouble. Now back again to global warming"
that didn't take long. Leftists are so fucking pathetic
>implying global warming isn't the greatest threat to human survival
>implying republican denial of global warming doesn't make them the greatest threat to human survival
And thank God the left is dead
If this fat piece of shit waste of oxygen is an intellectual then CWC is a modern day shakespeare. Kys and gb2 revleft
>You think he'd dedicate his life to studying something which his 'explicit' ideology doesn't permit him to believe in?
This is stupid. You are stupid. There are many people who study things that they don't necessarily believe in. Aristotle claimed that philosophers should be able to entertain ideas that they don't really believe in.
>traditional Marxism denies human nature
For every Marxist who says this I find one who says otherwise. Until they decide what "traditional" is I'm ignoring all talk of this.
Nice appeal to tradition by the way.
Pippin thinks Zizek is legit.
I like that bald guy from school of life.
They can be used in many different ways. I think that the original meaning was economic. The right is suppose to be more capitalistic in favor of free markets and deregulation. The left is in favor of collectivism.
What is wrong with his nose?
> he hates SJWs, thinks immigrants are bad people and feminists get BTFO by him all the time
How does that make him non-left?
SJWs and feminists (radfem) are clearly right-wing shills, while immigration is a tool of capitalists to clamp down on local working class. If anything, you are proving Zizek is Left.
> Nice try commie
I am commie. He is not. He is a moron. SJWs/feminazi/cultural marxism and all the other trash has nothing to do with Marxism. They are just bullshit to divert attention of people from real problems.
Do we have hundreds of schools with broken toilets? Let discuss if LGBT are allowed to choose which toilet they will use!
> traditional Marxism denies human nature.
You what, nigga?
> The left doesn't exist anymore.
And never existed, right? All hail Capitalism! There is no, never was, and never will be any alternative! The rich are the worthy and money is the measure of you.
How can you actually believe all the nonsense that gets showed down your throat?
Soviet-born communist here.
> I think it's just buzzwords
If you can't determine when people are lying to your face, all talking becomes buzzwords. So - yeah. For those who can't differentiate, it all becomes "that's you opinion" thing.
However, people are using those "buzzwords" and reacting to them strongly. Unless you are too self-absorbed, you'll have to accept that those words have (or had) some real meaning behind them.
> Can someone explain to me the left and right thing?
1) The crucial difference is not the (declared) aims of Left and Right. This is where () got it all wrong. Consequences of Cold War propaganda, I guess.
You see, it doesn't matter what you actually say (because people lie). The only real difference between Left and Right is how and what things are done.
2) Methods of Left are based on granting power to the people.
This is vague enough to cause (or allow for) a lot of misunderstandings. Clarification is necessary (there exists a whole field of philosophy that deals with clarifications).
What kind of power are we talking about?
Marxists consider the most important power in society to be economic power. This economic power is defined as control over the means of production (land, factories, financial system).
I.e. it doesn't truly matter if LGBT rights are supported or if you have your specific blend of direct democracy going. Those things are secondary and could be achieved via having economic power. As long as workers own their factories, homes and cooperatively control finance (i.e. if workers are truly independent), they can make decisions.
If there is no such economic freedom (i.e. freedom via ownership; not neo-liberal financial "freedom"), then workers don't actually have freedom and are at the mercy of those, who own things (and have true economic freedom).
Left are working to let people have economic power.
Right are against; or telling economic power is unimportant (SJWs, for example).
That's fucking stupid
Sweden is more capitalist than socialist.
The whole picture is skewed. "Centre" is in the middle of the Right. Besides, modern China is quite different from the USSR (even when they had Stalinist economy with cooperatives). If anything - it should be in center or center-left, not far left.