christians, what happens here?
lots of sex and beer?
infinite amounts of fun?
where anime becomes real?
i want to know what kinds of cool stuff souls or whatever do in their infinite time in heaven
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There's lots of singing.
It becomes boring after a while and then you'll start to have a severe existential crisis in your 10,000th year in heaven, and then you'll start wanting to end your existence and truly rest in peace.
Maybe if you live a good afterlife and follow Superjesus then you get to go to Superheaven with Supergod.
>not going to super duper heaven
Only one Ascension at a time per plane allowed.
>heaven is mateiral
no, it is not.
the peace of soul one finds in heaven, i have faith, is far greater than the pleasure of having a harem with all existing anime girls while they all spoil you by doing all sorts of things, from kissing your feet to feeding you the best food you never tried directly in your mouth
it is so great that can only be explained with metaphysics, or perhaps with 11th dimension hyperspace physical theoric.
What about if you fail? Do you go to super hell, or do you just go back to earth?
heh that just what they tell the suckers who don't follow super duper god (jesus)
You die and its all blank no ifs ands or buts.
I take it as a subjectively perfect world.
Let's say, your favorite food is the taco.
Every meal would be the taco.
If you grow tired of the taco.
Then the meal changes.
A perfect world through my eyes is a lot different from a perfect world in your eyes.
This is where I come to a dilemma as a Christian.
My idea of a perfect world is Earth.
Full of struggle. Full of mistakes. Yet, full of life. Full of prosperity.
God says heaven is nothing like Earth. It is free from all sin. Since it is free of sin, it is free of struggle because all struggle is directly caused by sin.
I live for struggle. It makes life interesting. I don't want to live in a struggle-free world, for that would make an eternal life feel more boring.
What do I do, Christbros?
Well either:
Each level of heaven has a coresponding superheaven and superhell state changes
Maybe normal hell is the dump state change at every level.
And then what?
Keep struggling with it.
Funny answer.
Some struggles are better solved, like this one.
That tugs me every time too.
I think heaven is supposed to be more like the Buddhist concept of nirvana.
Every joy you have ever felt on earth was simply one small piece of that oneness you'll feel with god.
Heaven is that struggle being solved.
This is the latest most up to date working model we have so far based on evidence.
nothing but worshipping God 24/7. all visions of hevean in the bible are pretty clear about this. the Demiurge is a massive narcissist
Holy crap, how horrifying. If you play this game long enough, you're doomed to eventually lose in either case. In model 1, you're best off to lose at the outset, in model 2 you're only going to be staving off the inevitable.
I hope it's you during the best part of your life, at the best moment of your life, and it goes on forever. Like the end of Titanic.
Interesting conjecture and I imagine individual believers will be split along denominational lines as to which model they prefer. For example, Roman Catholics would probably favored the tiered hell hypothesis due to the Dante's influence on their cosmology. I imagine most Protestants would choose the sink hell model due to the lack of scriptural foundation for any distinctions within the lake of fire. It is interesting to note that tiered heaven is actually scripturally supported given that Paul recounts knowing a man who "was caught up to the third heaven." (2 Cor 12:2)
No only angels can be kicked out of heaven.
We are supposing some judgement and state change at each level of Heaven analogous to the Earth->Afterlife Tier (Tier 0).
That supposition lacks scriptural foundation.
Well you are no fun.
The church I go to (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran) interprets the "first/second/third heaven" concept by altitude. The first heaven is the atmosphere ("where the birds fly", poetically speaking), the second is outer space ("where the stars fly"), and the third heaven is Heaven with a capital H ("where the angels fly"). It's meant to reconcile the invisibility of Heaven from the human standpoint with verses like Psalm 19:1 ("The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands,") etc.
But the heaven/super-heaven/super-duper-heaven model is pretty funny.
the beatific vision forever, which sounds boring to us because we're accustomed to material pleasures, but it is in truth the greatest joy a being could ever experience.
heaven is whatever the opposite of burning in hell for all eternity is
When you die, punch God in the face and jump back into your own body.
>freezing for a split second
What about a simple ladder, where failing in heaven 1 sends you back to earth, as does succeeding in hell 1, but succeeding in heaven 1 sends you to heaven 2, failing in hell 1 sends you to hell 2, etc