What are the most important battles in world history ?
What are the most important battles in world history ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Milvian Bridge
Napoleon capturing Petrograd only for it to be on fire
Siege of New York
Battle of Hastings
>Napoleon capturing Petrograd only for it to be on fire
Not only is that the wrong city it wasn't even called Petrograd at the time (and was only called Petrograd for a short period of time).
Is the right answer
Not him but I also believe the fires started later
>Napoleon capturing Petrograd only for it to be on fire
Battle of Plataea
The Battle of Frigidus is probably one of the least known "most important" battles of history.
bombing of doggerland
Sorry I was thinking Russian capital and as I'm ACTUALLY studying history at uni and we're doing tsarist and Leninist Russia my mind slipped
Do you have any history qualifications
napoleon didn't capture russian capital tho
he captured moscow, which wasn't capital at the time
Late Rome was so fucking stylish
Late Rome is objectively the least aesthetic period of Rome.
You're fucking kidding me. The obvious transition into Franking and Saxon styles but with still clear Roman and Eastern influences is fucking beautiful.
spotted the chav
(also fires in Moscow started after the French were in)
>west front ww1 battles
not in terms of decisiveness, maybe only in how it influenced military doctrine and anti-jingoism.
exactly like marathon, retard.
Actually forgot Castillon and Marignan
wow, rude
a few battle imporantat for the westeren world:
> Stalingrad
Imho, Stalingrad was more of a Hitler being in denial and desperately throwing everything he had at Russia. The war was already lost/won (depending on your /pol/ orientation) at this point.
Battle of Moscow would be more important (despite not being as flashy), while Kursk was more decisive.
> WW1 battles
Seriously, what? Even Warsaw (in 1920) was more important, if you ask me.
> WW1 battles
Seriously, what? Even Warsaw (in 1920) was more important, if you ask me.
ITT: Marshall plan education
>muh the world without America doesnt matter
Zama and Poiters
Battle of Salamis, Actium and maybe Lepanto, among others.
> I shall bait you like i've never baited before
Step up, senpai.
>mfw nobody has mentioned either Issus or Gaugamela yet. Not only the end of an empire, but the triumph of greek-elllenistic culture over oriental one
I mean, he's right. The western-centric view of history in this board is just saddening. Same goes for the other "best military commanders in history" thread up now. What do you know, the rest of the world had an equally interesting history as the western one, you just dont know it.
University of ur mum
Hi john green
I have no idea who john green is, but the fact you assume i must know who he is is further proof of my argument.
The rest of the world indeed has a rich history of which I only know little about. However, OP asked for the most important battles in the world's history. As of now, the Western civilization is the most powerful one (and has been for longer than our families can remember). Thus the most important part of the world (to our eyes, at this very moment in time) is arguably the West. Therefore it only makes sense to talk about the most important battles in Western wars, just because what ever others might be important in their own restricted area, they don't have this prefactor to make them matter globally in our everyday's lives.
Thus chut up, 3rd worlder.
Here's a few
>Milvian Bridge
That's all I'm particularly familiar with
Not an argument
Meme skirmish that's only considered colossal because it was the one people wrote about
What famous battle can you quote that was no other than a mere skirmish turned into a meme by the winners?
Battle of Salamis was the most important battle in the history of Western civ.
It solidified Greek cultural independence and autonomy, whch was then filtered into the larger European character over time through the Romans. As a broad generalisation European culture and values have nearly fell always on the side of fierce invidiualism. Europeans get this from the Greeks, obviously, among countless other uniquely European things including Europe's struggling obession with the perfect form of government dating right back to The Republic.
arab siege constantinople for example, the only one who truly halted muslim expansion to europe. compared to this that was nothing
That word isn't interchangeable with Muslim
>arab siege constantinople for example, the only one who truly halted muslim expansion to europe. compared to this that was nothing
this next politician for example, is the only one who truly cares about the people. compared to him the others are nothing
Did you see what I did? I put things in perspective. It's always refreshing.