Sure, China may overtake the US but it will only be a transitional phase for India to truly eclipse it and reinstate itself into the greatest civilisation on the face of earth; the Indus Valley civilisation progenated the Indian civilisation. Why? Simple; labour. China's worker:pensioner ratio is going to be 1.5:1 in 2030, while India's is going to be like China in the 1990s. China will end up stagnating and becoming a larger Japan because of that region. Their (India's) labour force surpasses the entire population of the US and Europe (all immigrants accounted) and they have a vital geographic location for the transportation of goods between various states. This is already happening as seen by the fact India's GDP grew 7.3% in 2016, while China's did not surpass 7%. It will only grow worse this year as civil management in India improves, and more Chinese retire. It is also in true sunny tropical belt; ideal to harness solar power, which is much more viable and efficient than fossil fuels. Their global diaspora of 35 million will also help it greatly. It is also hosts the largest English understanding and speaking population in the world. Unless somethin drastic happens, the 22bd century will be the Indian one.
Not if America overreacts to an encroachment on its global hegemony and starts WW3.
Jose Russell
India has a long ways to go before it becomes a great power, let alone a superpower. It's a regional power solely because of its large population. Its industry, economy, education, military, training, science fields, and technological progress are all sub par. I'd also argue its culture is sub par as a whole, ranging from adequate to medieval across the country.
Luke Wright
India is not a super anything. It is a dirt poor country, riddled with religious superstition, that cannot feed it's people or provide the barest of basic needs for 90% of it's population. India has zero universities in the top 200.
Parker Richardson
I don't think America would go so far as to destroy itself because it gets superseded, a lot of younger Americans nowadays are electing domestic stability and personal luxuries over national greatness
That's what they said about the US in the Victorian era
Not 90% Also how much universities does China have in the top 200? How much did America have just decades before it became the seeming God of earth? None
Jack Lopez
India faces an imminent water crisis. That, combined with sanitation failures and malnutrition, will put it in permanent second-world status for the foreseeable future.
Adam Thompson
The difference between the US and India is the US had a strong industrial base, a powerful navy, a well educated population and a strong culture built around hard work. It also had numerous world events play directly into its hands, namely WW1 and WW2 that kickstarted development about 20 years in total, not to mention it got tons of immigration from around the world which ended up meaning the best of the best came to live in America for various circumstances.
Now if you want to argue it will take 200 years for India to become a superpower, as it took the US 200 years to do so, then maybe, a lot can happen in 200 years, but you and I will be dead and gone before India becomes a superpower.
Nicholas Cooper
The USA was the world's largest industrial power by the end of the Victorian era.
Thomas Jones
i can agree to an extent with industry and education, but india has a fairly powerful military that is defensive, has fought multiple wars and has come out fairly successful, e.g they have nearly eradicated the Kashmiri Insurgency and the incentives provided by governments in Kashmir has a done a lot of good, but the bad treatment of locals by the BSF and other security forces remain.
As for science and tech, india has a fairly efficient and cost effective Space Program, science and maths are highly prioritized within the indian parents psyche for their kids to succeed, I wont be surprised if there is a massive increase in scientific investment in india but also a brain gain when other peoples from different third world countries maybe bought in by indian corporates to work for them.
Jonathan Walker
For India, boasting is a substitute for achievement. It is getting wearisome and downright disgusting.India cannot even ensure toilets for the bulk of its luckless population.
For science and technology to flourish, creative thinking has to take root. For creativity to emerge, people have to feel free and confident. Indian society still follows the old ways where elders have to be respected, superiors cannot be questioned, teachers are always correct and so on. Anyone trying to stand out is put down immediately. People grow up being put down most of the time. Self esteem is beaten up so that people can keep their dominance over others.
James Adams
>For creativity to emerge, people have to feel free and confident. Indian society still follows the old ways where elders have to be respected, superiors cannot be questioned, teachers are always correct and so on. Anyone trying to stand out is put down immediately. People grow up being put down most of the time. Self esteem is beaten up so that people can keep their dominance over others. This is true to an extent, indian dads can be horrendous at times.
Joseph Jenkins
Clearly from this graph Nigeria overtakes everyone.
Cooper Walker
>Nigeria >Almost a billion people The country would implode with just 300 million people,let alone 800 million
Cameron Lopez
India's militarly is ridiculously incompetent and poorly trained. It has some good COIN units relative to others in the region, but it has only had its military tested by Pakistan, an even more pathetic excuse of a country. India's military is rife with incompetent commanders and nepotism. It needs to go through serious restructuring before it's fit for anything but regional work. I'm someone that consistently underrates the Chinese military because I fully believe it's a bunch of smoke and mirrors. I still think they could bombast India to smithereens if it came to war.
India NEEDS someone to come in and clean house. That is their biggest roadblock to greatness. Corruption will destroy them before they can get anywhere and until they can at least seriously reduce it they will stagnate at best. China faces largely the same problem, but are proactively hunting down corruption and attempting to the rock the boat. India is not.
Lincoln Thompson
You clearly don't know how to read a trend...
Noah Gray
>solar power >He felt for the solar meme. India will be powerful energy country due thorium.
>India's militarly is ridiculously incompetent and poorly trained. It has some good COIN units relative to others in the region, but it has only had its military tested by Pakistan, an even more pathetic excuse of a country. Where exactly are you getting this from? Like is there a legit source more than assumptions?
Easton White
No region will ever have a strong lead again, the world is too interconnected now.
The only area with a "lead" will be meme areas the super-rich like to congregate and center all their research and commerce.
Just go to /k/ and post about India's military. There are some fairly qualified people that will tell you just how incompetent India's military is from personal experiences to military briefings to laughing at their yearly military fuckups. I still remember the time I saw an Indian SWAT equivalent holding his SMG above his head at arms length during a terrorist attack. Just gross incompetence.
Trying to google something quick I keep getting results from a site called quora, which after some quick other googling I find is an elistist wikipedia competitor proudly proclaiming it's going to surpass it all of these articles dating from 2011-2012. They also like to circlejerk the Indian military apparently. So I'm just going to chalk that up to another reason I think the Indian military is bad, their most vehement defenders are pretty laughable. Everything I've read, heard and seen of the Indian military is just sub par, and their ridiculous mix of Western and Soviet hardware is an absolute nightmare that even a nation much better equipped and funded would have issues keeping up.
Lastly, this is India's homemade assault rifle. A shoddy FAL ripoff made of plastic. While I have heard it's been upgraded and improved over the years, it still remains a potent example of how far India's military has to go before it can compete on the world stage. The next 50 years are going to be absolutely crucial for India, and unless they can really step up their game they're not going to be a player in global affairs.
Angel Cook
figure out plumbing first raj
Lincoln Russell
More people means more poverty. India cannot sustain such a large population without severe famines. Heck, they are having problems with that right now.
Angel Clark
>While I have heard it's been upgraded and improved over the years I heard they had to scrap it altogether
Hudson Sullivan
The last time I actually discussed the INSAS was years ago, so that definitely wouldn't surprise me. Indian domestic weapon production is something of a carnival.
Samuel Bennett
India is pretty terrible. To extrapolate, China has the military and economy, but lack the presence of soft power (prestige) to be a true leader of Nations. This is slowly developing as the country opens up and more people go there to study and then promote the culture in their home countries.
India meanwhile have a long way to go in this regards. Their educated move out, their languages are rarely studied (arguably the national language is in fact English), and their culture is difficult to unpackage within the global context. In addition to this, their economy is fooked. GDP don't mean shit if you can't even get sewage right. . Furthermore, China don't want to play with India and are developing the means to work around them.
Hudson Adams
>muh demographics is destiny meme >muh projections 100 years into the future
Kill yourself
Andrew Thomas
India's military barely defeated a country 1/7th its size.
Adam Miller
Indian just can't compete with China, at least not right now. There are levels of corruption in China that would literally paralyze India, but Chinese management and statecraft is stupidly superior to anything the Indians can come up with.
Juan Fisher
They have seen growth in the years due to their huge population, but they have to fix a lot of shit, even more than China. For a population that large you probably do need an autocracy.
They changed the base year for growth in 2014, which boosted official growth from 4% to 7%. In 2015 the government figures and private sector figures were so off it was laughed at by the BOI Chief (who is now being forced out early over politics).
Even China has better statistics. The last 8 months in China private and public surveys have correlated.
India will have to grow 8-10% every year 2015-2050 to catch China. India's average since 1991 is 6.5%.
Adrian Johnson
Neither India or China are going to become superpowers. First, the culture of the regions of India (South Asian culture) and China (East Asian culture) must be become dominant. This isn't going to happen to a long time and I doubt South Asian culture can compete on a level playing field with East Asian culture. Secondly, these are developing nations that require decades until they reach even Eastern European levels of prosperity. In China's case, they could achieve a very developed and advanced coastline, but India is far more fucked in this regard.
The West still controls Asia. China is the only East Asian nation that isn't a) a de facto American vassal state or b) a de facto colonial sex slavery/tourism destination.
Asher Collins
What's to say there can't be multiple superpowers?
China is not as culturally significant because of its language. But economically and politically it is tearing its neighbors away from America.
India will be a late-bloomer in the 2040's or so. But for the next 30 years it's going to be so concerned with not falling apart it won't be significant. They don't even have an ally or friend with their direct neighbors.
Come 2050 or so you'll likely have a Chinese-led East Asia. An Indian-led South Asia. And a Western-led Europe/North America.
Justin Williams
If the US collapses, then the entire world collapses like a domino effect. India will only become a superpower in the future only if the US is able to maintain its economy.