Wow! I didn't know so many blacks fought in WWI!
Wow! I didn't know so many blacks fought in WWI!
Other urls found in this thread:
I wasn't aware dothead indians were africans
I think I'm just going hold off on Battlefield 1 for now and just stick to Battlefield 4. Talk to me when Battleifeld 1942 or 2146 come out. At least if the former isn't complete historical rubbish.
>on the customization screen
>makes all characters non-white
>everyone gets mad at the number of non-white characters
it's almost too easy
look you'd be better off raging about the lack of faction locked weapons despite both sides having access to anti-tank rifles.
if it offends you too much you can just wait for Rising Storm 2,
there's going to be a WW1-mod/expansion for it I've read.
(red orchestra 2 also has a ww1 expansion)
(there's ww1:Source if you like that sort of thing)
Just play Verdun nigger
#1 and #4 are the only black characters in this image. #2 is clearly an indian, and #3 is just white.
If there is a US faction in the game then blacks are probably fine. There weren't any in the British or French forces though.
You can change the ethnicity of your character, you don't have to be brown.
I think that be 'customization' it's referring to weapon load outs and perks. It's like that in other Battlefield games and none as far as I know allow you to customize the character physical appearance.
Cottonfield 1
You're in need of reading a few books and doing some research before making such a redundant and false statement.
>show indian soldier
I don't understand why even posting this picture.
what does it server other than reminding us people are racist?
>red orchestra 2 also has a ww1 expansion
You say what now?
Uhhh, Senegalese Tirailleurs have some issues with two of the things you just said. I don't think anyone had black troops in WW1 EXCEPT for the French, dum-dum.
It's the other way around. In the US army the blacks were relegated to non-combat roles. While in the French army, they - conscripted from France's colonies - fought in the same trenches as the whites.
I honestly what board is more childish and stupid, /v/ or /pol/. At least /pol/ kinda get angry at important things, /v/ simply looks for an excuse to moan about videogames they don't even play.
*I honestly don't know
probably /v/ at least when /pol/ get's racist they have videos of black people doing idiotic things to at least try to justify why they are racist.
I always find it funny that the medic class has a pair of crutches.
>At least /pol/ kinda get angry at important things
sorry, what?
not getting a girlfriend is kinda important to them.
yeah important stuff like who are fucking their woman.
/pol/ is our evil twin
/pol/ is irate, hyperbolic and brutally honest
Veeky Forums is quixotic, oblivious and over-analyzing
/pol/ is an angry white male, Veeky Forums is an absent minded professor
I for one welcome our bizarro world counterpart
>Germany is black
>Sweden sucking black cock
It's like pottery
/pol/ wasn't even mad when they saw this. they were just sad it was actually really weird seeing everyone trying comfort swedish anons.
BF4 let you customize your camouflage.
Brit and French Empires both had colonial troops, and they even fought on the Western Front (although not exactly widespread). The Germans on the other hand have black soldiers too in this game, which is absolutely ridiculous since they were never used on the WF.
Lettow-Vorbeck would like a word with you, pleb
Yep germans had soldiers from the congo
Yeah but not in Europe.
No more racist than blackwashing history
Where did they fight then?
The congo
Can't believe they force us to be a bunch of niggers "we saved europ n shieeet" when it was majorly WHITE french, WHITE german, WHITE russian and other shizzzle doodle.
The first 3 make sense, African, Indian and some white guy. But when were there cowboys in WW1?
black cowboys user black cowboys
You my friend are an idiot
hahaha what
is dice games your source for educational history?
Well OK, not just Congo
Ofc not, but for a lot of teenagers it is, and it can taint public perception of WWI for future generations.
not him but for the average pleb it is
>ayo teach why we gotta learn all this borin cracka shit? when we finna learn about when we saved yurope and was kangz?
Ww1 was mostly austria hungarys fault
>WHITE russian
only white russian is a cocktail m8
This made Hitler mad.
/pol/ user here, we thought these were hilarious and use them for memes.
>Ofc not, but for a lot of teenagers it is, and it can taint public perception of WWI for future generations.
what the fuck am I reading. This is a joke right?
not in the thread I saw.