What went wrong?
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Forgiveness being mandatory, rather than an option
Following Christian morals rather than appeasing some kids on Veeky Forums
Vatican 2 of course
this tbqh senpai
catholicism should have just been a meme religion worshiping kek and bowing to anonymous mob rule
Lmao btfo
>kissing feet of unrepenting sinners
>christian morals
>I know this man is unrepentent
Didn't Christ come for the sinners? And not to be served, but to serve?
>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE why is the pope acting like a pope instead of calling for a crusade
This. The whole point of the clergy is to teach the word of Christ, and act as examples of his teachings.
This is a 2000 years old tradition.
To be fair, there are a few things that Pope Francis do that raise a few eyebrows. Not in regards to Muslims or immigrants.
It all started when Jesus washed the feet of Judas, the man He knew would betray him.
This. I know Christians actually behaving like Christ is a strange thing nowadays but you can find examples.
The parents of Pope Francis fled Italy to Argentina when Mussolini took power because they were liberal socialists. It's only natural that their child, the current pope, would take after this.
Do you have any idea at all who the guy in the picture is?
Truth. It's hard to follow Christ but I question whether people who think /pol/ism (for lack of a better word) and Catholicism are compatible are even trying. I can only hope that of they stick to going to church, the philosophy will eventually rub off on them.
Kike worshipping commie nigger fag
Racism and Catholicism are not compatible. Even more so now, when Black African Cardinals are protecting the Catholic faith. They are right now the light of the Church.
Neither is nationalism.
Some things about /pol/ are compatible in parts with Catholicism. Their opposition to degeneracy, as long as they keep in mind to hate the sin, not the sinner.
>I'll just string a bunch of slurs and insults together that ought to do it
Pope says gay marriage is from satan
Pope Francis speaks against Gay adoption
Compares trans rights to nuclear arms race
Pope Francis says that there's no salvation outside the Church
He excommunicates an Australian priest supporting gay marriage and women clergy
Pope Francis is against gender theory and for traditional gender roles
Pope is against abortion
He Encourages the use of force against ISIS
Pope Francis is against lukewarm "faith"
The Pope is misquoted often
The Pope Rebukes Communist Cross
The great schism
Exactly this, now you are aware of the disappointing flabbiness of christian morality.
This, and this is also why Christianity is fucking retarded and suicidal. The only reason Christianity actually spread was because Christians stopped behaving like Christians and started spreading their religion through violence and burning shit after gaining a political upper-hand.
If you aren't giving your evil invaders' toes a good old Christian lickaroo you're gonna go straight to Hell, sorry. If you want a strong religion then Christianity is not going to do anything for you, any attempt to give Christianity a set of balls is just pathetic, sinful, hypocritical LARPing.
>slave morality
Gas on sight desu
I don't think Veeky Forums has any right to be calling other people flabby.
Yes, now please go to /pol/ and tell them that. Christian morality is poison and it has always been poison. The sooner people wake up to this fact the better.