Why is architecture so lifeless and artificial nowadays, compared to other ages?
Why is architecture so lifeless and artificial nowadays, compared to other ages?
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le function over form meme
Sometimes I wonder if in a few centuries people will look back and admire our architecture for whatever reason.
I can imagine some pretentious student going on about its "stoic simplicity" or something.
Of course it's just as possible everyone will look at the late 20th/early 21st century as an artistic dark age.
>I only go between my office and suburban house so the only buildings in the world are the ones I see while on thr bus
Because we don't buy le in accordance to nature buildings meme anymore.
Various city code enforcement and zoning ordinances.
>Why is architecture so lifeless and artificial nowadays, compared to other ages?
14 AD
>Why is architecture so lifeless and artificial nowadays, compared to other ages?
39 AD
>Why is architecture so lifeless and artificial nowadays, compared to other ages?
59 AD
>Why is architecture so lifeless and artificial nowadays, compared to other ages?
209 AD
>Why is architecture so lifeless and artificial nowadays, compared to other ages?
1321 AD
>Why is architecture so lifeless and artificial nowadays, compared to other ages?
1789 AD
>Why is architecture so lifeless and artificial nowadays, compared to other ages?
1953 AD
>Why is architecture so lifeless and artificial nowadays, compared to other ages?
1999 AD
>Why is architecture so lifeless and artificial nowadays, compared to other ages?
2016 AD
And still people don't have the common sense to realize that every fool still yearns for the past.
Nice point you raise here senpai, but do you have quotes and sources to prove people said that in those dates?
Aren't revivalist movements evidence enough?
>Aren't revivalist movements evidence enough?
Not him, but revivalist movements usually produce something valuable though.
I mean, there are plenty of neo-classicist buildings that are aesthetically pleasing for example, which is vastly better than simply being a bourgeois romantic who yearns for an era that'll never come back.
That is a very good question
(Architect's Dream - Thomas Cole - 1840 - Toledo Museum of Art)
This fampai.
You know why Gothic architecture is called that? It was originally a pejorative. "Gothic" as in "crude and barbaric, as made by a bunch of filthy goths."
In my experience people who think that contemporary architecture is boring, bland etc. have no idea what kind of architecture is being made today.
Just check some short lists of architecture from 2015. It may not be your cup of tea, but some of the stuff is in my opinion anything but "lifeless" or "artificial".
and that's only 2015 ...
Pic related is interesting. I don't know if I like it or not.
all that shit does look artificial as fuck though
Really? I've been told it was called "gothic" because it came in and swept (or at least tried to sweep away) the preceding Roman based architectural styles, just aways the goths did with the Roman empire.
I have some very terrible news for you: all buildings are artificial,
>Why is architecture so lifeless and artificial nowadays, compared to other ages?
Because you have no clue what you're talking about.
>that pic
>in anyway appealing
Post-modern architecture has become as soulless and clinical as the styles the movement was made to oppose.
Ugly sci-fi structures.
Geez I wonder why. Modern architecture is tool to erase and undermine the West
Yes, really.
you know what I meant
Ah, so what you're saying is "I have no appreciation for modern design, and want to be stuck mired in some sort of twee Hobbiton, surrounded by designs that are neither challenging, nor original."
Well, good to know. Fortunately, we dont live in 1916, and the rest of the world has moved on from your tastes. Deal with it.
Wonderful. I'd like to walk through a city of just those at night.
Would like to skate there.
>Modern architecture is tool to erase and undermine the West
Sometimes I miss the days before the internet when retards wouldn't have an echo chamber community to promote retarded views
No i dont, unless this is some bullshit about "soul" or something.
You sound upset. Go back to your containment board/subreddit
>Irrelevance & peripheral countries.
really, you shouldnt insult retards like that.
retards are born with disabilities, a chromosome too many, or the likes. Most of them might be a bit slow, but they're not nearly as pants-on-head idiotic as that guy, who's clearly just a sad, delusional idiot lapping at the effluent from /pol/ or the likes.
Pathetic, but that guy is far worse than any retard. They have a viable reason for their cognitive dysfunction, his is just from plain ignorance.
Capitalist architecture reflects capitalism's nature perfectly.
My problem with modern architecture is the lack of form.
Take your pic for example. Why is it in that shape?
What impression am I supposed to have about that building or the people who inhabit it?
A building has good architecture if you can tell what it's supposed to be and how significant it is just by looking at it. I wouldn't know what the building in your pic was if it wasn't for the filename.
The Jews have subverted western architecture
But he's right.
A steel frame with glass panels reduces material costs of making a stone walls with holes for individual windows.
it also makes the structure as a whole lighter while not compromising structural integrity, allowing you to build higher for more floorspace for cheaper.
you can achieve the same objective with concrete with steel reinforcement, but it's just mad expensive compared to today's skyscrapers.
What? Apart from towers, churches and castles, most other buildings are just rectangles, regardless of function because that's a solid build.
This thing looks beautiful. Look how on the left it seems to rise like a wave from the sea. It looks so airy even though it's so seamless and solid. I really, really like it. Not that I know architecture besides the names for a few classical thingies.
>Some cunt builds a greco-roman building.
>Don't know if its a memorial, a library, a law court, or a city hall.
That's tasteless, not boring.
I mean, in a desert it would probably look good but god damn do glass-and-steel buildings tend look like garbage pretty much everywhere else.
Huh? I can't tell anything about the buildings in except that one is probably a church.
>but he's right
Said no-one with a functioning brain, ever.
Seriously. You think that one example of modern art that clashes with a more traditional facade is "proof" that "the jews" are out to "erase and undermine the West"?
Really? In what kind of demented delusional fantasy do you think this is the case? Are you seriously trying to say that the modern architechture ternds which were pioneered by Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, and the Bauhaus school are all "jewish"? Do you also think that the world is flat and the moon landings faked? Chemtrails? or is it reptilian aliens from the planet Nimburu who are going to take over the earth, in your demented fantasy?
Because that's how fucking pathetic and delusional you are, even suggesting that idiotic shit. Zaha Hadid who designed several of the buildings in this thread was an Iraqi. quarter of the buildings pictured are in China.
You have to be one seriously batshit insane fucker to actually believe the shit you're saying.
But that doesn't have to be a bad thing necessarily. In the past when one style dominated the whole continent for centuries, everyone knew what a Gothic church is suppose to look like. Only minor details were changed really. Today every architect puts his own vision of what the building is suppose to look like. Obviously there are influences, but the architecture has more freedom to express himself. If he wants to he can make a neo-Gothic cathedral or a futuristic cathedral. Such variety is in my opinion a strength of modern architecture. It would be horrible if we as a society were trapped in endless repetition of historistic styles, as some seem to be advocating on this board.
Its useless, he'll just spew some nonsense about cultural Marxism and entartete kunst. We're talking about idiots that haven't read a book in their life.
We leftists are so smart.., don't you know that cuckolding is an intellectual fetish,
I know. but even by the standards of frothing conspiracy theories mixed with neo nazi antisemitism, that one really stands out as a shining beacon of idiocy.
And given I live in the UK, and there's a wave of this madness going round right now, I had to call it out as the bullshit it is.
These things look like creeping metallic tumors filled with pomo and AIDS
The Jew hates and fears the White Christian. Everything the Jew touches he seeks to tear down and undermine and subvert.
and yet the boards with most right wingers like pol are the ones most obsessed with interracial porn and cuckolding. Must be a coincidence...
Found the Jew
New mosque in Rijeka, Croatia
No, I'm a reptilian from the planet Nimburu.
different view
OP here. This is a really wise answer.
Burn them and kill all the occupants.
>I know. but even by the standards of frothing conspiracy theories mixed with neo nazi antisemitism, that one really stands out as a shining beacon of idiocy.
Eh, not really. As I understand it, working backwards it's something like Modern architecture --> [intended to] attack traditional cultural values --> [utilizing] Critical theory --> [created by] Frankfurt school --> [which is the cultural wing of] Bolshevism --> [a movement created by] Jews.
It also doesn't help that many if not most of the people in all of these movements from bottom to top are Jewish.
Quality, efficiency, and safety?
Lel, ancient buildings BTFO.
what a lovely example of christian tolerance you are...
> Modern architecture --> [intended to] attack traditional cultural values
And the entire idea collapses at that point, because its not intended to "attack" anything.
It is an art form. its no different to any other art, in that regard.
>You employ stone, wood and concrete, and with these materials you build houses and palaces. That is construction. Ingenuity is at work.
>But suddenly you touch my heart, you do me good, I am happy and I say: This is beautiful. That is Architecture. Art enters in.
- Le Corbusier.
You can experiment without sacrificing coherent design.
is a good design because it's modernised while still keeping to the design principles of Middle Eastern architecture. Because of this, I can tell it's both an important building and related to Islam just by looking at it.
As for I wouldn't be able to tell that it was a mosque if it wasn't for the seemingly tacked on spire.
>t. 14-year-old
*tips fedora*
So you're arguing that artistic expression can't be politicized?
Because otherwise it's entirely possible to use art to attack something, same as any other form of expression, and many artists in fact claim to be making political statements with their art - modernists and postmodernists in particular, going all the way back to Marcel "fuck art" Duchamp himself.
No. I'm not arguing that artistic expression can or can not be politicised.
In fact, I'm not arguing anything of the sort, so where you got that idea from, I can only conclude its plucked from your imagination.
Bus since you raised that idea, while architecture can be politicised - the work of Albert Speer in the nazi schemes for Berlin for instance, the idea that Hadid, or Gehry, or Gropius or Van der Rohe, or Foster, Rogers, and Stirling, or any of the other major lights of modern architectural design from the mid-80's onward are some sort of pan-global Jewish conspiracy to undermine western cultural values, is, frankly, so utterly laughable that its the sort of verbal prolapse I'd expect from some fucking Stormfront White Power idiot...
Is it perhaps challenging the preconceived notion that a building must be a sterile, rectangular block? Yes. those designers have pushed the boundary, they've created organic curves and used new materials, computer design to create curves and compound shapes impossible to visualise a century ago, and that does challenge the preconceived notions of what a building's shape should be. But the entire idea that they're a fucking "jewish conspiracy" is absolute paranoid fantasy of the most pitiful level.
The Victorians knew they were making better buildings than their Georgian predecessors
14 AD
>Why is architecture so lifeless and artificial nowadays, compared to other ages?
>Let's start with the greeks and make it better
209 AD
>Architecture is okay.
>Let's just make things bigger
1321 AD
>Why was architecture so lifeless and artificial in the past ?
>[gothic intensifies]
1789 AD
>Why is architecture so lifeless and artificial nowadays, compared to other ages?
>Let's go back to the majesty of classicism
1900 AD
>Neoclassicism is boring, we need to make things pretty
>Neogothic and art deco ensues
1953 AD
>Why is architecture so full of useless decorations nowadays?
>Let's make it lifeless and artificial
1999 AD
>Why is architecture so lifeless and artificial nowadays, compared to other ages?
>Let's use glass instead of concrete then everything will be fine
2016 AD
>Why is architecture so lifeless and artificial nowadays, compared to other ages?
>Glass was not enough, let's twist and bend the walls and then everything will be fine
Fuck off
Gothic architecture was hated for the longest time
The Eiffel tower was originally called an eyesore
It'll be the former.
>oh god glass looks so much more cultured over this carbon nanotube shit
The Eiffel tower was called an eyesore by some and then got accepted quickly.
The Montparnasse tower was called an eyesore by some and now is called an eyesore by most.
>pretends to know OP's life
Lel it's actually true
Oh my god destroy that building.
Some would say it's exactly the opposite aka architects are building cities for birds to watch.
Nice read.
This. Also ancient and medieval socities were mostly governed by some form of dictatorship and to find a modern equivalent you need to look to fascist aesthetics and so on.
this is objectively still an eyesore
>Mosque in Croatia
>Muslims In Croatia
I thought they would have all left by now kek
Leave where ? They were born here.
pretty much this
Is it autism?
In an ideal world, the buildings you see on the bus to work shouldn't be displeasing to look at.
The problem of modern architecture is not that it is bland, it is that it is unhinged. It is not anchored to much of anything, not even form over function.
And yes, that reflects the reality we live in. Can't argue with that.
But that's what makes it to me so terrible. I prefer my architecture to be anchored to a fairytale. It's more pleasant to move in whenever my mind is turned off.
Thing is, Ghery's work has been vastly criticized for how impractical and wasteful it is, so that picture wasn't the best way to illustrate your point.
That's the thing, I would also like to walk in a city of JUST those at night. I however, do NOT want them built anywhere near cities where they would clash with the existing styles. That's my main grief where modern architecture is concerned
And in the real world, the bus has a commercial mesh over the windows, meshy enough to let in light, but dense enough for you not to be able to look out.
Is this moral?
Nope, but weirdly enough, there's a lack of public outrage over this.
I guess the bus folk have become apathetic enough, but holy fuck is it terrible, I was on one of those on a rainy day, where you literally feel like you're enclosed in a moving box and can't even look outside to aleviate moving nausea.
It is super effective at raising cruicial funds for a public service that is operating at a loss though.
They were right though.
Romanesque and Neoclassic all the way lad.
Regardless if it's a jewish conspiracy or not, modern architecture is a clear departure from the traditional, the mai difference being that it's soulless and inhuman. Architecture is the most important form of art and being surrounded by modern architecture is demoralizing and has a huge negative effect on society.
Just like Communist architecture reflects communism perfectly!