Would anything have turned out differently had France and England declared war on Germany after invading Czechoslovakia?
Would anything have turned out differently had France and England declared war on Germany after invading Czechoslovakia?
Poland would be free
As i recall Czechoslovakia was in a better position to defend itself than Poland ever was due to the terrain and already in place fortefications.
This is true, and as an added effect, Germany wasn't nearly as strong in 1938 as they would be in 1939.
However, I'm pretty sure that Britain and France were also considerably weaker, although I haven't done a lot of reading on how much, but I know Britain for instance almost doubled her defense spending post-Munich.
How that new equation would turn out is something I don't feel qualified to make claims about.
Poland would still get fucked by the Soviets, so no.
the USSR only entered Poland after signing the MR pact and waiting two weeks or so for Germany to subdue pretty much all resistance.
None of that is likely to happen in this scenario.
>Britain and France were also considerably weaker
British and French armed forces were considerably stronger than the German armed forces until after the Czech armament factories were captured post-Munich. Neither governments wanted to go to war and fell for the German bluff/gamble because neither was mobilized for war like Germany and did not have enough popular support for a drawn out war.
Do you know if Poland would by any chance try to help czechoslovakia?
I know they annexed a bit with the Germans, thoughi think things could be different in this scenario.
no, czechoslovakia and poland were rivals back then, they even were in war for a while
France was doomed start to finish because their government couldn't last a year without new elections. New policy and catching ministers up to speed on defense couldn't possibly make up however, for head generals uniformly having bad ideas and the French economy being exhausted by the Maginot Line and four non-full tank battalions.
Don't believe the Plsen tank works meme: it doubled the mobile capabilities and added a third to the armor capabilities of the Wehrmacht: Germany had auto and tank works to spare, they were just new and the main production of PzIII and IV had just begun. The difference is a year of work and materials.
tl;dr Poland falls in same amount of time, maybe less German casualties because of less tactical experimentation and Fall of France takes twice as long due entirely to the British having their one good tank division.
No, the Soviets were in worse shape then than when they got their ass handed to them in 1920. An impressive rate of armament due to the commercial agreement with Germany, lend-lease, stripping gold and platinum reserves, and raw manpower waste is what got them victory.
>Economy exhausted by a line that costed less than one percent of the French GNP
Yes. Actually Poles offer alliance to Czecholsovakia and support in war but pepiks refuse and surrender. After that Poles tke some of disputed clay from them.
The fortifications weren't finished though. Not sure if they were strong enough yet to resist a German attack.
who is this cool cat?
>the French economy being exhausted by the Maginot
>French economy being exhausted by something that took up a whopping 2 percent of the military budget
>. Actually Poles offer alliance to Czecholsovakia and support in war
[citation needed] seeing as Poland literally took part in dismembering Czhechoslovakia at the same time as Germany.
Czechoslavakia is in a horrible strategic position against Germany, let alone Germany + Austria. Just fucking look at it.
Czechs took that land in the first place when Poland was fighting commies, it's only justified
t. different guy
>After that Poles tke some of disputed clay from them.
>[citation needed] seeing as Poland literally took part in dismembering Czhechoslovakia at the same time as Germany.
Do people just not fucking read on this board or what?
He is refering to the fortifications of the sudetenland. Czechlslovokaiadingdong had a lot of fortifications built up along the German border which were just handed over to Germany in order to avoid war. The problem is that Nazi Germany took the land but then took all of Chezklvokalamama afterwards once the Czech defenses were taken out of the picture.