What is the closest historical equivalent to the EU?
What is the closest historical equivalent to the EU?
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the united states
Delian League
The early untied states
>tfw EU will never be USE
With britain gone its much more likely
The Delian League. Athens is Germany, Persia is the USSR/Russia. I guess that would make Sparta England.
Sparta was never part of the delian legue
No seriously.
Not even wrong. I wonder if it will end up the same way?
Oh yeah. Shit. I guess Naxos or Thasos then.
who gives a fuck the EU is finished
It just became stronger m8. Without the UK,Germany and France will speed up the process of unification,with little opposition
The European Union is neither European, nor a Union.
If it goes it will drag a lot of the world down with it. Deutsche Bank is on the verge of collapse, if it goes it will be worse than the 2008 crisis
Except France is having a referendum on leaving as well.
Is Frexit confirmed now?
I always thought Valls would be vehemently against it.
Nope. Le Pen won't touch power any time soon. Amd as far as I know she is the only one proposing it.
>Deutsche Bank is on the verge of collapse
France would need to actually elect le pen, and thats not happening any time soon
Its been looking dodgy for a while, brexit might be the last straw. Pray it isnt
>with little opposition
of Denmark, Sweden, Visegrad group, Baltic countries(in fact "new EU members" in general) possibly Italy and Netherlands with France being wildcard right now.
That's on top of most hardcore "federationists" like Juncker are called out for being idiots who destroyed EU even in German press right now.
Fuck,didnt know it. How are they broke,with all the money that is pouring through the med countries to them? The bailouts to the southern countries were basically to keep this bank,amongst others,healthy.
>Italy and Netherlands with France
This are the only countries that could really break the union. And I only think that the Netherlands could possibly leave.
>George Soros
Why the fuck do I hear about this guy in every second article regarding political turmoil in Europe since like early 2015?
Don't count on it. Socialists have been getting blown the fuck out of late
le bearded rubbing hands man.jaypeg
Let it fail. It's a cancer anyway.
Third Reich.
The Confederate States of America
Socialist and the right wing will just join forces,and defeat Le pen. They have done it before,and will continue to do it
The rest can impede any "turn EU into superstate" moves though. Even if only Netherlands leaves, French won't support Germany on it since they have hard time dealing with unrest in their country already and that decision won't be received well in France. Italians are also somewhat pleased with status quo outside of few things while EE is mostly "reformist" that is - they want less integration, not more, Scandinavians have been like that since they've joined which leaves "pro-integration" camp with Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain and Portugal.
>"pro-integration" camp with Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain and Portugal.
I think that there is going to be a bigger push to it with the younger generations. We'll see,I think that they are alredy pushing it in the education systems.
We may end up with a situation where the only choices are an EU superstate or a second, even worse great depression
>EU superstate or a second, even worse great depression
While the 18-24 year olds voted for "bremain" only 36% of them voted.
The reasons why the rest didn't vote may have been:
>they don't give a shit(that's probably quite large part for them)
>they may be shamed into not voting by the education and media(/pol/ probably thinks it's large part of them, I'd say it's some part but not very big)
>they were sure brexit will lose so they didn't go to vote(again, doubtful)
>they don't see any reason why leaving the EU would fix the major problems with the UK(London turned into little Pakistan, 1984-style laws etc.) with current political forces in charge - which is imo. the majority there
Obviously nobody cares to actually probe this demographic because everybody looks like "oh only 30-something % of young people voted for brexit!!!! OLD PEOPLE DESTROYING FUTURE WAAAH" while nobody mentions the fact that it means that mere 25% of young people cared enough about remaining in the EU to vote for remain.
>We may end up with a situation
Eurozone countries may end up in a situation*
Economies and existing trade don't magically disappear because some political structure got destroyed and in fact free trade agreements are likely to stay with or without EU.
>Eurozone countries may end up in a situation*
The EU is the biggest market on earth. If it fails, everything goes bad
As long as the Fed prevents rapid contraction of the money supply and government stays out of the economy we'll never have another 'great depression'.
I am not talking about Britain m8. At least in my country there is a big push for the EU in the educational system,and I guess that it is the same in other European countries.
If the EU collapses it will drag america down with it, there would be nothing you could do
because he is a billionaire that got it through "investing". then spends his money on political activities all over the Western worlds. promoting the multikulti welfare state liberalism.
he paid ukrainians to riot and bring down the pro russia government.
he pays people to protest and riot against Trump.
he is a jew. a us and hungarian double citizen.
probably has ties to Hillary Clinton.
he exploited the British Pound valuation crisis in the 90s to make him self richer.
Concert of Europe
League of nations
The EU is political structure. Its member states won't disappear because EU is destroyed.
And for the eurozone itself only Germany will suffer in long term since Marks will likely be very, very strong currency which will be bad for their exports but I doubt it'll be that bad. Southern Europe though, it may be bad for them in short term but in long term - they will grow again, they will be able to pay back their debts and sort-out their economy. It will require competent politicians they don't have but it is a possibility. In fact if Greece would return to Drachma by 2010 the local crisis it would cause would be ending right now, instead they'll have austerity and local crisis for the next 20 years because German/French banks' interests are more important than Greek economy.
user it's the same in Britain as it is in most other countries. Kids hear how great the EU is on every step yet parties like FN, AfD, UKIP etc. are youth's parties, old farts don't vote for them.
Why are Hungarian Jews always the absolute fucking worst
If the EU disintegrates the economy of europe will collapse, which will collapse the world economy. If DB collapses the european economy might collapse anyway
Old people vote for them too,in fact old peopñe made Brexit possible. And I still think that most young people would vote always for the EU. But we'll see. Some countries and influential people have invested on the EU project and will be pushed for certain.
>If the EU disintegrates the economy of europe will collapse
And why is it?
What causes EU to magically keep their member's state economy away from collapse?
Free trade agreements? EU won't collapse in a day, you can go back to EEC rules or push for individual treaties between member states and most member states will agree on it because of economical reasons and then what?
So what will cause the European economy collapse? Market speculation caused by panic? It doesn't cause the economy to lose its worth, it causes few weeks of craze on stocks and then everything returns to normal.
>Old people vote for them too,in fact old peopñe made Brexit possible
Old people voted for brexit but they are more likely to be conservative or labour supporters(yes, labour supporters even Corbyn is borderline brexiter - he's the socialist labour type instead of being multicultural neoliberal labour type) than UKIP supporters.
younger generations contain a larger percentage of non natives.
they don't want the immigration friendly welfare state that supports them to end.
though the real kicker about Brexit. fewer white christians moving to UK. More Pajeets, Mehemets, Mohammeds, and Jamals.
Because the EU provides free trade and regulatory standardization between all its members and a few others. Every member has their economy boosted by membership, and if it falls apart then on at least a short term time frame everyone is hurt. Brexit will damage bot hthe EU and the UK economy to some extent on the short term. If the eu falls apart then EVERYONES economy will go bad to some degree, which puts even more pressure on all the financial institutions that underpin it and are already shaky. Debts will be called that cant be paid, which starts a chain reaction and causes all the imaginary wealth which makes up about 90% of the economy to disappear.
Just like in 2008, except much bigger
In the European elections lots of old peiple voted UKIP. I really doubt that UKIP is just young people,when they are the third most voted party out there
Let us hope for a swift death to the 4th reich.
As for Germany.
You failed once, you failed twice. You must fail again.
>its another episode of retarded chavs and their bootlickers from the colonies talk shit about europe
die in cancer fags
pretty much this once again, after some thoughts.
https : // goo dot gl / hT5Gtn
>with little opposition
oh just only about everyone east of germany
that's counts as little right
Lmao, that's not happening unless the far-right is elected in 2017
French politicians know very well that the French people hates the EU, they won't risk holding a referundum
Sorry user but the EU just isn't proving to be very popular with much of it's membership. It's not shit talking it's just discussing how the EU has an uncertain future ahead of it.
Is there a clause in the French constitution about a citizen initiative for a referendum? Get and x amount of signatures and they have to hold it?
hello Mr. Schulz
The closest historical analogy is the United States, which is why people like Juncker wants an EU Army, so they can stop people from leaving the Union by force, just like the North did when the slave states wanted to secede.
This, unironically.
no, closest historical analogy is concert of europe you pseudo intelectual.
kek. why comment on this when you literally have no understanding of the situation
>Group of empires with switching alliances.
>No unified currency or economy.
>Several small skirmishes breaking out on the borders of almost country involved.
>Created not as a union but as a way to maintain the status quo.
>Not even a proper organisation but a historical term for a period of European history.
The concert of Europe and the EU are hardly comparable to one another.
>concert of europe
Hahahhaa no.
There's no "balance of power" in the EU you moron. The rich countries have vastly more power and Germany and France literally owns the EU.
>Uses bullshit historical analogies
>calls other people a pseudo-intellectual
Kill yourself, fagtron.
>Union: (mass noun) The action of joining together or the fact of being joined together, especially in a political context.
Well they're joined together, even if some of them are keener about it than others.
And all of the EU is within the current and historical borders of Europe. Now if Turkey was allowed in, you'd have a point.
This objectively incorrect answer would have been a fine contribution to the thread for discussion's sake, but the fact that someone who gives that shit an answer has the gall to call someone else a pseudo intellectual is pretty infuriating.
the holy roman empire
because Jews and Hungarians are both awful so Hungarian Jews square their awfulness and become a singularity of evil?
Soros' first job was selling out his fellow Jews to the gestapo too
Someone might stretch things a bit and say that it isn't a Union because:
-it's only a very loose union of still independent states, that many times do what they want in spite of others
-it's more of a France-Germany Union ruling everybody else and not a "Union of everybody".
This if you introduce the hidden and naive premise that a true "Union" should be fair and balanced.
Geographically it is European, sure.
But some would argue it isn't "European" because it doesn't really have an identity.
The North/West is still quite arrogant and superior towards the South/East.
Also, they say we are European but anybody in the world can become European and their culture is to be considered equal to that of natives.
Well that's some good news.
Fuck Deutsche Bank. Don't talk about me or my countries political situation again you fucking spiv wanks.
France is a failed democracy
The Holy Roman Empire.
The long-historied, sovereign German (European) states form several mutually beneficial organisations like the Zollverein (European Economic Community) for a common market and the North German Confederacy (Western European Union) for joint defense. These organisations have distinct purposes and offer clear benefits for their member states. However, the German (European) idea is soon hijacked by a clique of nationalist (globalist) bureaucrats and politicians who demand that the German (European) states give up their sovereignty and form a political union. Using romantic language about a grand historical destiny, they appeal to the emotions of the common German (European) man while denouncing their opponents as backwards and narrow-minded.
They ultimately succeed, and in 1871 (1992), a new union is formed in Versailles (Maasstricht). It's a misshapen political entity, with a vain and useless Kaiser (European 'president'), a centralized bureaucracy in Berlin (Brussels), a squabbling Reichstag (European parliament) that wants more and more power for itself, while the German kingdoms (European nations) watch their historical identities slowly being eroded.
In the following decades, German nationalism (European pan-nationalism) becomes increasingly irrational and hysterical. Germany (the EU) is being threatened from all directions by its European neighbors (global market competitors), or so the Reichs government (EU commission) says. The only way to match this threat is for Germany (Europe) to grow stronger. The bureaucrats soon start believing that they're on a god-given mission to expand German (EU) influence to the last corner of Europe. To that end, they expect nothing less than slavish obedience from the citizens for whose benefit they were once supposed to work.
In 1918 (20??), the Reich (EU) finally destroys itself through sheer megalomania. Collateral damage: All of Europe.
And they say history doesn't repeat itself...
Achaean League
Aetolian League
i want off this ride
me too buddy
t. dutchfag
Thread should have ended there.
USSR, but economic blackmail, instead of tanks. Once these projects stop expanding, they fall.
Brexit didn't damage shit yet aside from the panicking. The actual exit didn't even happen yet, and no the EU doesn't "boost all their economies", why do most millenials use this retarded oversimplification to talk about it? This isn't some strategy game where you have absolute modifiers, this is fucking real life.
More importantly, why would a change in trade agreements cause a collapse? Why do you compare a housing market fuckup with a geopolitical shift? You do know th standarda would mostly be made more lax rather than tougher right?
You're also aware that this is a process that would take years, aren't you?
Except EU has an economy several times more powerful than Russia
crippled by a religious war and dismantled by a French manlet?
I doubt it
>Brexit didn't damage shit yet aside from the panicking
>and no the EU doesn't "boost all their economies
There is no country in the Eu that is made poorer by being a member.
>More importantly, why would a change in trade agreements cause a collapse?
Because you pretty much already have the best trading relationship with europe you can get, as does basically every EU member with every other EU member. Whatever agreements come after an EU collapse will be worse than what is already there. Aside from that, during the process of disintegration the markets will be in chaos from the uncertainty and having 30ish countries each making 50-100 new trade deals each. The EU economy is vulnerable, it wouldnt take much to hit a tipping point and trigger a collapse
>Why do you compare a housing market fuckup with a geopolitical shift?
The cause is irrelevant, the point is that if large financial institutions fail for whatever reason, the whole economy can get fucked up
>You do know th standarda would mostly be made more lax rather than tougher right?
Britain already has one of the most deregulated markets in the world, how much more lax do you expect it to get?
>You're also aware that this is a process that would take years, aren't you?
Yes, but its market reactions that will trigger the collapse, not the actual process of disengagement from the union. Look at whats happened to world markets in the few days since the referendum, nothing has actually changed but the pound plummeted and markets dropped all of the world. An EU breakup would be that on a much greater scale
I meant unifying into a single state, but sure
>HRE unifying into a single state
that never happend, friend
USSR stopped "expanding", what in 39? And then it took them extra 50 years?
It sort of did, parts of it morphed into germany and the austria-hungary
it happend way after HRE stopped existing
Plus, Germany contained only a fraction of HRE clay
The rise of Germany was almost a direct consequence of the fact the HRE as an entity was dismantled. Austria is the closest there is to an HRE successor state and they're far from the "unified" HRE.
Germany formed 65 years after HRE died, so i suppose that is a fair amount of time. Germany and austria-hungary between them were about 4/5 of HRE plus some extra non HRE clay
Get fucked
>France is a failed democracy
Get fucked again.
All of you go away, you are drunk
You're right, the European Union is a much more fitting name
>It's European
>It's a union of duchies, archduchies and city-states
Prove me wrong
>It's a union of duchies, archduchies and city-states
No,EU it's an economic union between banks that are pillaging their people.At least in the "HRE" the governament prefer to sack outside their territories. And a real empire cannot be formed by the union of autonomes duchies,city-states etc., but must be one under the guide of the emperor, without any surrugates kingdoms.
I think the closest historical equivalent to the EU is probably the Assuwa league of Bronze age Anatolia. Both the EU and the Assuwa went on joint military expeditions and both try to fight the "strongman" of the region (Hittite empire, Russia)