>mfw there are still people who think Confucius was a real person
Mfw there are still people who think Confucius was a real person
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>mfw there are still people who think Jesus Christ was a real person
He was. He was just a Diogenes fan boy
>"He certainly existed, as virtually every competent scholar of antiquity, Christian or non-Christian, agrees"
- Bart Ehrman
>"There are those who argue that Jesus is a figment of the Church’s imagination, that there never was a Jesus at all. I have to say that I do not know any respectable critical scholar who says that any more.
- Michael Grant
>"In recent years, 'no serious scholar has ventured to postulate the non historicity of Jesus' or at any rate very few, and they have not succeeded in disposing of the much stronger, indeed very abundant, evidence to the contrary.
- Richard Burridge
>implying Diogenes was a real person
>thinking an interpolated and edited passage by Josephus or the account of a man born an entire century after Christ's supposed ministry count as 'sources'
Regardless. The historical Jesus matches very well with an aspiring cynic philosopher
Why don't you entertain us then with your own theory of how the social movement based around Jesus of Nazareth began if the man never existed?
*tips fedora*
>christcucks getting btfo
>h-hey nice f-f-fedora!
A fraud called Paul took some surface-level elements of Judaism, added some Greek and neo-Platonic motifs, and voila! A new mystery religion! After all, these mystery cults were quite vogue at the time.
You must understand: Yeshua the historical preacher is such a different person from the mythical Jesus Christ of Christianity that it is completely valid to say Jesus did not exist. There was only Yeshua the Nazarene, just another preacher in 1st century Judea who taught reform, was put to death by the Romans, and whose unremarkable existence was taken up by Paul the fraud as a template for his new Greek religion.
Not that guy, but two sources that could just as easily be relaying hearsay isn't all that convincing. Is that all it takes to get historical credibility? Is the entire study of history a fucking sham?
Not to mention the two previous Yeshua Bar Yosef's that claimed to be the son of Yahweh.
Fedoras out in full force today.
Fucking Jews. 2000 years of hindsight and they still can't figure it out.
Didn't his grave get defiled during the Cultural Revolution?
An atheist Jewish scumbag named Hyam Maccoby made up the theory to sell books. Must have done wonderfully well, as you can get them on Amazon for $0.01.
>his grave
Probably about as authentic as Christ's tomb
So, 100%.
As everyone has always said. Kong Qui was real.
>mfw there are still people who think Julius Caesar was a real person
Literally just a fairytale to make Romans happy.
Can anyone really prove with certainty that anyone before the year 1983 really existed? Of course not. It's all just propaganda and bullshit.
Much more plausible than "magical god-man from the sky came down to Earth to sacrifice himself to himself to save people from himself,"
Kek, Christcuck delusions, not even once.
So not a single supporting fact then. Got it.
Not him, but the theory is advanced by HG Wells in his The Outline of History.
>mfw people think they're real
How can mirrors be real if we aren't real?