Was he really a bad guy?
Personally, I find Goebbels, Himmler, Dirlewanger, and Eichmann much scarier people than good ol' Adolphin here. But then again, they probably wouldn't be in charge without him, so who knows?
Was he really a bad guy?
Personally, I find Goebbels, Himmler, Dirlewanger, and Eichmann much scarier people than good ol' Adolphin here. But then again, they probably wouldn't be in charge without him, so who knows?
There is no such thing as a bad guy.
But honestly I wouldn't fancy living under his rule.
Hitler was a terrible military general and he destroyed Germany.
Merkel has done a better job at destroying Germany desu
I've yet to see the country burst into flames from within, senpai. But hey, she's a woman. It's bound to happen eventually.
>I find Goebbels, Himmler, Dirlewanger, and Eichmann much scarier people
The thing is, in a fascist state, pretty much everything has to be approved by the dictator himself. That was a central point in National Socialism: the fuhrer is responsible and takes the credit for everything. So in some way Hitler appointed these guys and he knew what they were up to. Getting people to do your dirty work doesn't make you a better person.
While the theory of Hitler’s diabolism is generally accepted, there are very well informed persons who contend that he brought himself and Germany to ruin by being too soft, generous and honorable rather than too tough and ruthless.
They point to the following considerations: he made a genuine and liberal peace offer to Britain on August 25, 1939; he permitted the British to escape at Dunkirk to encourage Britain to make peace, which later on cost him the war in North Africa.
Hitler had advanced and cut off France and Britain at the English Channel in Dunkirk in just 7 weeks, at which point he just let them go. Hitler spent most of his time trying to put a stop to the ever encroaching Red Menace. Between Lenin and Stalin 40,000,000 Russians and Eastern Europeans died at the hands of the Bolsheviks. This is for thought crimes, not WWII - This is what communism will get you. Hitler's main concern was to stop the advancement of communism, and protect Europe from the Bolshevik advances. For the sake of Capitalism and Free Enterprise, Hitler meant to put a stop to it. Most are brainwashed into thinking Hitler was a "Monster". But it was European agression, much like today, who poked and prodded Hitler into war by allowing over 50,000 German nationals to be exterminated in Poland.
Read up on carpert bombings in Berlin and Dresden if you think the Allies were the good guys. Ask the Red Cross how many died in these so-called concentration camps - The only professional count ever taken.
Try 271,301. That's everyone. Most of the deaths were from Typhus, thus the Zyclon-B for delousing. More Jews were living in Europe AFTER WWII than before the war started.
Everything you were taught was wrong.
He was an egomaniac who dragged his people into misery just to pursue his dreams of grandeur
This is the most autism I've ever seen before in a single post
it's so pointless when people try to paint the Nazi's as being not so bad by claiming not as many people died in the holocaust.
It doesn't matter what the number was, they persecuted, arrested, and killed a shit ton of people based on race, religion, and political views. That is diabolical.
>Jew gets panicked in light of facts and spams ad hominem in response
Cute, but very predictable
>Holocaust was nothing
>but now Dresden was a real abomination and war crime
*tip sthalhelm*
right Hitler was such a nice guy who let the brits escape because he was so nice
that's why there were nearly 50,000 members of the BEF that were captured at Dunkirk, many dying in forced marches to POW camps
>mfw when you take one too many red pills
What's so bad about Goebbels? Wasn't he just a mouthpiece?
>he permitted the British to escape at Dunkirk
It /must/ fucking hurt being this stupid.
im irish
>by allowing over 50,000 German nationals to be exterminated in Poland.
This did not happen jesus christ when will you people stop claiming this.
>Between Lenin and Stalin 40,000,000 Russians and Eastern Europeans died at the hands of the Bolsheviks.
The Bolsheviks did not kill half of the USSR's fucking population, goddamn.
>i've never been to germany and take my information from rt and /pol/
Hitler didndu noting, he was good goy. Nazism is ideology of peace.
No, he's right you must be retarded or have a brain injury.