Is the universe rational?
Is the universe rational?
Explain: rational in what way?
It can be explained through reason or logic.
I suggest to look into Stuart Kauffman. He doesn't talk of reason and logic per se, but states that not everything can be reduced to reductionism.
wildburger pls
even in math aussies continue shitposting
Logic is defined by the rules of the universe. So I don't see how the universe can be anything but irrational. If anything we are irrational for trying to the information of such a small part of the universe and applying it to the rest.
It has specific laws that translates to specific predetermined results, so yes it is rational and unchaotic.
>predetermined results
what is quantum randomness
The human concept of rationality must adjust itself constantly to the reality of the universe. It makes no sense to ask if the universe is rational, rater you should ask if our rationality has sufficiently integrated into the universe.
Ya'll motherfuckers need Taoism
>t. Freshman
The probability densities are perfectly deterministic.
The mere existence of human reason suggests that the quality of reason is of a universal origin.
Consider the following.
There is at least one human who was rational at least once.
All humans are part of the universe.
Ergo reason is part of the universe, a universal quality.
The collapse of the wave function isn't.
Keep dropping names, maybe you'll learn.
>I don't know what deterministic or decoherence means
Why are you projecting? Decoherence cannot explain the collapse of the wave function.
>this phenomenon appears to be random
>that must mean it is!!
Ever consider the possibility that there are patterns so complex that they are beyond our comprehension at this time?
I'm sure some of the ancient peoples considered the movement of the oceans to be completely random, or least at the whims of fickle gods.
Decoherence and wavefunction collapse are the same thing you fucking retard.
Bell's theorem proves that no deterministic theory can account for the phenomena of quantum mechanics.
This is absolutely wrong. Go back to QM 101.
>still this retarded
It's not my fault you failed babby intro QM.
>no deterministic theory can account for the phenomena of quantum mechanics
*no deterministic theory that assumes local realism yet conceived*
Pls explain bells theorem and why it is correct.
What about Immaterial Determinism?
>Pls explain bells theorem and why it is correct.
I'm not your lecturer. Use duckduckgo to find an explanation for idiots.
>What about Immaterial Determinism?
>kekeke NYPA FAGGOT don't have to explain shit just google it that's what I did
I will assume you're wrong until you can prove you're right. Actually address my valid skeptical criticisms next time 2/10.
"I'm a pleb who can't into babby QM" is not skeptical criticism. Try again.
>lol QM is a perfectly valid and true theory and anybody who disagrees clearly isn't smart enough to understand it
I have yet to see any evidence that you even know what you're talking about.
>hurr durr science and logic are a social construct and contain no truth
Is this what they taught you in your women studies course?
vile sophic pretender
I think yes, because small parts are rational and we can anticipate outcomes, therefore there is some underlying order to the whole. We might not ever fully grasp all of it, but that doesn't make it irrational.
The whole universe is irrational. Since we know that the universe is irrational it is rational as we have rationalised the irrationality of the universe.
Do Jedi think in absolutes?
A gorilla poster? on my Veeky Forums?
Your kind are the main reason the reason I left Veeky Forums.
The interpretation of the universe by humans is rational but the underlying principle of it is irrational.
>do or do not, there is no try
>only the sith deal in absolutes
i seriously hate it when people use that yoda quote. stealing this as a counter, cheers!
>arguing that a quote from the prequels can counter a quote from the OT
lmaoing @ ur life
I'd say so. Can you refute the law of identity, noncontradiction, or excluded middle?