I just went to /pol/ and they said this was a horrible board filled with leftist talking points.
Does this mean this board is good?
Also what are some good places to start reading about Chinese philosophy?
I just went to /pol/ and they said this was a horrible board filled with leftist talking points.
Does this mean this board is good?
Also what are some good places to start reading about Chinese philosophy?
>I just went to /pol/ and they said this was a horrible board filled with leftist talking points.
>Does this mean this board is good?
No, the people that bad people oppose aren't necessarily good. It's like Hitler and Stalin. You can guess which is which.
>bad people
When in doubt, scream racist!
So this board is just as pseudo-intellectual as they are?
Two really good overviews are Schwartz's "The World of Thought in Ancient China" and Graham's "Disputers of the Dao".
For primary Daoist texts Victor H Mair's translations are fantastic. Read his Tao Te Ching and Chuang Tzu (English title; Wandering on the Way).
For Confucianism start with the analects.
For Chinese buddhism start with the heart sutra.
But honestly your image is the best answer. Read Anthony C Yu's translation of "Journey to the West" and then some commentaries analyzing it. Such a rich and dense text that delves into a lot chinese religious concepts. Absolutely phenomenal, that book is a personal favorite.
>didn't even say racist
That's how you can tell he's either from /pol/, or an a/pol/ogist.
"Does this mean this board is good?"
>Wants to get into Chinese classics
>Is a Cultural-Revolution supporting leftist scum which irreversibly destroyed Chinese culture and treasures in mainland China
Oh the irony.
You're wrong the culture is growing right now, but thr culture transcends political boundaries.
That sort of political purge happens all the time in Chinese history, but the 20th century was the worst due to technology, population, and the state understanding what ideology is.
Also don't forget the crumbling and corrupt Qing which led to the corrupt western worshipping KMT and decades of civil war before reunification under the CCP.
The state in China always sucks.
Who cares what /pol/ thinks of anything? They're nothing but SJWs.
It is growing, but it is only a grain of sand from what Chinese culture used to be before the Cultural Revolution.
1. Most historically-significant monuments and buildings were destroyed or at least damaged and looted during this period.
2. Historical artifacts and treasured deemed to provoke "the four olds" were burned and destroyed; many paintings and artifacts were destroyed.
3. Artisans of traditional practices and trades (e.g. Martial arts schools, artists, traditional architects, scholars, et cetera) were all purged or publicly shamed and beaten. A few that survived moved to Taiwan.
4. Even good manner itself was not encouraged because it was one of the Four Olds.lmao.
And there are much more destruction that I can list. Trust me; this was the worst "purge"
The only leftist thing about this board is how /pol/ is its boogeyman and redditors tell everyone they disagree with to return there
Everything else is Veeky Forums as usual
PRO TIP: Anyone who disagrees with /pol/ even a little bit is automatically assumed to be a leftist. They also half ass all research and willingly ignore information that doesn't support their narrative.
Yes, they are a right-wing tumblr. Surprise surprise.
But having users that differ on their opinions is good.
It makes for some awesome debates,
This board is basically Reddit flavored /pol/ with all its crypto shitposting and flavorless memes
Veeky Forums is only leftist in comparison to /pol/. we only have 1 or 2 communist posters. when SJW's have come here and tried to make some silly claim like women being physically equal to men we have BTFO'd them pretty badly. Catholic posters make up a big percentage of the board (though much less than atheists) and most of them seem fairly conservative
/pol/ just accuses anyone who suggests that we need to use proper methodology in studies of being a leftist.
Yea it was the worst purge but still not out of line with Chinese history. The cycle of time continues.
"The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide."
Catholic posters aren't far off the center.
Fundies are a separate group and they seem to dislike Catholics (and everyone who isn't a fundie). Fundies also draw out the biggest fedoras. Of course, 99% of the activity of both of these is most likely trolling - I hope.
this desu.
You fucking idiots are just newfags who never used Veeky Forums before /pol/.
Stormfags are literally the most easy thing to spot on this website.
I hope you realize that the sentiments of /pol/ have existed since forever and whilst Veeky Forums in general used to more liberal around the Bush time, it still had plenty of right wingers.
Obviously you're new since you still say "stormfag" as if you're fresh off the boat.I don't even go to /pol/, but that doesn't stop autists like you ranting and claiming I'm a /pol/fag, fuck off.
>destroyed Chinese culture and treasures
>implying it wasn't blocking up the ability for china to move the fuck on like plaque can block up a blood vessel and cause a heart attack
(a stretched analogy)
and nothing of value was lost
>right wingers
libertarians mostly.
but yeah there were some right wingers, it just wasn't as deafening in the sheer volume as /pol/tards tend to be.
I admit I probably inadvertently learned to think outside the box because of /pol/, as I began to justify leftwing philosophy with right-wing logic about a strong nation state and strong national culture.
/n/ which became /new/ after /n/ transportation was created was probably the oldest form of /pol/.
Thanks, all I've read is part of the Arthur Waley translation and the Tao of Pooh back in highschool.
Veeky Forums just accuses anyone who suggests that intelligence is heritable of being racist
no i dont. inheritance goes beyond genetics.
both /pol/ and /leftypol/ are pretty bad
too much bias either side
>I just went to /pol/ and they said this was a horrible board filled with leftist talking points.
They're just butt-blasted because Veeky Forums is not a place where they can gang up on people and run out anyone who disagrees with them and turn it into another one of their club houses. There are all kinds of people here with all kinds of beliefs and lively debate happens on the daily and that infuriates them because they (rightly) percieve free inquiry as hostile to their ideas
At least Veeky Forums pol only got mods that can ruin things for you.
On cripple chan pols they use democracy to silence any dissidence, hence so many different pols over there.
>Stormfags are literally the most easy thing to spot on this website.
They're the new furfags, inserting their shit into every discussion and sperging out the moment they get push back
>the pool's closed meme on /b/ means that Veeky Forums has always been a stormfag safe-haven maymay
t. people who have never been on /pol/
I am a /pol/ack as well.
Wold you agree that the people on /pol/ that complain about Veeky Forums being Liberal paradise have never been here too?
anything /pol/ shits on is probably in the good path
Veeky Forums has a few faggots who think it's appropriate to redirect someone to /pol/ every time they get triggered but that's about it.
This place is far from /leftypol/ thankfully.
pretty much this
they have a very limited vocabulary and are incapable of critical thinking, meaning they will speak by drawings - just like kids; but instead of cute houses with some smoke coming out of the chimney, you get poorly edited jpgs showing why hitler was right all along and if you disagree it's because your skull resembles the one of a chimpazee, making it impossible for you to see reason.
I'm already frowning a bit over the Daoist text you posted, because the Dao does not translate to the Way, which is throwing suspicion on the translation in the book title.
Tired ass me misinterpreted your post, i deleted the old one.
Anyway, yea. Honestly, this place has about 6 or 7 vehement autists who redirect posts even slightly tinged with an aspect of /pol/. But those people are still a minority and probably the same people who complained on Veeky Forums about the same shit. These are the same people who say that you can't have a good history thread here, when I've seen plenty and pretty much enjoy them daily. But I shouldn't focus on those idiots too much because folks from /pol/ can be just as decidedly stupid, especially when they start dumbass race threads and do the most idiotic of holocaust denials. Anyway, this place is far, far from a liberal paradise and is closer to /int/ in its general feel
Veeky Forums is honestly great because of its variety, folks from Veeky Forums, /int/, and /pol/, many of whom cross posted before, now crosspost in a big board and it's pretty fun. Granted I liked the general on /int/ better, but this is still good.
If this board is leftist, /pol/ has gone so far to the right, they've gone off the road, through the trees, over the hills, across the ocean, and around the planet, only to end up on the other side of the road.
/pol/ isn't even right wing, it's just synthetic contradictory nonsense based off youtube "ideologues"
I actually used to go on /pol/ all the time when it was inhabited by libertarians who kept things civil and objective. Had some quality discussions.
I stopped going when it turned into a hug-box for white supremacists who resent and ridicule any challenges to their preconcieved notions
You're wrong, 道 has so many meanings, one of which certainly is "the way", 道教。
Its an old character that haa acquired a substantial number of meanings throughout the history of the language.
Besides, translations are never perfect, particularly with such esoteric and ancient texts as these. However I can assure you Mair is highly a respected sinologist and translator, if you don't believe me research him. He knows about this more than you.
If you know the topic why would you be asking for these recommendations.
Listen more and speak less.
>Chinese philosophy
Not really a thing. China has many schools of thought that might be called "philosophy", but none of them is concerned with typical Western philosophical questions such as "what is the truth" or "what is the good", they're much more concerned with "what is the best way to live", a subject more typically called ethics in the West.
You don't understand, chinese philosophy just often rejects the ideas of good and truth. (ie, Daoism, or Chan Buddhism) it's a different way of thinking completey, which is why you don't think it's "philosophy". You gotta think outside the western ideological box. You should try breaking your preconditioned thought patterns, and attempt to conceptualize eastern thought. I'm not saying believe it just try to understand the different way of thinking.
Every board aside /pol/ is seen as a horrible board filled with leftist talking points from the perspective of /pol/.
If it's not concerned with truth then it's not philosophy. It gets called that because of sinaboos like you, but the Chinese schools of thought are ethics and mysticism, not a systematic attempt to understand the world.
Nice damage control, righty.
[spoiler]Actually, no, you're right.[/spoiler]