"thou shalt not kill"
"thou shalt not kill"
Said moses and then slaughtered all who worshipped the golden lamb.
I guess it actually means: "Thou shall not kill those of your ingroup"
It's actually "you shall not murder", as far as I remember.
Also mulsims follow the ten commandments as well.
Does the original hebrew have the distinction? In my language it's "no matarás" (you will not kill) not "no asesinarás".
>You shall not murder (Hebrew לֹא תִּרְצָח lo tirṣaḥ)
What are you trying to tell me here?
Why aren't threads like this one deleted?
That completely backs him up.
Obviously it is not simply "don't kill anyone" the OT is full of God ordering and causing deaths.
for no other reason than you are a butthurt christfag
Yes, it does. It's לא תרצח (do not slaughter/smash to pieces) as opposed to לא תהרג (a more generalized do not kill)
conflict of interest and bias you saying that
"Thou shalt not murder" is the correct translation.
God clearly demands the killing of animals as sacrifices in the Torah. Some crimes, such as pre-meditated murder, as punishable by death.
Self defense is allowed.
Murder =/= all killing.
Even in Acts a centurion is among the converts.
I have no idea what you are talking about. You have no idea who I even am to accuse me of conflict of interest and bias.
What I said was demonstrably factually correct. You can simply read the OT for yourself.
Moses had just received a revelation from the Lord of the universe. All of Israel knew this, and had many great works done among them by the Lord. Yet they still went after idols. If God literally appears before you and says 'don't do this', and you do it, what do you expect to happen?
Several versions of Pope Urban II's sermon at Clermont in 1095 make reference to this dilemma. Urban directly appealed to the knightly classes to go on Crusade because knighthood was a profession seen as inherently sinful because it broke the commandments.
Urban proclaimed that taking the cross to fight for Christendom would earn one a plenary indulgence absolving the taking of life while on Crusade because it was fighting in defense of Christ and Christendom at large.
Not only this, but going on crusade was seen as a penitential exercise similar to a pilgrimage and was declared 'imitatio Christi' i.e. emulating the burden and suffering that Christ bore on the cross. The Latin phrase 'crucesignatus', where English gets the word 'crusade' from, literally translates to 'one who bears the cross'.
>The Levant
>their homeland
>innocent non-combatants in Jerusalem
yeah no
>Be Mooseleems
>Invade Jerusalem and the Levant in the 7th Century.
>Be Crusaders.
>Invade during the 11th century.
>"Yeah, it's not their homeland."
>What was the Albigensian Crusade
>What was the Wendish Crusade
I think this is exactly what this pic is criticizing.
>a multinational force from Europe
>The Levant is their homeland
yeah no
>Waahhhhh the mooosleeems did it first
thats not an argument, especially when the initial Crusades were centuries later
What is Abrogation?
Couldn't you at least expand a little bit?
We know what the word 'abrogation' means but could you explain exactly what you are talking about in this context and why you are capitalising the word.
Christcucks are hypocrites, what's new?
Though to be honest, you should have posted a picture of Crusaders killing European Christians as they did during some of the lesser-known Crusades such as the Bosnian or Albigensian Crusade - much more ironic.
The abrogation of Old Covenant laws
That and the justification for murder in warfare has existed since Jewish doctrine. Especially since the resentment towards Islam began with Damascus's Fount of Knowledge to the Umayyad conquest of Hispania, the Fall of Constantinople, etc. It's not surprise resentment overcame dogma in a chaotic and fearful time period. It's exceedingly difficult to consider every permutation of a religion over 2 millennia
as one grand monolith for the ease of discrediting.
>The abrogation of Old Covenant laws
Not either of them, but isn't that rather essential for Christianity? I mean, there's a whole lot of OT stuff that is quite clearly skipped over, even by Jesus in the gospels, let alone later Christians. How can you possibly argue that the old covenant stuff is necessary when to my knowledge 0 Christians even try to live by it?
>The abrogation of Old Covenant laws
Other than arguably respecting the Sabbath none of the Ten Commandments have been abrogated.
>That and the justification for murder in warfare....blah, blah, blah
That's an entirely different point.
>the Fall of Constantinople,
Very much the fault of the Crusaders themselves.
"Thou Shalt Not Murder".
Wrong from the get go. I'm starting to understand the hostility towards Christianity here; you people have absolutely zero idea what's happening.
I bet if christniggers just turned the other cheek to moslems they would have converted instead of blowing their asses out of the middle east and Constantinople for ever
Crusades were Catholic, and therefore had nothing whatsoever to do with God.
Jesus explicitly said he did not come to do away with the law. and both he and Paul rebuked people for not following the draconian laws of the OT.
But Catholics are the only real Christians???
>both he and Paul rebuked people for not following the draconian laws of the OT.
wtf, Paul told people not to follow the whole Law very explicitly
"just war theory"
>Other than arguably respecting the Sabbath none of the Ten Commandments have been abrogated.
The Old Covenant is a hell of a lot more than just the ten commandments, which is something of a misnomer anyway, considering the first "Commandment" is
>I am the Lord your God who took you out of Egypt.
Which doesn't apply to the vast majority of Christians anyway.
To be fair, Jesus kind of rewrites some of them (marriage and divorce) and flat out ignores other (various dietary laws)
He only calls out people who don't do the ones he thinks are important.
I know this is a troll thread, but all of these religions are full of stuff like this. Instead of picking out Christianity for this, why not ask why all religions do this.
"just do it theory"
>The Old Covenant is a hell of a lot more than just the ten commandments,
This thread is about one of the Ten Commandments, you're just completely losing track of what is even under discussion.
>I am the Lord your God who took you out of Egypt.
>Which doesn't apply to the vast majority of Christians anyway.
Completely irrelevant. I challenged an user on this . I don't have any idea why you are just going off on a bunch of irrelevant issues.
Buddhism/Jainism actually stick to their non-violence and go to extremes to fulfill these, so really, Christcucks should be paired up Mudslimes.
I don't know much about Jainism, but Buddhism has a history of violence as well.
The Buddhist history of violence is on a scale that cannot be compared to the history of violence of Christianity or Islam.
A few monks reacting against Muslim or Christian aggression in Myanmar or Vietnam (which is really less about Buddhism and more about nationality) hardly compares to the abuses and scandals of the Christian or Muslim establishments.
Yes, the scale is much larger for Christianity and Islam, but I cringe every time when someone says Buddhism is this peace loving, cozy, feel-good religion.
You can also get guys like this with Buddhism.
>but I cringe every time when someone says Buddhism is this peace loving, cozy, feel-good religion.
You wouldn't happen to cringe because - despite your usage of buzzwords - it's actually true, and it puts your own kike religion to shame, would you?
Fuck off, last time some orientalist weebs wanted an eastern religion we got christanity. Its the same life denying garbage
really? nothing else to it? thats the ultimate idea behind just war theory?
The user in the chain, as well as the one you're replying to,was talking about abrogation, which extends beyond the Ten Commandments
Please go back to the 2nd grade until you can learn to read.
Goddamn, now you are buzzword spewing. Though I haven't read many buddhist books, I know for damn sure that Kodo Sawaki would slap you for thinking Buddhism is exactly what you think it is. There is nothing cozy in being buddhist warrior monks, there is nothing cozy of butchering the dead without remore because you know it has no soul, there is nothing cozy of being allowed to kill for the survival of the saṅgha and the dharma.
>implying that mahayana isnt literally LITERALLY catholicism for chunks
>The user in the chain, as well as the one you're replying to,was talking about abrogation, which extends beyond the Ten Commandments
But this thread is about one pf the Ten Commandments, it is an irrelevant point to post about what else has been abrogated. That is just a complete red herring. It has nothing to do with the topic of discussion.
Christianity draws hypocrites like shit draws flies due to the whole God forgives everything loophole.
>Inb4 christfags spamming fat fedora man and thinking that is an argument.
Never happened, not even once.
Abrogation is a term for Islam, not for Christianity or Judaism.
Yes, that is what the cult of Roman Catholicism says.
An easy way to spot a cult is that it claims that only its members are saved. Granted, it's a big cult. An old cult. It dates all the way back to Babylon.
If you think hypocrites can fool God, you're sadly mistaken, and so are they.
God will not be mocked.
>God will not be mocked.
Yahweh's a big fat smelly poo poo.
Prove me wrong.
>An easy way to spot a cult is that it claims that only its members are saved
So all Christianity is a cult? Thanks for admitting it.
Christianity says all who believe are saved, and that the saved come from every nation, tribe, nation and tongue.
Literally the opposite of what cults say.
But how would you know, since you are a reprobate?
>all who believe
So, only its members.
>Christianity says all who believe are saved, and that the saved come from every nation, tribe, nation and tongue.
So your definition of a cult is a club that only accepts people from t specific ethnic background. This seems to be a very dodgy assertion.
Its members are all who believe, yes.
All who do not believe are not counted as members.
No, my definition of a cult is a group that says only its members go to heaven.
These would be cults.
So, exactly what you initially said. Only their members are saved. That's your definition of a cult. It fits your definition of a cult.
Were your mother and father brother and sister?
Go up and re-read again. There is no formulation of the "ten commandments" that makes them any more or less binding than the rest of the law. In fact, the term is never used in the old testament itself, with the closest equivalent עשרת הדברת not actually attesting to commands at all; which would make sense, given the first is a statement, not a command.
So your division about abrogation, in which the poster raising it made no distinction between the ten commandments and everything else, about ONLY BEING ABOUT DA TEN in this thread is retarded. There is no division.
Do you think backwards about everything? Do you disembark busses before you get on?
Anyone who believes in their heart and confessed with their mouth that Jesus is God, raised from the dead, is saved.
Is being made foolish a fetish of yours?
Literally every Christian's God is YHWH.
Literally no Jew now has YHWH as his God.
When has taking things out of context ever rewarded anyone with knowledge? That's a rhetorical question.
God ordered that every man, women, and child of the Canaanites be destroyed. Not only that, but the same for every nation that practiced what the Canaanites practiced.
Israel doesn't do it. There were Israelite's who in fact did not go through with it.
And because of this, Israel adopted these neighboring nations' traditions which include everything from sacrificing children in fire to a general disposition of degeneracy. There are Israelite kings who were found guilty of doing this, sacrificing their children in the fire and murdering the innocent if they did not comply with the wishes of men in power.
So by NOT cutting evil off, it infiltrated an area where these practices were prohibited. Everything from child sacrifice to prostitution to murder of innocents.
So in the actual context what do you get from this?
God, the creator of everything will not hesitate to cut off a piece if it means saving the whole. Like with any infection.
Again though, you can't expect to understand anything by taking subject matter out of context. It's worse if you find pride through debate by doing this. It's like taking pride in willful ignorance.
I don't know if that's true.
If they obey the law of Moses, I can't imagine them in the worship of anything other than God Himself.
Let's keep in mind that God gave the canaanites 400 years to repent, and they did nothing but get more and more wicked.
And those 400 years were years of slavery and wandering in the desert for the Hebrews.
No, the slaughter of the canaanites should have been accomplished; because Joshua grew tired of the war, we have ISIS.
I'm not sure what quirky church you are from, and fair play to you if you take a more nuanced view as an individual, but Protestant Christians are the worst for claiming their little sect are the only ones that will make it to Heaven.
I know it's true because John the Beloved under inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God said it was true.
1 John 2:23 Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.
I don't recognize the term "protestant", nor the inference you are making.
I listed cults with numbers in the billions.
If you want to nitpick the Westboro Baptist Church or some other nonsense, feel free. Your feeling of moral superiority will fail you in the long run.
Have you kept the law perfectly? No?
Are you then a sinner? Yes?
Can you expect any blessings from God? No?
Can you only expect curses from God? Yes?
Why are you proud of that again?
>I don't recognize the term "protestant",
Oh okay. I must point out this is Veeky Forums not some silly board saying "I''m going to stamp my tiny little feet and ignore a term that is widely recognised by, well, everyone", is not an argument.
>If you want to nitpick the Westboro Baptist Church
I wasn't referring to some tiny minority church.
Nobody calls themselves protestants. Papists call Christians protestants, and heretics, even though the Reformation was CATHOLIC v CATHOLIC.
I don't play into people's mental illnesses, or into their fetishes, or into lies no matter how long the telling.
Being a Christian is not protesting Rome. It's being a Christian.
And Romanism is one of the biggest cults on earth, as is Islam, Orthodox, and Mormonism.
Your feeble attempt to say that there are some Christian churches who say they are the only ones going to heaven fell on deaf ears; moreover, you gave no examples.
The Jehovah's Witnesses are not a christian group; Scientologists are not a christian group; both are cults.
Just not as big as Rome.
Genocide is good when it suits god's plans.
Wake up. You are worshipping a demon.
>Protestants are Christians
>other Christians are not Christians
This is just childish and boring. Grow the fuck up.
This sort of level of discussion is why no one can even be bothered to talk to American PROTESTANTS.
You're too boring and ridiculous even to talk to, I'm done.
> All of Israel knew this
He came just swaggering down the hill after seeing a burning bush and claimed it was god.
Sorry man, but this is not the kind of monumental event I would adhere to without questioning.
>yeahyeahyeah I will not kill, but why not have a second or third god?
>God ordered
>God will not hesitate
>God gave
When has assuming things like that ever rewarded anyone with knowledge?
Just because a textual source written by humans and translated and copied many times says God's voice echoed out of the sky and said something doesn't mean it happened.
Or are you being tongue-in-cheek?
I'm calling Poe's Law on this one.
You can call blacks niggers all day long on the internet; same with calling christians "protestants".
In real life?
Not so much.
Wrong anecdote; wrong by far. God spoke to the nation of Israel, as collected in the wilderness after the Exodus, and they begged Moses to have God stop talking to them. They couldn't bear it.
So God spoke to Moses, and Moses spoke to the people.
Your incredulity is based on nothing.
The bible has proven itself to be the inspired word of God for thousands of years.
You don't get to judge the bible.
The bible judges you.
In order to be saved, you have to believe.
After believing you become a member.
Everyone who does not believe is not a member.
Hence everyone who is not a member is damned and only members are saved.
What you can't see is the beaten, groveling Christian behind the crusader, happy God has sent deliverance upon him and justice upon the Muslim persecutor.
>muh Horse of Bobby Ling
Jews are the original gimmedats
Is this just a recap, or is there something in there you still don't understand?
You're not saved because you're a member of the body of Christ.
You become a part of the body of Christ when you are saved.
You can fuck her, if you want. She's poisonous death.
>I don't know what a cult is: the post
A cult is a religious organization that tells its members that only they are going to heaven due to membership in their cult.
Most if not all cults are readily discerned by their leader having sex with children.
>When has assuming things like that ever rewarded anyone with knowledge?
I don't see righteousness and "good" as created by man. I see them as concepts to grab onto, that are equipped with benefits. I don't find that as a coincidence either, nor a happy accident. "Good" as we know it, in it's purest form,that which is just and fair etc. It's a concept that when chosen, generates related actions from the individual.
I see "good" as we know it, as something that exists as an option. Not a creation of man, but something that can be adopted by man. Something that was created FOR man to grasp onto. It's benefits are so obvious though, that I don't blame anyone who takes them for granted.
So the difference in your and my own perspectives is this, I don't recognize man necessarily as a creator. I see knowledge and wisdom, what some would consider common sense, or laws of "logic", I see these as concepts, as things, set in place before man. These things/concepts are set up as choices available before a person can even do the math on their benefits. Concepts that existed before you were ever born, before the first was ever born.
If history has proven anything, you can't put faith in man which your argument is implying, if you don't put faith in God.
I understand that on earth, we're technically top of the food chain. We cattle animals and fence them up. I understand that, but I don't have the arrogance, to look at earth, and not see something similar. An exhibit we can't even freely step out of. We can't even defeat death, so I don't have a problem in humbling myself to the potential of man having a God.
That's not what a cult is...lmao. I see you still don't know?
Now this is further reinforced for me personally, by God's word, simply because of my observation on living life without a sense of discipline in the face of degeneracy, which that "textual source" dives heavily into. Consequences of degeneracy, how quickly ideas and ideals can spread which can cause more harm than good.
So ultimately, I refuse to become a subject of pride and arrogance just because I'm currently well fed and safe, to think that whoever created these concepts for us to choose from, doesn't reward choosing good with said knowledge. Progression only comes from the very definition of righteousness, while the true definition of evil only produces regression and ultimately death, not only of the physical, but of ideals as well.
But it does not say. Thou shalt not kill saracrens and other riff raff. Sorted. God bless.
So the Catholic Church isn't a cult? Got it.
>Christianity originates in Palestine.
>Palestine is part of the Roman Empire (majority and officially Christian at the time of Mohammed's rise to power)
>Invaded and conquered by the Muslims, who then go on to conquer half of the Byzantine Empire, invade Spain, and push the Christians out of land (basically all of North Africa) they held for hundreds of years before the Muslims even existed.
>Decide to reinvade and take that land back
What is historical revisionism?
By its own catechism it declares that there is no salvation outside of the Roman Catholic Church.
Is being fucking retarded on the internet fun? Or are you just pretending to be retarded?
Either way, you will be repaid to your face.
>Waits 600 years to "re"conquerer
So if i go beat up my school bully 10 years later its self defence?