do great women exist Veeky Forums?
I can name hundreds of great men, a lot of them contemporary even
but I can't think of a single great woman
pic related sansa is a great fictional woman
Do great women exist Veeky Forums?
Poorly veiled bait, Sansa show version a total fuckup and Sansa book version nothing special
A very subjective measure. Give some examples of "great men". Does that include actors and writers? What do you mean by great?
They do, but only in highly limited numbers compared to men.
well where do we start there's Alexander (the great) Alexander (hamilton) Alexander (pope) etc etc
contemporary men there's Stephen hawking, Magnus Carlsen, barrack Obama
just people who have had a great impact on history and their fields of study
they're all men
worth noting since I brought magnus up that the best female chess player couldn't even compete with the top male players
sansa queen of the North just won back winterfell after her brother had lost the fight with her great understanding of the game of thrones
She is much greater than you will ever be
First off Cersei is the only great woman on Game of Thrones
And in real life well you have the wives of great men, they contributed to their husbands greatnesses undeniably.
Well, you're wrong there, since Judit regularly competed with the world class male players. It's the current top women that can't compete with the world class men.
Cleopatra would be one then, maybe empress consort Cixi. The mothers of great men might have had a great deal of influence on them and indirectly on the course of history. There is fewer of them, but I doubt they dont exist altogether. Is the Obama thing bait?
she didn't even tell based Jon because shes a manipulative bitch who's on littlefinger side and will probably betray her brother
this is why Jon is great and Sansa isn't
ah you're correct
when I read "If you are in a tournament, you have to think of yourself—you can't think of your wife or children—only about yourself." I thought she was great but apparently she isn't actually a lesbian so she's only a little better than most
>cersei 'allahu ackbar' lannister
it's called playing the game, user...
Playing the game is for petty aristocrats with too much time on their hands
Meanwhile Jon has no time for games since he is literally Jesus and spends all his time saving the world
hence why he's the only one who actually deserves to win the game
if Jon doesn't sit on the iron throne in the end i riot
You know, you can dislike women without being a complete mong.
I don't dislike them they're just objectively inferior
>anyone other than Danny sue winning
Isabella of Castile
Blanche of Castile
Maria Theresa
Physically sure, everything else is subjective
Sociologically, women tend to occupy the low-middle, middle, and upper middle of society, while the extremes are dominated by men.
Hard to determine whether thats cultural or biological or some combination of both though
Would it matter if you ever found out?
>I can name hundreds of great men
"Great men" don't exist. That's just a meme to turn a complicated story (history) into a simple one.
Women being intrinsically valuable to society shields them from the bottom falling out, so to speak, while the glass ceiling serves as a tamper on the other end.
If you ask me, this is fair, as it means women get to live comfortable lives while men either die ignominiously in poverty or carve out legacies.
It would be extremely important for finding a solution, if there's one.
>if there's one.
Well I'd be extremely skeptical of any supposed solution to human nature, whatever human nature might consist of.
I mean, human beings have literally been exactly the same for at least 100k years, the only thing that has changed is technology.
>names worst bitches in the history
>great wimminz
>That chinese pirate chick
>The woman who wrote Genji monogatari
>all the nameless nurses in both ww
>Wilson's wife
>Jeanne d'arc
>All of the writers, actors and musicians who formed contemporary pop culture from 19th century onwards
There you go
Thatcher indeed.
Will Theresa May be Maggie 2.0?
Joan of Arc, Marie Curie, Cleopatra, Catherine the Great, Elizabeth I of England, Antigone, Mulan
Queen Victoria
Catherine the great
Ayn Rand
Wu Zetian
Joan of Arc
Marion Maréchal-Le Pen
Boudicca (before Gaius Suetonius Paulinus raped her to death)
Taylor Swift
Elizabeth I
Elizabeth II
These are all the great women in history
Nah. She will be Merkel 2.0
I can literally only think of one female artist worth noting
>Wu Zetian
>Ended her own legacy
>Taylor Swift
>Pop icon
>Ayn Rand
>Most boring author of the 20st century
>Greek whore
you best not be talking shit about tay in my thread user
They do. They are the ones who go beyond their feelings and anatomy to create and provide for modern society. What have you done to provide?
the artists you think are 'worth noting' are based on memes though. i doubt you have any insight into art history
debate me
you can't
>tay tay
>not a great woman
End yourself
Retarded contratianism. You do realize that anti-great mean histories don't deny that they were great and influential? They just disagree where their greatness comes from.
>The mothers of great men might have had a great deal of influence
I feel like this is fairly pointless. You could speculate that about everyone.
>All of the writers, actors and musicians who formed contemporary pop culture from 19th century onwards
You're implying that every artist from 19th century onwards was a female?
She was Reagan with teats. She wasn't a good ruler.
Harriet Tubman
Susan B Anthony
Mother Teresa
Princess Diana
My own Mother
The Virign Mary
Mary Magdalene
Queen Elizabeth
How is your mother a great person?
sure. nothing you said has anything to do with greatness or the absence of it
This is true. On many dimensions men to to be more spread across the spectrum while women group in the middle. You can see this with IQ for example.
I also think that my mother is a great person, since she managed to raise me as a good man, while I was a fucking twat and a total cunt in my childhood.
On the contrary, what makes all those great?
Wu Zetian ended her own legacy and died without children, failing the only thing she was supposed to do. Taylor Swift is just a hot singer. Ayn Rand was a massive autist and nothing else. Cleopatra fucked caesar and that's about it. He won a civil war for her,
>Ayn Rand was a massive autist and nothing else
While I think Ayn Rand was a terrible writer and philosopher, you can say that any great man in history was just a massive autist as well.
>implying the Iron Throne can support her girth
Hypatia was pretty dank.
it's about context dude. these women achieved a notable place in history despite competing with great men
>failing the only thing she was supposed to do.
>no one has posted Emmy Noether yet
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, didn't expect otherwise from Veeky Forums anyways you fucking art majors.
Florence Nightingale
Women have not been allowed to become shit besides housewives for millenia on end.
And even if a woman had gained influence, no self-respecting politician would admit to it. In Rome ambitious women were seen evil she-wolves.
>Harriet Tubman
She must be that great if I have only heard of her from some nonsense about notes.
If you're including impact on fields of study, Marie Curie should probably be included, and there are several other female scientists and mathematicians who probably qualify. They are at least as important as Magnus Carlsen, if that's the bar. It's also important to not that in terms of academia women were at a distinct disadvantage for much of history, as they did not have access to the same education as men most of the time. I guess that's also true of other "great men" roles, like the military and statesmanship.
Hildegard of Bingen is great
List of people I like:
Theodora and Victoria.
Sappho and Queen Elisabeth
Elisabeth of Bohemia
Marie Curie
Simone de Beauvoir
Ada Lovelace
Susan Haack
Rani Lill Anjum
Janina Hosiasson
Anna Freud
Judit Polgár
An absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, this is ignorant. For the ignorant, illiteracy will become evidence against marginalised literature.
The Holy Virgin
Mary of Magdala
Joan of Arc
Hildegard von Bingen
Mary of Magdalene
glorified cheerleader
"Great men" is just a meme.
Catherine the Great
she hade sex with a horse
Queen Elizabeth I
Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Victoria
Margaret Thatcher
Isabella of Castile
Maria Theresa
>bawww other people accomplishing great things means we're not all equal and that triggers me
jesus christ, civil rights were a mistake
All the great women in history have been mothers, and therefore overshadowed by their progeny.
margaret's progeny is a shit
>all these fucking people saying thatcher
name one things she did that wasn't great
>in b4 "muh mines" or "muh milk"
Sayyida al-Hurra
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Catherine the Great
Elizabeth I
Stop applying bullshit reasons for non-greatness to great women when most of the great men in history had equally bullshit reasons for non-greatness.
best post in thread
Banning homosexual relations in toto. That couldn't be fucking enforced.
>disliking 50% of the world, most of which you don't know, for no particular reason
Yep. Completely logical.
Was a conservative while also being a woman in power. Makes as much sense as being a Chad that's also a cuck.
Mary Seacole
She removed garrison from Falklands to save money, lost 120 years worth of keeping the garrison there in damage to Royal Navy when Argies decided to rename the islands to Malvinas.
Oh and btw. she had nothing against phasing out majority of RN before the war also for cutting budget spending. Have Argentinians attacked 2 years later and British would have hard time retaking them.
I want to contribute to this thread.I think the topic is not worth the discussion but I fapped this morning to the picture when I saw it.I just couldn´t help myself.Felt truly great
That's more meaningful contribution than most posts in these "r all wymyn bitches??? A wymyn didnt give me secks so thats the answer" threads that keep popping up.
ba ha ha you are just ba ha ha
Then name them. Marie Curie was made famous because she was her husband's assistant.
>And in real life well you have the wives of great men, they contributed to their husbands greatnesses undeniably.
Fucking laughable and vain.
Masculinity cannot exist without femininity. On its own, masculinity has no meaning, because it is but one half of a set of power relations. Masculinity pertains to male fragility and faux showmanship behind greater strength.
Saint Olga of Kiev is officially best girl
King Arthur
One ought to be allowed to leave no garrison on a group islands without a country with no claim invading. Especially in the 1980's since stealing land was no longer "accepted".
>Women can't be conservatives
Stop making glass ceilings
Catherine the Great was by definition great.
Why are all great women evil?
checked also
>buttmad englishman
Anna Komnenos
Matilda of Tuscany
Not following how this dualism of yours disqualifies that statement.
Men are fragile creatures. They always have been.