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He answers that extensively in his work.

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

He romanticized death

did he died?

Because you touch yourself at night

Real men shit.

Because he was a 5'1 manlet.

His military coup d'etat failed.

He breaks into office of the commander of the officer academy. Forces all the cadets to listen to him ramble on and then ask them to join him in revolution. Cadets went "nope". So he kills him self.

yes, unfortunately one of his followers served as a second, but did not know how to use a sword failed to behead him, eventually one of the officers he was holding took pity on him and finished the job.

Based movie though. One of my favorites.

The dude who failed also killed himself.

>A small night storm blows
>Saying 'falling is the essence of a flower'
>Preceding those who hesitate
t. Yukio Mishima's death poem

just couldn't handle the shame

He was disappointed with modern japanese.
I can understand him.

You have that picture saved on your phone.


yeah, so?


someone on a chinese cartoon forum told him his waifu was shit

superior right winger flying by

He cemented right wing sentiment with his blood.

Blood meme magic is some dank shit and the principles he stood for wouldn't resonate with the silent majority in Japan nearly as much otherwise.

We should remember that this is NOT a picture of his suicide.

Yukio Mishima was obsessed with death and several times staged his suicide, including one occasion in which a series of pictures was taken.

This guy.

He did someone so smart fall for such spooky thinking (nationalist etc)?

If you're willing to understand the motives behind this suicidal ritual you should consider to watch Harakiri. It goes realistically deep.

>i am a nationalist, the emperor is an immortal demigod and we little yellow men are meant to rule the planet
>other people are laughing at me and i cant retort, feels bad man
>best sit down and read some books so i can better defend my views
>hmm, now that i am intelligent this does seem a bit spooky
>but fuck it, i am so invested in it at this point, best rationalize the reason away and stick to spooks
>today is the day, knees week, arms are heavy, vomit on his kimono already, mom's ramen
>come out to talk to the nation, surely they will follow me, surely tomorrow we will be taking over Beijing
>they all laugh, its a failure, nobody takes me seriously, barely able to finish my speech
>time to die, my only trusty friends in this world, my only loyal men will cut off my head and it will be done

And then the guy in charge of cutting off his head failed a couple of times, essentially chopping it off like a butcher. The End.

No, Mishimas executioner handed the sword over to his own executioner, another member of the shield society, thus he beheaded both of them. He's still alive, and lives somewhere as a Shinto priest





"The romantic impulse that had formed an undercurrent in me from boyhood on, and that made sense only as the destruction of classical perfection, lay waiting in me. Like a theme in an operatic overture that is later destined to occur throughout the whole work, it laid down a definitive pattern for me before I had achieved anything in practice.

Specifically, I cherished a romantic impulse towards death, yet at the same time I required a strictly classical body as its vehicle; a peculiar sense of destiny made me believe the reason why my romantic impulse towards death remained unfulfilled in reality was the immensely simple fact I lacked the necessary physical qualifications. A powerful, tragic frame and sculpturesque muscles were indispensable in a romantically noble death. Any confrontation between weak, flabby flesh and death seemed to me extremely inappropriate. Longing at the age of eighteen for an early demise, I felt unfitted for it. I lacked, in short, the muscles suitable for a dramatic death. And it deeply offended my romantic pride that it should be this unsuitability that had permitted me to survive the war."


He was gay

"After destroying England [in Asia] and restoring Turkey, after making India independent and China autonomous, the Rising Sun Flag of Japan shall offer the light of that sun to all mankind. The second coming of Christ, prophesized in every country on earth, actually signifies the scripture and sword of Japan [as a new] Mohammed. The Japanese people must soon face a national crisis unprecedented in history. It will come as a result of reorganizing the state's political and economic structure [...] Peace without war is not the way of heaven."

"The present state of affairs is definitely unjust [...] England is a multi-millionaire standing over the whole world. Russia is the great landlord of the northern hemisphere. Japan is in the position of an international proletarian with a string of small islands for boundaries. Does Japan not have the right to go to war and seize their monopolies in the name of justice?"

"We the Japanese people must be the cyclone center of a war to liberate mankind. Therefore the Japanese state is at Absolute which will bring about the establishment of our idea of world revolution. Ideological fulfillment and militant organization of the Japanese state is a sacred undertaking on behalf of this absolute goal. We shall try [...] oday to realize the ideals of Martin Luther, who said that the state is an ethical institution. The dangerous internal and external crises that have come before our very eyes will not let us avoid fundamental reorganization of the state structure and creative revolution in the national spirit. We do not consider it sufficient to pursue reorganization and revolution for Japan alone, but because we really believe in the Japanese nation's destiny to be the great apostle of mankind's war of liberation we want to begin with the liberation of Japan itself. "

t: Kita Ikki

Because he was the gayest man in Japan.


Why do some Japanese have such a boner for Turkey? Have they ever been there? If they pass-out when they go to Paris, due to inflated expectations, I'd hate to see what would happen if they ever visited Turkey.

so he believed in japan's romantic suicide spook

It was a big Oriental empire that wrecked European shit, I assume that must have been the main thing in WWII. There's also the Ural-Altaic/Turanic meme:

Mishima gave some amusing accounts of India in his books by the way.

>Mishima gave some amusing accounts of India in his books by the way.
What did he write on India?

It was a powerful Empire with a Nationalist movement that served to inspire others. Ikki is often charcterised as a fascist, he desired full mobilisation of the nation

>After destroying England [in Asia] and restoring Turkey
>restoring Turkey


Didn't he also get a boner when he committed seppuku?

Go read the Temple of Dawn, the character basically tours all of Southern Asia.

ottoman empire maybe? at that time they were geting shat on by various european power.

1. Good looking
2. Rich
3. Living in the best time period in the best country
4. Nobel Prize nomination and likely would have won in his life

and he fucked it all up with meme nationalism. how can someone have it all and throw it away like that

well you scream gay because you have a boner

Okay, they're both in Asia but literally on extreme opposite ends of it. Japan has as much in common with Turkey as France does, which none at all. My bet is he fell for the Turanic meme, he strikes me as the sort of guy who would buy into that.

To be fair Ataturk's Turkey was the best Turkey that has ever existed. I know that's not saying much.

>Okay, they're both in Asia but literally on extreme opposite ends of it
That didn't matter to late 19th century/early 20th century thinkers. The West invented the Orient and Asia, and Westernized Orientals adopted the Asian identity.


Destroying something beautiful for symbolic reasons is sublime. A sacred act. A holy sacrifice.


People should be banned for stirnerposting


No internet back then. He'd probably be running a reactionary blog if he were alive today.

Dude reads like a sperg. Autism.