What made the Swedes so good at war?
What made the Swedes so good at war?
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Our genuinely Swedish barbarism
Revolutionary tactics like mobile artillery. Perhaps they also had a bit of zeal being soldiers of Protestant Sweden which was fighting against the forces of the pope.
they lost that war
Unlike most soldiers, they were more than happy to have long deployments away from home, secure in the knowledge that their wives and daughters would be taken care of by well endowed Bulls.
I have no knowledge on the subject but the image you've provided isn't the best example. Holding a fort obviously requires fewer soldiers than taking one does and they had more artillery/cannons as well.
Not to add funding from France..
They used book keeping to determine superior tactics than the popular feel based approach. Like during the 30 years war it was common to send out several initial waves of knights to shoot several pistol barrages before contact, most likely very cool looking and impressive
But Gustavus found few enemies dead from pistol bullets in regard to the massive cost to outfit cavalry, with several pistols, and supply them ammunition. I imagine it would be very hard to tell what was effective or not outside losing
They literally got btfo by the Tsardom not long after
They had the best cavalry units
Fighting only incompetent shitholes instead of the powerful France and Spain I'd say
They only got gud after they captured former danish lands
So literally, because Denmark
Carolean army was one hell of a drug
>run up 100m from enemy
>volley to the face
>Run up to 50m from enemy
>second volley so close you can snipe balls off
>then draw swords/pike armed grenadiers charge forward into terrified and decimated enemies
Nothing could stand up to that in the day especially given the kind of warfare they were used to
which mod is this?
Got it wrong, they fired FIRST at 50 metres then after at 20 just before the charge
I think is M&B:With Fire & Sword, a standalone expansion
at first I was like
but then
Russian has sucked at war since forever. They were a threat due their sheer numbers
They fought Spainish troops once and lost. Besides,most of the Swedish troops were German during the 30 years war
Carolus Rex
Yes, it's With Fire & Sword.
Pretty good game, fun gunplay. A bit easy once you figure out that swedish cav > all
Even does sieges easily, just position them outside the gate and get them to gun down everyone as they funnel out.