Why can't Russia into liberalism?
Why can't Russia into liberalism?
What a qt.
>soviet nazis
How fucking wrong is that image.
Maybe for the simple thing that it wants to diverge from the West?
>The two Groups who killed each other more than anyone else in history joining force
>National Bolshevism
Eduard Limonov is numero uno.
They tried extreme liberalism for a few decades but it didn't work out too well.
That ain't liberalism you fool
>It wasn't my specific brand of infallible socialism that toally works so it wasn't real socialism
>quoting nobody
>be russian
>get despotism
Spot the American
>Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.
because they're not degenerate
Very little you know about Russia I assume
Russians are still reeling from the economic liberalisation from the 90's. They called the Demshiza period, (Democratic schizophrenia). And can you blame them? Look at all the big liberal politicians in Russia, they're all rich shills for western governments and multinational corporations. If Putin hadn't come along, it would still be in the age of Ukraine is today
1. A multiethnic state in a liberal democracy? the country would balkanise immediately
2. Without a centrally planned or mixed economy many people in the countryside would starve
3a. Russia has no topographical defense against invasion unlike Switzerland or the United Kingdom
3b. This has lead to innumerable invasions from the West since it is open game for hungry European militarists. Authoritarianism is simply a matter of self preservation, Russia needs solidarity or it will collapse.
4. Orthodox Christianity/steppe mentality. When Tolstoy writes "God" he means Marx. The Russian religion looks to the endless horizon and sees a horizontal brotherhood of men, this is not the individualist Protestantism of the American colonies.
>pic related
>nazi salute
>soviet hammer and sickle
Nazbols are special
I never thought this kind of shit was possible and yet... Proves only that extremists don't give a shit about coherence and will mix up anything they find cool and forget the rest just to fit in their retarded fantasy.
Cuckstianity was destroyed in this country before it could harm the russian people with his universalist and equalitarian propaganda
Stalin and Hitler were bros but on paper we still have the problem that communism is far left and nazism far right. Nazis could call themselves socialists as much as they wanted but it has nothing to do with communism
>but on paper we still have the problem that communism is far left and nazism far right
So they embraced it and let hypocrisy behind them ?
What do you mean?
The point is that both the Nazis and the Bolsheviks had an ideological foundation that they never embraced at all.
The Nazis said they were socialists, but they never socialized any industry, in fact they privatized several industries and kept industrial magnates in their pocket the whole time they were in power.
Same thing with the Bolsheviks, they claimed they were communists and wanted to create a communist society, but instead they created a state capitalist society, where the bureaucracy managed everything.
Check my sixes, you know it be true.
Russian people prefer to choose one guy that got to decide what them all should do. Centralization of the power is very high here.
Yeah but that didn't prevent them to go to each other's throats, as we saw in Germany, with each side antagonizing the other because they thought they were different.
In fact, and this is the horseshoe theory, throught their means and the way they worked, they were both as dangerous as the other, and resulted on the same shit.
However, and that is why I am talking about hypocrisy, those russian nazi soviets use both symbols at the same time to unify those two separate doctrines, which as we saw, are closer as they'd like to admit. Something which seems strange at first sight is in fact logical enough to appear as a new doctrine
Pretty much this.
>try monarchy
>get despotism
>try communism
>get despotism
>try democracy
>get despotism
There's no other way to manage a sprawling multiethnic state between global powers.
Yeah, and the reason they went to war was nationalism in the end.
He even looks the part.
It's all just insane crap.
This is , you are wrong on your assumption. And I say it ain't liberalism because according to the book "Our political nature: the evolutionary origins of what divides us" far left ('socialism') and far right are similary authoritarian, while liberalism is not.
Besides I do not even consider myself a liberal, but a centrist.
Check out that book I thought it was really fascinating.
> muh horseshoe theory
Communists say that liberalism and fascism are the same too, you know?
That fucking double face palm. I feel bad for that guy.
Communists are hardly into science.
More than the liberals for sure.
>anti-religious, anti-dualist
>literally called "scientific socialism"
"hardly into science"
I am not talking of the communist state, but of armchair communists. I used to be on a forum filled with those and Marx ideas are pretty much dogmatic. For example most of them believe history is deterministic.
What is also notable, again from that book, that the far left tends to believe heavily in nurture, ánd nature as cooperative while the far right is more into nature instead of nurture and sees nature as competitive. See
history and culture of authoritarianism and despotism
> I feel bad for that guy.
Why would you? He is Veeky Forums of Russian Politics, smart man who most of the time pretending to be retarded or being the absolute madman. This man is a walking meme, basically.
Because slavs are slaves.
They weren't civilized by the eternal anglo.
Capitalists have killed far, far more people than communists have
He's not even a commie, right? Just an imperialist
This guy is fucking based.
Russians are the niggers of white people.
Horseshoe theory is retarded.
>wow these two ideologies show some slight resemblance in practice that means they're more similar to each other than different
He is from Liberal Democratic Party, so not commie for sure.
Are you intentionally acting dumb or are you just a typical uneducated American?
National Bolsheviks. Pretty much the Stalinist model, a.k.a. Socialism in One Country.
He's being satirical, comparing liberal apologia to socialist apologia
Excellent predictions Mr. Engels.
commie nazis
>When Tolstoy writes "God" he means Marx.
Thanks for the laugh
They do not empirically test hypothesis but instead set out to argue for an idea that they already see as fact. Marxist's view of history and social relations is completely deterministic and infallible by design.
You didn't get it, this theory just explains that extreme right and extreme left are not polar opposite, as they should logically be, since they're at both ends of the political spectrum, but are instead dreadfully resemblant in their means and applications, thus the horseshoe form to depict the political spectrum instead of a bar
Usually, when centralized states formed in Europe during the 15th to 17th centuries, merchant city-states ruled by guilds were more or less peacefully absorbed. That's how it happened with London in England, with Paris in France (though some cities tried to use Protestantism to regain privileges) and in Portugal (in Spain the cities revolted against Charles V, but the suppression of the revolt wasn't so violent). Later, these cities and their civic activism formed the basis for liberalism.
In Russia, the city of Novgorod was completely destroyed by Ivan the Terrible and it's oligarchy was slaughtered. The cultural, social and economical basis for liberalism was ended before it could even begin.
Leon Trotsky?
Again, we are not the Enemy.
Please look again.
Please look Yet again.
>muh civic activism
Yeah but individualism lets usShift the blame from the system onto the individual and everybody else is making too much money to care
Liberalism is only possible in a countrys with high living standards. Russia is not.
It did: Communism.
>using canned responses
>misusing the term liberal
>being this american
kill urself my man
Is National Bolshevism the one that was started by not-racist Liberals for a laugh and as a general anti-authority sort of thing, but ended up being largely taken over by actual Neo-Nazi types?
Spotted the american
They tried it under Yeltsin, and, well, now he's probably the most hated leader in Russian history
>A multiethnic state in a liberal democracy? the country would balkanise immediately
I dunno, the UK holds itself together despite most Scottish people identifying as Scottish only (60%, although falling.)
Lol, fuck off
not just an American, but the intellectual dregs of American political discourse. Seriously baffling how Yanks can have such a distorted definition of "liberalism", not appending it perhaps as "left-liberalism", "Democrat-liberalism", etc
What about modern liberalism?
>People understand their own business and their own interests, but prefer to care more about other's people business and interests and influence it instead of sticking to their own thing.