Is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
>France dindu nuffin dey wuz gud bois
You need to put Franz Ferdinand in tried to stop it tier.
Lacks diversity.
Where are the black philosophers you CIS piece of shit.
You forgot Princip.
Other than that it's alright.
Asquith needs to be promoted to opportunistic shit, considering he brought Britain in just to kick the shit out of the Kaiser, also First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill for his illegal 1914 seizure of the Reşadiye-class battleships the Ottoman Empire had ordered, with no compensation whatsoever, creating major tension between the British and Ottoman Empires.
> No Gavrilo Princip
Pretty shit chart
Black Hand in it's their fault tier
Forget it, never saw Dragutin
>Maybe if I put Wilhelm at a lower tier it will throw off my anti-german shitposting and french apologism
Britain was responsible for starting WW1 by supplying the Black Hand. They engineered WW1 to keep their monopoly on fuel and to stop powers like Germany and Turkey from rising. Wake up sheeple!
> no french revanchism implications
> british did nothing wrong
> russians not chiefly responsible
austria was the main culprit, but this is probably the single worst image i've ever seen posted on this board
Gavrilo needs to be put in 'It's their fault tier"
What's the best introductory book on WWI? I'm always so embarrassed when it comes up because I really know very little about it
Poincaré gave Russia a carte blanche and Russia played imperialistic games in the Austro-Hungarian backyard.
France and Russia are by no means innocent.
Kill yourself. If you wanna build a strawman go to a fucking pasture
It's fine except I don't see the Rothschilds anywhere in there
Christopher Clark: The Sleepwalkers
enver literally did nothing wrong
>maybe if i call him anti german his position on tne war will seem unreasonAble and based on nothing else than prejudience against Germans
>Germany declares war on the French because France denies to leave their borders undefended
>people still find some way to blame France rather that Germany
>France concentrates their armies on the German-French border
>expects no declaration of war
>Franz Josef dindunuffin tier