Can we all agree that religions who preach that material world is inherently and invariably bad and one should just "endure it" in preparation for the next stage (heaven, reincarnation, etc) are cancer upon humanity?
Can we all agree that religions who preach that material world is inherently and invariably bad and one should just...
No, it's a pretty accurate outlook on the material metaphysical plane.
Atheists are often depressed because their deepest experiences are found in vain sesnusal pursuits. They experience, yet do not recognise 2 facts; 1) nothing is ever as good as it seems and 2) one is frustratingly unable to attain those vain things one so desires most of the time. Thus the atheist is completely blind, but too starstruck by sex, drugs, or whatever worldly thing they happen to fancy that the enlightened beliefs of a spiritual man seem to him abhorrent. One may liken it to a sinking cruise ship; the atheist tries in vain to continue dancing as the ballroom collapses around him, whilst the spiritual man searches for a lifeboat.
>tfw atheist buddhist
I think you meant the word "materialist"
It is much more becoming than thinking this life means nothing, and that when you die you are absolved of all responsibility to those who yet live. That to me is cancer.
A solid grasp of Buddhism coming through.
What about reincarnation like in hinduism? Where you have to endure many lives of shit until you are free?
>“The Tibetan lama listened respectfully to the Jesuit priest [Father Huc] and replied, ‘Your religion is the same as ours.’”
How does this work exactly? If you do not believe in spirituality then what's the point? Unless you suppose that Buddhism simply comprises of meditation and contemplation.
The problem is that the spiritual man hopes that the lifeboat exists even though no evidence of it is present.
The "dancing in the ballroom" attitude is also equally bad.
The correct action here is to try to fix the damn ship.
"Spirituality" is a means to an end, not an end in itself.
Atheism isn't a negation of spiritualism but rather the non-existence of god/s.
Also spirituality is too big of an umbrella word to apply to one thing in a concise manner. A spiritual buddhist will be different from spiritual christian or a spiritual humanist or a spiritual newage person.
I'm pretty sure he was just trying to get the Jesuits to screw off because no they fucking aren't.
*tips fedora*
Yeah technically you could be an atheist and believe in ghosts, demons, elves, fairies, werewolves, ghouls, vampires, zombies, evil spells, divination, good luck charms, and all sorts of crazy shit.
Of course that's very rare and most atheists tend to disavow the supernatural entirely, but it's possible.
>no evidence
Can't fault someone for actually having a look
>fix the ship
You know this is naive (and impossible) right?
Not technically, but thats the meaning of the word itself.
The word atheism has a pretty standard definition. Rejection of gods in belief/existence/etc.
Japan is mostly an atheist buddhist/shinto country. They still belief in ghosts/spirits and shit. Hell there's branches of Hinduism thats completely dialectical monist atheism. They still belief in superficial shits.
Maybe you want to be more precise in choosing your words correctly? Instead of atheists, just go with materialists. Thats a universal word that would include atheism but also rejection of supernatural. Or rather a very specific brand of materialism proposed known by the current western standards.
Your materialist dogmatism is showing.
Most Japanese Buddhism and Shinto are not atheistic. While a kami is not necessarily the same as a western god, they are often indistinguishable, both in how they affect the mortal realm, and how their aid was sought for various earthly purposes.
Early Buddhist temples in Japan were often constructed in order to seek the Buddha's intervention in worldly affairs.
While Japan today is highly secular, it would be foolish to label its historical religious institutions as atheist spirituality.
>You know this is naive (and impossible) right?
Except this is what humanity has been doing for centuries due to secular views of the west. We are living in the most prosperous and peaceful times ever, because people are trying to "fix the ship".
If material-hating "spiritual men" were in majority we would still be a middle-age shithole.
In response to your question: no. We, the Veeky Forums board cannot agree.
You're forgetting that we die. Cruise may have gotten better over time but it is still going to crash and burn at some point.
>I'm pretty sure he was just trying to get the Jesuits to screw off because no they fucking aren't.
No. Read:
Resemblances Between the Buddhist and Roman Catholic Religions
by Lydia Maria Child in The Atlantic (Monthly)
December 1870
This is exactly the cancerous viewpoint I'm talking about - looking at all the achievements of humanity and spitting at it because apparently "it's all for naught".
I wonder what scrubs like you will be saying once we have a viable biological rejuvenation. Scaremongering about sun death or universe death I presume.
>just live in the moment bro xD
Your view is also cancer. Going ostrich pill and ignoring everything is a terrible way to live.
Veeky Forums's """""""""""""""Spiritual"""""""""""""" man often refers to christians and abrahamics, who are busy being angry that other people are not in their same lifeboat, kek.
>>just live in the moment bro xD
that's exactly the opposite of what the other guy was talking about
>One may liken it to a sinking cruise ship; the atheist tries in vain to continue dancing as the ballroom collapses around him, whilst the spiritual man searches for a lifeboat.
More like the fedora sits vaping in the smoking room pretending to be intellectual as he concludes death is inevitable, the spiritual man searches for a lifeboat that isn't there and the übermensch is busy tearing out planks, lashing them together and trying to build a raft.
>pic unrelated
It astounds me how hard of a time autists have wrapping their heads around the tenets of Buddhism.
It's not "everything is bad, oh nooooo", it's "there is such a thing as suffering, and it can be minimized or exacerbated by how you live your life" which only an autismo supreme would start sharting and shrieking "PROOF? EVIDENCE?" about
Its because the early Jesuits would try to use local customs/gods/words to promote their religion. It worked to an extent in China before the europeans found out about it and declared them heretics.
if you say to the tibetans, Jesus Christ is a bodhisattva that will show you the path to enlightenment, then ofcourse they'd say its similar to their religion.
The thing with Buddhists is that they try their hardest to be only observers of the world that don't interfere with it. To them having expectations and goals is a source of suffering.
In essence they are lazy faggots who meditate all day and contribute nothing.
>inherently and invariably bad
Read a fucking book on the subject, or at least and article, before making an asshole of yourself.
>goals are a source of suffering
The Buddha clearly distinguishes between unwholesome desire (tanha) and wholesome desire (chanda). You have no idea what you're talking about. why do you spend time shittalking something you obviously haven't even studied?
>four noble truth
>goal and expectation is a source of suffering
stop being stupid and atleast get a basic 5 minute read on wiki before spouting nonsense.
>wholesome desire (chanda)
>Ajahn Sucitto states:
>Desire as an eagerness to offer, to commit, to apply oneself to meditation, is called chanda.
Wow, sitting on your ass all day, such worthy pursuit.
Desire to self-improve is chanda, is what he's saying. Having wholesome goals is chanda. You have no idea what you're talking about, especially since you think Buddhism thinks desire is unwholesome in and of itself, and not simply that which makes suffering possible.
Stop posting.
Not until you post a single example of Buddhist who contributed something of value (writing more books about Buddhism doesn't count).
At least Christfags have astronomy, physics and germ theory among other things. THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE OH GREAT ZEN MASTERS?
material plane =/= metaphysical plane.
material metaphysical plane = oxymoron.
>m-muh material contributions
Contributing to peace of mind and wellbeing through a tried-and-true methodology that's existed for nearly 3,000 years not enough for ya champ? The same benefits that have been empirically verified?
They can make your soldiers go BANZAI
>peace of mind and wellbeing
You offer nothing but lethargy and stagnation. A philosophy for abused peasantry to accept their shitty fate.
>getting a handle on your shit is for peasants and slaves *tips fedora*
Spoken liken a true samsaracuck
Its the fucking "ancient people couldnt build boats" thread all over again thanks to you. Putting your fingers in your ears, denying everythong someone says and movong goalposts. Go back to your fucking hugbox.
The only non retarded religions are these who preach personal salvation, since we truly can't truly impact the world,
t. zen buddhist
Unfortunately the lifeboat doesn't exist
>only zen buddhists are atheist
>all zen buddhists are atheist
Just because you live in new york doesnt mean the material world is enjoyable
No, I'd say it's a pretty reasonable view of things.
>Embracing slave morality
>Literal cuck-life
>Being the passive for your entire life
Enjoy the nothingness that comes after.
Spoken like a true child of the era of prosperity. Starvation, disease, and crushing levels of poverty were much more common in previous eras when these doctrines were developed.
The atheist doesn't delude himself with some pretend 'happy ever after in five simple steps!', he gets the unique benefit of being able to fully focus on the only reality.
Does philosophical Taoism meet that definition?
I've never heard of a religion like that OP, are you starting a cult?