Is science racist?

>go to Math class
>only hear the names of old white males
>Go to Physics class
>only hear the names of old white males
>Go to Chemistry class
>only hear the names of old white males

Don't you think it's weird that we never learn about the contributions of people of color to science? What are they trying to hide?

It sounds like the same people that invented the "IQ test" (TM) to put blacks and POC down
are involved in making the school curricula.

Should white male scientists be boycoted and gradually removed from of theclassrooms in favor of a more diverse education?


(you) (you) (you)

The only contribution people of color made was working hard in farms and slave plantations so that white men had enough luxury and spare time to do science.

dude this is what essjaydubyas literally believe lmao

Funny thing is, in humanities and English they can afford to boycot white male authors, proving that what is taught in these schools is perfectly inconsequential. These are the so-caled "educated" people that vote for democrats, against Brexit, etc.

Versus the people that never get college degrees and vote for the Republicans? Oh right, they're red pilled because reading the paranoid ramblings on the Drudge Report or Breitbart is worth a lifetime of education and self-critique.


Yeah, I bit, go fuck yourselves

Yeah and what did Muslims do with algebra again? This is like saying that because the Chinese invented paper every book ever written should be attributed to the Chinese.

Study mathematics and find me one mathematical theorem proposed by an Arab mathematician.

BTW so-called Arabic numbers are Hindu.

>Social sciences and crap like that
>Real degree

Not voting Republicans means, and it will always mean, being a pleb :^)

Strange way of spelling self-referring.

Don't know about arabsm but there were plenty of Indian mathematics, even in recent times

White male authors are not boycotted anywhere. They are obviously not taught in, say, a class on black authors but you'll often find white male scholars being discussed even in such classes.

Kill this bait thread pls

Why are you some kind of racist???

>some kind
what kind?

Cis white male supremacist kind

>party that supposedly champions the poor, working class americans
>Except when they are white

Not even a white person m8

Then why do you want to kill a thread that is against white supremacy in schools?

Dem policies would end up helping the poor, the republicans trick the rural poor into voting against their interest by focusing on red meat immigration, anti-abortion, and pro-rich tax cuts.

it's like being against the olympics just because a bunch of countries win all the medals.
end the bait

They actually would not "help the poor", if you must.
Let's take a look at Detroit Michigan shall we?
A crime ridden shithole ruled by the blues.
You can fuck right off now, can't you?
Democrat's are doing the one thing Alexsis said would ruin democracy.
>The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.

>the 'but detroit' meme

Pathetic. It's almost as if you don't know how rust belt politics work

This is not an argument.